Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: de Smidt
Henry Charles de S was reportedly born in Cambridgeshire, England in 1853, son of Henry Charles and Margaret de S. Search of British BMD records produces nothing on this family. The next set of records shows Henry Charles as a farmer in the Hopetown area, and a Veldkornet. Farming in this barren area is difficult and not a likely occupation for someone recently arrived from Britain and the office of Veldkornet is not given to a recent immigrant by such a close-knit group of Afrikaners as that in a Karoo town. I have looked closely at my de S records for a possible match to Henry Charles, i.e. a family in England for study at Cambridge or some similar reason. I have found no possible group. I hope to get some clue as to the real story of Henry Charles's origin.
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