23 Aug 2020
30 Aug 2020
Location: Worldwide
Surname/tag: data_doctors
Location: Worldwide

Surname/tag: data_doctors
This page has been accessed 224 times.
- This page is part of the Data Doctors Project.
- Latest report: February 2nd 2025.
- Data Doctors Challenge: Orphaned_Profiles_LI and
- Custom reports by: Suggestion lists, Unsourced lists, Unconnected lists.
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Here are suggestion lists with basic person data and links to WikiTree. The analysis was done on data from August 23rd 2020.
For changes since the previous update, see the "Statistics" section on WikiTree+.
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- EditBOT 13000 corrections to clear Global Cemetery 897 Deprecated parameter in template suggestions are now gone.
- After all complications with google, a new version of WikiTree+ Chrome extension is finally published. It has a few new things also usable to DD. Changes in version is 0.3.5 are:
- Finished Profile cleanup. It does everything EditBOT does and a few more things. That includes conversion of old Ancestry links to new ones, I also added automatic conversion of curly quotes to normal ones.
- Wikidata template got sameas parameter. It will function same as with FindAGrave template.
Previous News
- I was wery busy with Wikidata links. I added 20000 of new ones. So we reached a new milestone. 170000 profiles are linked from wikidata. You can see the connection stats here. I adjusted the conditions on when to add a link. I am also looking into setting a process, where you could define a link on WikiTree. It will probably be done with sameas parameter on Wikidata template. See I am also looking into populating Wikidata with WikiTree dates and relations. I have worked out the details and I will present a sample, when it will be ready.
- I released a new version of WikiTree+ Chrome extension. It has a few new things also usable to DD. Changes in version is 0.3.3 are:
- Moved Source pasting definition out of the extension, so I can update it daily.
- Added Profile cleanup. It is similar to what EditBOT does automatically on save.
- Moved Profile cleanup definition out of the extension, so I can update it daily.
- Wikidata links reached a new milestone. 150000 profiles are linked from wikidata. You can see the connection stats here. Today also marriages from ThePeerage are being imported to wikidata. That is the cause for a lot of new matches and slight increase in suggestions. It is still ongoing, so some suggestions may be temporary until next week.
- EditBOT did almost 9000 corrections to clear some of the 896 Unknown parameter in template suggestions.
- In suggestion 897 Error in template parameters I added checking of parameters that link to WikiTree pages. It is done for Categories, Projects, Space pages and Project Needs categories.
- I added additional checking of template parameters. That was in suggestion 848. I created 4 new ones 894-897 that will cover all parameter problems.
- I prepared two new suggestions (591 FindAGrave - Possible father and 592 FindAGrave - Possible mother) that list all missing parent relations between existing profiles. The suggestion is based on FindAGrave relations. In cases where both profiles are linked to findagrave and there is a parent relation on findagrave and there is no parent on wikitree, it suggests the connection. Of course you should first check if both findagrave memorials represent the correct persons on wikitree. Then you should try to find a source for the parent claim and add the relation if everything checks out.
- Added new magic word SourceJunk to search engine. It finds profiles with text "Family Data Collection" or "Millennium File" on the profile. Those are present on 47000 profiles. Here is a list of profiles with SourceJunk.
- I added new magic keyword UnmergedMatch to search for postponed merges in combination with any other text.
- I added new magic keyword PendingMerge to search for pending merges in combination with any other text.
- I added possibility to search template parameters. That enables you to search for any text inside curly brackets. To explicitly search template text, use templatetext=Andersson
- I added to Connection finder 2 new types of relation search. Paternal Lines and Maternal Lines. This can help in DNA queries to find a common father/mother.
- I exposed the actual data on which location suggestions are based. Based on the changes we did last week in the table, there are some new 6x8 spelling suggestions and 612 Location too early ones.
Suggestion Lists
Analysis was done on data from August 23rd 2020.
- Suggestions News and Updates (August 23rd 2020) Aug 25, 2020.
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