
The Davidston Diary

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Date: 18 Dec 2019 [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Urquhart
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"The Davidston Diary"

A Cluster Fan Research Study of the Urquhart families living in Inverness in the 17th and early 18th century .

This is a work in progress, and also, a sudden path to information overload....

After spending every spare minute of my spare time, also at great expense, for well over five years, countless hours researching and studying every branch, and also with the help of DNA matching, I finally narrowed my field of research, while tracing my own male Urquhart line, to the Davidson line of the ancient Urquhart Family tree.
I have found parish births and deaths with which to connect much of the rather large family of Urquhart's living in Inverness, Inverness-shire, Scotland, together, with what is now classed as Cluster Fan research, by connecting the witnesses to family baptisms.
Because of the size of the family, the time period, and lack of complete BMD sources, I had to draw up a chart on a piece of cardboard 50 x 60 cms. The Headache begins !!
Over the previous weekend, 15th December 2019, I found the births of the children of George Urquhart of Greenhill, youngest surviving cadet branch of Newhall, making a much stronger connection with the help of his family naming pattern. This, combined with the fact that John, the father of Leonard Urquhart, Writer to the Signet, (named as a cadet of Newhall in Hetty Tayler's History of the Family of Urquhart) who witnessed two baptisms of the children of William Urquhart and Isobel Crighton, made a triangle of connect, with George being witness to the baptism one of Thomas Urquhart's children, and Thomas, also being a witness to the baptism of one of John's sons. The other connect was James Urquhart, being witness to the baptism of one of Thomas's children.[1]

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Urquhart Name Study
Urquhart of Davidston
Alexander Urquhart of Newhall had at least seven sons
The known sons were... John, later of Newhall, Robert, William and Samuel...from the first marriage, and... Jonathon and George...from the second marriage...
Jonathon dies young.

Father Year Baptism Transcription
William Urquhart, Skinner, Burges1688That Day William Urquhart Skinner & Burges in this burge and his spouse Florence Beatman hade a childe baptised named James, witness. James Anderson, weavr, James Urquhart flesher, Alexr Tailor, Tobacco Twister & Hector McIntoshe, --?--, burges in this burge.
Thomas1689That Day Thomas Urquhart Ship-Carpenter & his spouse Margret Dallas had a child baptised named Jean, witness Alexr Smart, skipper & burges in this burge, James Urquhart Ship-Carpenter, Alexr Minn, smith & Alexr Fraser, Skinner & burges in this burge.
Thomas1691That Day Thomas Urquhart Ship-Carpenter & his spouse Margret Dallas hade a child baptised named Thomas, witness Thomas Hossack, The _?_ in the burgh, Thomas Fraser, Mr't, Thomas Richy, Glover and Burges, Thomas Fraser, seaman, burges.
William1693 That Day William Urquhart, Cooper in the Kingsmiln and his spouse Isobell Kinghtone had a child baptised named John. Witnesses, Mr Hector Mackenzie minister at Inverness, John Baillie, John McSimn, milner and John Urquhart weyver.
John 1697 John Urquhart weaver in ye Kingsmiln and his spouse Margaret McEan had a child baptised named Thomas, witnesses Thomas Fraser, labourer, Thomas Urquhart, shipscarpenter, Thomas McGillmir, all in kingsmiln.
John 1697 John Urquhart in the Kingsmiln and his spouse Margaret McEanvor hade a childe baptised named Elizabeth, witnesses Thomas Fraser, Thomas Fraser in Diriboughe, John McGillichally and James Urquhart butcher in Inverness.
John 1698 John Urquhart weaver in the Kingsmiln and his spouse --- hade a child baptised by Mr Hector McKenzie named Leonard, witnesses Thomas Fraser, labourer, John Anderson, shoemaker and James Bain milner yr.
Alexander Urquhart, Sadler1701Alexander Urquhart, Sadler in the Hanth and his spouse Kathrin Fraser hade a childe baptised by Mr Hector McKenzie named Rodrick. Witnesses, Rodrick Urquhart, glover, Thomas Richie, glover, Thomas Urquhart, shipcarpenter and Thomas Fraser alias mceannnyor mer't.
William1701William Urquhart, Cooper in the Kingsmiln and his spouse Isobell Fraser had twins baptised, The first named William. The second named Elizabeth. Witnesses, William Mcfinn, milnor yr, Kenneth Fraser gardinor, John Urquhart, weyver and John Mcpherson, weaver, James Bain & James Urquhart, flesher.
Thomas 1702 Thomas Urquhart shipscarpenter & his spouse Anna Urquhart had a child baptised and named Helen, godfathers, Alex Smart glover, burges & George Urquhart, Mer't.
Thomas 1708 Thomas Urquhart carpenter & his spouse Anna Urquhart hade ane child baptised by Mr McKenzie named Roderick, godfathers, Rodrick Urquhart, glover burges of Inverness, Rodrick Forbes, merchand, Rodrick McCranigg, malor & Rodrick Urquhart sorbitor & James Thomson merchand burgis of Inverness.
William1708 William Urquhart, Couper in the Kingsmiln and his spouse Isobell Crighton hade ane child baptised named Robert, godfathers, Robert Anderson labourer, John Urquhart, weyver and Kenneth Fraser alias nairn in Inverness.
Thomas 1710Thomas Urquhart Shipcarpenter in Inverness & Anna Urquhart, his spouse had a child baptised by Mr Hector MKenzie called Robert, Robert Robertson of Lyne, Robert Mill, CopperSmith, Robert Smith, Vintner, Robert Duncan Skipper in Banff, wits.
George 1712 Kenneth Lawful son to George Urquhart mercht in Cromarty and Elizabeth McLeod.
George 1713 Lilias lawful daughter to George Urquhart of Greenhills and Elizabeth McLeod his spouse.
George 1714 Roderick and Alex'r Twins, Lawful Children to George Urquhart and Elizabeth McLeod in Cromarty.
Thomas son of Thomas shipcarpenter.1724 Thomas Urquhart Saidler in Inverness & Dorathy Davidson his spouse had a child baptised by Mr Alex'r McBean called John, John Duff, son to Drumuir, John McBean, writer, John Fraser, Mer't & John Fraser, barber,wits.
Thomas1726 Thomas Urquhart Saidler in Inverness & Dorathie Davidson his spouse had a child baptised by Mr William Stuart called Rodrick, Andrew Denoon, penterer, Alex'r Sugair, Saidler, Rodrick Dingwall, Mer't & Rod Urquhart, Saidler Wits.
Thomas1729 Thomas Urquhart Saidler in Inverness & Dorathie Davidson his spouse had a child baptised by Mr Alex'r Fraser called James, James Fraser of Castlelethers, James Hay, Wigmaker, James Manson, Taylor and James Jackson Shoemaker, Witnesses.
John1733 John Urquhart in Kingsmilns and Elizabeth Simpson his spouse had a child baptised by Mr Alexr McBean called Anna, John Urquhart, David Denoon, John Corbet John Simpson, Witnesses.
John, alias McIntire 1742 John Urquhart Alias McIntire in the Kingsmilns and Elizabeth Simpson his spouse had a child baptised by Mr Fraser called Alex'r, Alex'r Simpson, Alex'r Fraser, Alex'r Fraser, Alex'r Morison, Weaver.
Leonard 1751To Leonard Urquhart, Writer to the Signet in NNK-P & Janet Gordon his spouse, a son John. W. John Urquhart of Cromartie, Captain David Urquhart of Newhall.
John son of John1754 John Urquhart alias McIntyre in Kingsmiln & his spouse --- had a child baptised by Mr Alex'r McBean called Elizabeth.
John1765 John Urquhart labourer in the Kingsmiln & his spouse Isabel Fraser had a child baptised by Mr Murdoch McKenzie called Donald, Dond Fraser and Dond Urquhart Witnesses.
Donald1769 Donald Urquhart labourer and his spouse Jean Fraser had a child baptised by Mr Murdoch McKenzie called Elizabeth. Hector Munro and John Urquhart. Witnesses. Witnesses.
John 1773 John Urquhart labourer and his spouse Isabel Fraser had a child baptised by Mr Murdoch McKenzie called Henry, Will'm Fraser and William McKiy Wits.
Donald 1775 Dond Urquhart fisher & his spouse Jean Fraser had a child baptised by Mr Alexr Fraser called Anne. Patrick Fraser & John Urquhart, poiners. Witts.

The Urquhart Branches.
Branch Timeline
Cromarty male line extinct in 1747. inheritance goes to Meldrum as senior line.
Meldrummale line extinct in 1896.
Craigstonmale line extinct in 1847.
Davidston Kinudie sold 1670.
Newhall Newhall purchased 1670, Estate bankrupt in 1727. property sold.
Braelangwell male line connection to present Clan Chief. property sold after 1805.
Broadmayne not known.
Hobland Hall not known.
Kinbeachie male line extinct.
Monteagle male line extinct.
Greenhill male line extinct,George's sons died before their father.
St Martin's not known, property sold in 1666.
Burdsyards not known. in Morayshire. property sold 1795.


Research Notes

George also uses the name Roderick for one of his sons.
Donald, John, James, Alexander, George and Robert are continuously used for the names of sons.
There are another two dozen family members to add to complete more connections. They are also witnesses to some of the baptisms in the group above.
  • All records in Resolis were destroyed in 1747 by a new incumbent.
Alexander, skinner, sadler, died 1719, possibly another brother.
Alexander, William and James, all skinners or fleshers, are related, as is Rodrick, glover, also Donald Urquhart, shipscarpenter who married Christian Shearer c1715, William Urquhart in kingsmiln who married Janet Leitch c 1710, John Urquhart, maltman, who married Margaret Davidson c 1690.
Leonard Urquhart, b 1727, has been linked as a cadet of Newhall on the web, but was NOT a writer to the Signet.
James Fraser of Castle Leathers

Email Extract

From: Craig Laurence, 14/02/2024, 1.49 pm. Urquhart DNA surname group Administrator.

Greetings David, and Joan,

Happy New Year to you both. Well, I believe I have allowed ample time for Family Tree DNA to review our latest BigY700 test results, and update our Haplogroup SNPs. There has been no change, no update, of our SNPs.

So, David, you and my cousin Frederick Urquhart still connect at R Haplogroup SNP BY166052, with a common ancestor born circa 1598. This would confirm that your ancestor, Robert Urquhart, born 1778 in Inverness, is not the brother of my ancestor Henry Urquhart, born 1773 in Inverness, and is not the son of John Urquhart and Isabel Fraser. I agree with you that Robert's parents are Donald Urquhart and Jean Fraser.

Joan, you and my cousin Frederick Urquhart still connect at R Haplogroup SNP FTD21533 (the next downstream SNP after BY166052), with a common ancestor born circa 1775.

I have been searching on Ancestry.com for living male Urquhart descendants of our Inverness Urquharts, and see if I can get them to participate in the Y-DNA testing. I will update you both, if and when I have any success.

Best regards.



I have a very close DNA connect with a descendant of John Urquhart and also have a close DNA connect with the Clan Chief.
  1. Scotlands People. (2019). National Records of Scotland. Parish Baptism/Birth Registers.; [online] Available at: Search Accessed 28 Sep. 2019. Documents in the personal files of David Urquhart.

See Also:


  • University of Strathclyde It's because of their free Genealogy course that I found out about the Cluster Fan Club. Without the Genealogy course, I wouldn't have known how to set out the information that I had, and didn't know how to use to best advantage.
  • Susie MacLeod for edifying the University of Strathclyde Genealogy course.
  • Becky Troth for helping me with the Tables, when I was stuck.
  • GENE FORBES-HOOD, B.A. (Hist) Professional Genealogist and Photographer, now retired. for her help, patience and support with my Urquhart Research over the past five years or more.
  • Hetty Tayler (1946). History of the Family of Urquhart. Aberdeen University Press.
  • Pixabay for free Images.



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