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Various David Cargill Newspaper Articles and Information

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New-York Evening Post May 15, 1809, Page 2

TO BE LET and possession given immediately the very next two story brick house No. 16 Beaver-street. Enquire at No. 33 Beaver-street of Martin S. Wilkins, or at No. 21 [unintelligible] of David Cargill. /May 3

New-York Evening Post June 26, 1810, Page 3

SUPREME COURT Between David Lydig, Merchant, Plaintiff and Philip Ebert, Gentleman, Deforceant. Public no[illegible] is here by given pursuant to the act of the Legislature of the people of the State of New York, in such case made and provided that a [illegible] with proclamations was levied in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the people of the State of New York, at the Capitol in the City of Albany, the third Tuesday of August in August term, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine, before James Kent, Smith Thompson, Ambrose Spencer, William W. Van Ness and Joseph C Yates, Justices of the said Supreme Court, and others then and there present and afterwards in November Term in the same year, granted and recorded before the same Justices, at the City Hall of the City of New York, between David Lydig. Merchant, Plaintiff, and Philip Ebert, Gentleman, Deforceant, (the parties above named) of the lands, tenants and premises, with the appurtenances situated in the town of Westchester in the county of Westchester, which are particularly mentioned and described in the said fine, as by the said fine herein, after set forth fully, and at large may appear and which said fine is to the effect following to wit, Westchester to wit. This is the final agreement made in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the people of the State of New York, at the Capitol in the City of Albany, on the third Tuesday of August in August Term, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine, before James Kent, Smith Thompson, Ambrose Spencer, William W. Van Ness and Joseph C. Yates, Justices of the said Supreme Court, and others then and there present, and afterwards in November Term in the same year, recorded in the same year, granted and recorded before the same Justices, between David Lydig, Merchant, Plaintiff, and Philip Ebert, Gentleman, Deforceant, of all that certain tract or parcel of land, with the appurtenances in the town of Westchester, in the county of Westchester, on the easterly side of a certain river or stream of water called Bronx river, and on both sides of the highway there leading from the said Bronx river to Westchester town so called, and butted and branded as follows, that is to say: beginning at the said river or stream of water called Bronx river, at the place where the division line between the said tract of land, and the land of Forman Cheeseman strikes the bank of the said Bronx river, and running from the said place of beginning along the said land of the said Forman Cheeseman, south seventy three degrees and ten minutes east six chains and six links to a certain stone fence there standing upon a part of the boundary line , between the said tract of land and the land of Oliver Delancey as follows, that is to say first north twenty six degrees and fifty five minutes east seven chains and thirty two links, along the stone fence [store?] said , to a pair of bars in the said fence, then north sixty five degrees and fifty minutes west four chains and twenty links to another fence thence north twenty eight degrees, east nineteen chains and ten links to a Cherry tree standing on the south side of the said highway, leading to Westchester town, thence north twenty eight degrees east across the said highway to and along a stone fence there lately made. Including teh same, twenty seven chains and seventy three links, thence north sixty two degrees west along a stone fence there lately made, including the same, five chains and forty links to a Chesnut tree, standing on the bank of the river or stream aforesaid, called Bronx river, a little below a small island in the said river or stream of water, called Bronx river, and thence in a southerly direction along the said river, as it runs to the place of beginning aforesaid. Containing twenty acres of land with the appurtenances --and of one other tract of parcel of land, with the appurtenances, in the said town of Westchester, in the said county of Westchester, lying on the westerly side of teh river or stream of water aforesaid, called Bronx river, and on both sides of the highway, now being the [unintelligible] road leading to the City of New York by the way of Harlem, & bounded as follows, that is to say: beginning at the westerly end of the mill dam of the mills, at and upon the aforesaid river or stream of water, called Bronx river, lately called Delancey's mills, now called Lydig's mills, and running from the said place of beginning, north forty degrees west four chains to the said last mentioned highway or post road leading to New York by the way of Harlem and then across the same to the north westerly corner made by the intersection thereof with the highway there leading to Kingsbridge; then along the said last mentioned highway leading to Kingsbridge, as it runs to the land late of Patrick Shay, now-deceased; thence along in said last mentioned land, first, north twenty two degrees and thirty minutes east two chains and forty links; then north twenty one degrees east six chains and twenty links to land of Anne Cox seventy four links westwardly from a Butternut stump standing in the line of the said land of the said Anne Cox; then along the said last mentioned land, first, southeasterly seventy four links to the said butternut stump, and then south fifty eight degrees cast seventeen chains and forty links to the before mentioned river or stream of water, called Bronx River, at a place called the steps, and thence along the said river or stream of water called Bronx river as it winds and runs to the aforesaid place of beginning containing one hundred and seventy acres of land, with the appurtenances; and of one other tract or parcel of land, with the appurtenances, in the said town of Westchester, in the said county of Westchester, on the easterly side of the aforesaid river of stream of water, called Bronx river, and butted and bounded as follows, that is to say-- beginning at a Locust tree standing by the road that leads from the highway, there to Lorillards snuff mills, and running from the said place of beginning westerly along other land of the said David Lydig to the said river or stream of water, called Bronx river as it runs to a stake with stones about it, being the corner of Lorillanrds land; thence easterly along Lorillards land to the aforesaid road, lending to the snuff mills aforesaid; and thence southerly along the said road to the place of beginning, containing twenty-six acres of land, with the appurtenances. And of one other lot or parcel of land, with the appurtenances, in the said town of Westchester, in Westchester county aforesaid, on the northerly side of the highway aforesaid, leading from Bronx river aforesaid, to Westchester town aforesaid, and bounded as follows, that is to say-- beginning at the corner of the land of one David Cargill, and occupied by one John Gillspie, and running from the said place of beginning northerly along the said place of beginning northerly along the said last mentioned land, twenty chains and seventy five links, to the southwesterly corner of land leased to Nehemiah Ferguson; thence along the said last mentioned land southeasterly, to the southwesterly corner of a lot of land belonging to John White; thence along the said last mentioned lot of land to the lands called the glebe or Parsonage land, now in the occupation of the Reverend Isaac Wilkins; thence southerly along the said glebe or Parsonage land, to the southwesterly corner thereof, at the last mentioned highway; thence westerly along the same last mentioned highway, to the place of beginning aforesaid, containing thirty-two acres of land, with the appurtenances. And of one other lot or parcel of land, with the appurtenances, in the said town of Westchester in Westchester county aforesaid, on the easterly side of a certain highway there leading to West Farms, (so called) bounded westerly by the said last mentioned highway or road leading to West Farms; northerly by land now or late of John Hallock easterly by the aforesaid river or stream of water called Bronx river, and southerly by land late of James Bathgate; being in-front on the said last mentioned highway or road leading to West Farms, two hundred and fifty seven feet: along the said land now or late of the said John Hallock, seventy-nine feet; along the said Bronx river, two hundred and forty four feet; and along the said and late James Bathgate, fifty four feet; and containing one acre of land. And also of one river in the town and county aforesaid, called Bronx river, with the appurtenances ; and of all the land and land covered with water, within the said town of Westchester, and between the banks of the said river or stream of water called Bronx river, or covered by the waters thereof, being by estimation one hundred acres of land, and three hundred acres of land covered with water, with the appurtenances: and the free and exclusive right of building, maintaining and keeping mills on the said river or stream of water, called Bronx river, with the appurtenances, in the said town of Westchester, in the said county of Westchester-- whereupon a plea of covenant was summoned between them in teh said court, that is to say, that be the said Philip Ebert, hath acknowledged the said tenements with the appurtenances to be the right of him the said David Lydig, as those which the said David hath of the gift of the said Philip, and those he hath remised and quit claimed from him the said Philip and his heirs, to the aforesaid David and his heirs forever; and moreover the said Philip hath granted for himself and his heirs that he will warrant to the said David and his heirs, the aforesaid tenements, with the appurtenances, against all persons forever, and for this acknowledgment remise quit claim, warranty fine and agreement, the said David hath given to the said Philip one hundred dollars, lawful money of the state of New York. --And public notice is hereby also given, that the said fine was proclaimed the first time in the said Supreme Court on the sixteenth day of November, in the year first above mentioned. --Dated this ninth day of June, 1810. David Lyding, Philip Ebert. Jones, Atty. June 26

The Albany Register January 18, 1814, Page 1

NOTICE The undersigned hereby give notice that they intend to apply to the legislature of the state of New-York, at their ensuing session, for the grant of a charter for themselves and associates to carry on the business of Banking in the city of New-York, under the title and style of The Grocers' Bank in the city of New-York, with a capital not exceeding one and a half millions of dollars. Jeromus Johnson, Augustus [Wyrekoop?], David Cargill. New-York, Dec. 22, 1813.

Read more at: Journal of the Assembly of the State of New York, Volume 57 page 73 and 336

New-York Evening Post September 17, 1814, Page 3

IN CHANCERY State of New York, SS: Harry Peters and Samuel Gedney vs David Cargill, John Peters, Lewis H Guerlain, and Richard Fowler, and Elizabeth Ann his wife In pursuance of a decretal order of the honorable the court of chancery of the state of New York, made in the above cause, will be sold at public auction at the Tontine Coffee House in the city of New-York, on Tuesday the first day of November next at one o'clock in the afternoon, under the direction of the subscriber, one of the masters of the said court, all those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate in the town and county of West Chester and state of New-York, and bounded and described as follows, that is to say, one lot, piece or parcel of land, formerly belonging to Nathaniel Underhill, Esquire, deceased, containing about one hundred and seventy four acres including the salt meadow, and bounded as follows, beginning at the corner of Lott Hunt's land, thence southerly along the road until it comes to a corner of the commons or sheep pasture, thence easterly along the said commons or sheep pasture until it comes to a road, thence north along said road until it comes to the land of Hezekiah Jared, thence along the said Jared's and Lott Hunt's land to the place of beginning, estimated at one hundred and thirty acres more or less; also one other lot opposite to the house, bounded west by the land of William Hunt, southerly by a road that leads to Van Wyck's Neck and sheep pasture, and north-west by the road that leads to De Lancey's Mill, containing twenty four acres more or less; also one lot of salt meadow, bounded west by Solomon Hustice and Warren De Lancey's, southerly and easterly of Samuel Van Wyck's, and north by the road, estimated at twelve acres more or less; also one other lot of salt meadow lying at Cow Neck, bounded west by William Hunt's meadow, southerly by a creek and meadow of Tallman Pugsley, also east and northerly by said Pugsley, containing six acres more or less, together with all and singular the rights, members, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining. --Dated New-York, September 16, 1814. NATHL. F. MOORE, Master in Chancery / Sept. 17 oawtds Seen also here: October 1, 1814, October 5, 1814, October 14, 1814, October 19, 1814, October 24, 1814, and October 26, 1814

New-York Evening Post July 20, 1815, Page 3

IN CHANCERY Harry Peters and Samuel Gedney vs David Cargill and others State of New-York, ss In pursuance of a decretal order of this honorable court, made in the above cause, will be sold at public auction, at the Tontine Coffee-House, in the city of New-York, under the direction of the subscriber, on the fourth day of September next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, all that certain tract or parcel of land, formerly belonging to Leake and Stephen Hunt, situate, lying and being in the town of Westchester, and hounded as follows: Beginning at the road on the northwest corner of the said tract or parcel of land; --on the west by land formerly belonging to Warren Delancy; on the south by the lands of Elvin Hunt, Talman Pugsley, and Samuel Oakley; on the east by land of Anthony L. Underhill; and on the north by the road leading from Delancey's mills eastward; containing within the said bounds, by estimation, one hundred and fifteen acres, be the same more or less; together with all and singular the tenements and hereditaments to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining. JAMES A. HAMILTON Master in Chancery / July 20 dtds.

Seen here also: July 21, 1815, July 22, 1815, July 24, 1815, July 25, 1815, July 27, 1815, July 29, 1815, August 2, 1815, August 5, 1815, August 8, 1815, August 14, 1815, August 25, 1815, August 26, 1815, August 30, 1815, August 31, 1815, September 4, 1815, September 5, 1815, and September 6, 1815


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