Location: Davidson, Tennessee, United States
Surnames/tags: Chism Chisholm
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- Sullivan County, Tennessee - Chisholm sources
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- White County, Tennessee - Chisholm sources
- Lauderdale, Madison, Henderson & Tipton Counties, Tennessee - Chisholm sources
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1784 January Term – Presentment – The Grand Jurors Present John Chism for cohabiting with a woman not his wife.
County Court minutes, 1783-1797, Davidson County, Tennessee. Bk A, p 6.
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS53-R9VC-V?i=102&cat=265849 ; https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSTC-JQ8W-G?i=19&cat=11980
1784 April Term – Grand Jurors – The Court Nominate for Grand Jurors to the Ensuing Court … John Chism listed as a Grand Juror
County Court minutes, 1783-1797, Davidson County, Tennessee. Bk A, p 21
1784 April Term – John Chism is a juror in “State v Flanry” – adultry case.
County Court minutes, 1783-1797, Davidson County, Tennessee. Bk A, p 23
1784 July 6 – John Chism empannelled as a Grand Juror.
County Court minutes, 1783-1797, Davidson County, Tennessee. Bk A, p 25
1784 July 7 … Deposition of Graham & Chism – William Graham and John Chism witnesses in the cause of William Hamilton Plt agt John Childers deft being sworn by consent of parties.
William Graham sayeth that he heard Abraham Taylor say that he couild not sell the note as he knew it was unjust: and that he would not have sold it for the best horse he had: and that the sd Taylor promised Childers to deliver up the note to him and John Chism corroberated with the above testimony, and also sayeth that he heard the above Taylor say that he would pull off his hat and thank the sd Childers if he would forgive him the abuse of his horse and give him what meat he had and said before them all that he would give a receipt against the note or send or bring it.
County Court minutes, 1783-1797, Davidson County, Tennessee. Bk A, p 34
1785 April 7 – (John Chism appointed as Constable) – The Court appoints Joseph Neville Constable & William Fletcher to officiate as Constables, Likewise Isaac Rounswall, John Chism, William Crunk, for one year …
County Court minutes, 1783-1797, Davidson County, Tennessee. Bk A, p 130
1787 Oct 2 – Ordered that Absolom Chism be fined the sum of 10 shillings for not attending as a juror when summoned and called upon.
County Court minutes, 1783-1797, Davidson County, Tennessee. Bk A, p 181
1787 Oct 2 – Absalom Chism served as a juror in “Demumbre v White”
County Court minutes, 1783-1797, Davidson County, Tennessee. Bk A, p 182
1788 Oct 9 – In the cause of Andrew Thompson plt agt. Adam Hampton deft ordered that a dedimus potestatum issue to take the deposition of John Chism and Mr. Jackson.
County Court minutes, 1783-1797, Davidson County, Tennessee. Bk A, p 253
1790 Oct 13 – Absalom Chism v. Blackmore, garnishee on a writ of enquiry.
Absalom Chism plaint agt William Blackmore deft as garnishee of John Watt Crunk, Andrew Jackson Esqr atty for the pltf on which cam a jury to ascertain the value of 5 cows and calves in the hands of the said Blackamore as garnishee of the sd Watt Crunk … upon their oaths do say that they value the said cows and calves to 25 pounds … plaintiff recover … 25 pounds …
County Court minutes, 1783-1797, Davidson County, Tennessee. Bk A, p 389
1797 Oct 31 – 1805 May 25 – Absolem Chisom complainant v. Jonathan Hampson & Andrew Hampton, heirs at law of Adam Hampson decd, and James Karr, William Karr, Robert Karr & John Karr, heirs at law of Robert Karr decd, and Jacob McCarty, Defendants } Original Bill in Equity.
… on the 31 day of October 1797 Absolem Chisom exhibited into this honorable court his bill of complaint against Jonathan Hampton & Robert Hampton heirs at law of Adam Hampton decd, James Karr, William Karr, Robert Karr & John Karr heirs of Robert Karr decd, & Jacob McCarty defendants …
…. humbly complaining sheweth unto your honors, your orator Absolem Chisom that under the law of No. Carolina he became entitled to a preemption of 640 acres of land in the District afsd for which he obtained the commissioners certificate and authorized his brother John Chisom to make entry therof which he accordingly did by making an entry in the office for receiving entries of preemptions in the following words and figures viz: “February the 16th 1784 Absolem Chisom enters a preemption of 640 of land lying on the South side of Richland Creek a branch of Red River beginning about 1/2 a mile above the spring about 4 miles below the war trace runing from thence down the creek as the law directs to include the spring and improvements marked I C for compliment”.
And your orator sheweth that his improvement was made at the spring called for in his lolcation and also that the said Richland Creek is the same that is otherwise known by the name of Sulphur Fork
And your orator further sheweth that being absent from this County during several years a report was circulated of his being dead which his said brother either gave credit to and conceived himself entitled to your orators said preemption as heir at law or from some other motive went under pretence of having an order from your orator to the office and then made the following transfer of the said entry viz: “March 9 1785 transferred by order of Absolem Chisolm to John Chisom and by said John Chisom to Adam Hampton”.
Your orator further shewth that said Hamptson (who is since dead) gave said John a negro and his bond for the payment of 20 pounds in money for the said preemption so wrongfully transferred to him as aforesaid. But that some time afterwards on your orator returning to this country and claiming his said land a compromise took place in respect thereof by which said John agreed to give said Hampton 200 acrs of land as an inducement for him to relinquish his claim to said preemption and agreed also to return the negro he had received for it and give up the aforesaid bond to said Hampto to be cancelled all which was accordingly done and the said Hampton in consideration therof relinquished to your orator all his right and claim to said Preemption and promised to recovery the same to him.
And also your orator sheweth that after said Hampton had received the transfer of said Preemption in the manner above stated and before said compromise took place he had caused sd land to be surveyed and a return thereof to be made to the secretary’s office in his own name on which a grant hath since issued in his name and such title was thereby vested in him at his death descended to Jonathan Hampton and Andrew Hampton sons and heirs at law of the said Adam decd who are yet seized thereof, no conveyance having ever been made to your orator of said land either by the said Adam in his lifetime or by said heirs after his decease.
And your orator is informed and believes the patent for his said land is in possession of the said heirs and that the said heirs are yet under age.
And your orator further expressly charges that his said brother took on himself to sell and transfer the said preemption without any land of order or authority from your orator for so doing and that he never in any wise ratified or agreed to the same … (This case goes on from page 301 to page 314 with several different claims and defenses … the defendants claimed that the agreement was never signed by Adam Hampton, and that too much time had passed – claiming a defense of Statute of Limitations. Eventually, in 1805 the court agreed with the Defendants and dismissed the case).
Equity minute books, 1803-1809. pg. 301-314. Davidson County, Tennessee.
1840 US Census – Name: Rufus K Chisholm
Home in 1840 (City, County, State): Davidson, Tennessee
Free White Persons – Males – Under 5: 2
Free White Persons – Males – 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons – Males – 30 thru 39: 1
Free White Persons – Females – 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons – Females – 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons – Females – 40 thru 49: 1
Slaves – Males – 10 thru 23: 1
Free White Persons – Under 20: 4
Free White Persons – 20 thru 49: 3
Total Free White Persons: 7
Total Slaves: 1
Total All Persons – Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 8
Year: 1840; Census Place: Davidson, Tennessee; Roll: 520; Page: 285; Family History Library Film: 0024543
1871 Davidson Co, TN residence – War of 1812 Pension Application – Gillington Chisum – White County, Tennessee – Franklin County, Alabama (29 pgs)
wife Cynthia Hill married Aug 1817 in White Co, TN
1851 residence of Franklin Co, AL
1871 residence of Davidson Co, TN
service dates – enlisted Dec 10, 1812 – discharge Apr 20, 1813
in 1851 he was 55 years of age in Franklin Co, AL
in 1855 he was 59 years of age in Franklin Co, AL
Research areas:
Davidson County, Tennessee
County Court minutes, 1783-1797, Davidson County, Tennessee
Index: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS53-R9VD-P?i=63&cat=265849
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