Location: Friesland, Nederland
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Harmen Gerrits de Jong & Angenietje Wijtses Houtsma
In the year one thousand eight hundred twenty-four, the twenty-second of the month May in the afternoon at four o’clock, appeared before us “grietman” [Frisian government official] officer of the civil registration of the “grietenij” [Frisian word for municipality] Baarderadeel province Vriesland [sic] in front of Jan Hessels Hesselink, aged thirty-four years, executor, Tjeerd Brandsma, aged sixty-one years, executor, Pieter van der Schaaf, aged twenty-seven years, clerk at the “secretarie” [municipal administration] in Baarderadeel, all living in Weidum, and Douwe Durks Palstra, aged fifty-six years, assistent, living in Hijland, as witnesses,
The persons of Harmen Gerrits de Jong, bachelor, aged twenty years, carpenter’s hand, living in Baard, fortified in this by his father Gerrit Piers de Jong, merchant in that location, underage groom on one side - and Angenietje Wytses Houtsma, bachelorette, aged twenty-one years, farmer’s maid also living in Baard, adult bride on the other side - to the purpose of perfecting their intended marriage before us, after having previously produced -
Certificate of having fulfilled the obligations of the National Militia by the groom. Records of birth containing that Harmen Gerrits de Jong was born te Oosterlittens the first October one thousand eight hundred and three of a legal marriage of Gerrit Piers de Jong merchant living in Baard and of the late Aafke Harmens deceased, at the time spouses in Oosterlittens and that Angenietje Wytses Houtsma is born in Goutum “grietenij” [Frisian word for municipality] Leeuwarderadeel the twelfth of August one thousand eight hundred and two from a legal marriage of Wytse Douwes Houtsma, carpenter, and of Lolkjen Ales Noordhof spouses in Boxum, at the time in Goutum
Record of death containing that the mother of the groom named Aafke Harmens died in the year eighteen hundren and nine in Baard Records of marriage announcements containing that these were held here on the second and third Sunday of this month May in their proper form, not having caused any protest, objections or other opposition against such made known to us, and the father of the groom and the parents of the bride being present having verbally declared to us that their children have fulfilled the obligations set to them by law and that this marriage was taking place with full consent.
Next we performed a clear reading to the future spouses of the records produced by them as well as the sixth chapter of the fifth title of the currently applicable Civil Lawbook as pertaining to the rights and obligations of the spouses to each other and next asked to each individually whether they would take each other as husband and wife according to the rights and obligations as read to them. Whereupon by each individually an affirmative answer was given, and we declared in the name of the law that Harmen Gerrits de Jong and Angenietje Wytses Houtsma both from Baard have been lawfully joined in matrimony.
Of which we have created this record that the young spouses and witnesses, together with the father of the groom and the parents of the bride, after a clear reading, signed together with us on the date as mentioned above.
[signed] Bernh[ardus] Buma H G de Jong A W Houtsma J H Hesselink T: Brandsma P vd Schaaf D: D: Palstra
G P de Jong W: D: Houtsma L A Noodhof [sic]
Source: Baarderadeel (Friesland, the Netherlands), huwelijksregister [Marriage register] 1824, record number 21; digital image, AlleFriezen (http://www.allefriezen.nl : accessed 26 August 2012); Marriage record of Harmen Gerrits de Jong and Angenietje Wytses Houtsma, Baarderadeel, 22 May 1824.
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