14 Jun 2020
21 Jun 2020
Location: Worldwide
Surname/tag: data_doctors
Location: Worldwide

Surname/tag: data_doctors
This page has been accessed 268 times.
- This page is part of the Data Doctors Project.
- Latest report: February 9th 2025.
- Data Doctors Challenge: Fix_Broken_Links_XVI and
- Custom reports by: Suggestion lists, Unsourced lists, Unconnected lists.
- See
for custom reports and statistics and our Video Collection.
- Latest ProjectBox Report: Project Report
- Latest Categories Report: Categories Suggestions Report
Here are suggestion lists with basic person data and links to WikiTree. The analysis was done on data from June 14th 2020.
For changes since the previous update, see the "Statistics" section on WikiTree+.
For questions and comments, click here: .
- I removed 451 and 453 suggestions, since they weren't wery usefull.
- I adjusted a few things in location recognition. I added a few spellings of locations and I added support for At Sea. I am not sure if At Sea is completely recognized and I will check it these days.
Previous News
- There are 15000 new GEDCOM junk suggestions. That is due to additional heading I consider junk (=== UPD ===).
- Profile completeness suggestions are now LIVE. I have prepared a system to calculate suggestions about the profiles completeness for a member if he chooses so. These suggestions are no longer project oriented, although a project can choose to check project managed profiles. I built a verification of managed profiles based on Category:Suggestions_-_Include_Profile_Completeness. If a WikiTree member adds himself to this category, his managed profiles will be checked for data completeness. Now we have 44 users in the category, but you can add/remove yourself whenever you want. I still have to write the Help pages about them. I will try to do that in a few days.
- I did some corrections in calculations related to private profiles, where I didn't anticipate private data.
- I added a few Dutch countries and excluded town names as Official spellings. That reflects in 460, 466 Location Country not correct suggestions.
- I grouped them in a separate group on all reports.
- On WikiTree+ they are shown as a separate group.
- 6x8 suggestions (Misspelled country) have a slight increase in numbers because I added a few new spellings for older Dutch countries.
- I released a new version of WikiTree+ Chrome extension. It has a few new things also usable to DD. Changes in version is 0.3.2 are:
- Few corrections on Add template
- Updated source citation
- Added FAG Citation
- Added WikiData URL
- Improved "Explain your changes:" comment
- Added template parameter type for WikiTreeBlog
- Added template parameter type for needs on ProjectBoxes.
- Added Help links in menus and dialogs
- I added the possibility to search by a decade like 1970s That will return all profiles that were alive in that decade. Details are on Help:WikiTree_Plus#Text_search_2
- Connection finder on WikiTree+ has new Relatives options. It is possible to find common Ancestor or Common Descendant. and If you used WikiTree+ today, you might need to do full refresh.
- Added data date to all online reports at the end.
- Updated WikiTree+ Chrome add-on. Now it is present on all edit pages including profiles.
- Added additional support for 2 letter stated in reports. Now I can limit LA to the end of the location field. If some state has a lot of profiles not from the state displayed, let me know.
- Extended profile search capabilities on WikiTree+. You can now search by Birth and death date. You enter b or d prefix followed by YYYY or YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD You can also enter 0 to get the profiles without the date. Example to find my father B19401213 D1994
Suggestion Lists
Analysis was done on data from June 14th 2020.
- News on Data Doctors Report (June 14th 2020) Jun 15, 2020.
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- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
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