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Debra George To-Do List

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Date: [unknown]
Location: New York Statemap
Surnames/tags: Young Duesler
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I remember my grandmother, Ida Young-Duesler, saying she was part Dutch. But her daughter/my mother Deanna Young-Rezak said that Nana was of German descent. Fun to discover that "Dutch" has become umbrella terminology & has come to mean either.
posted 1 Oct 2019 by Debra (Rezak) George   [thank Debra]
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If you are a descendant of the Dussler/Duesler family, Palatine migrants to NYS, join our familytree on Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/DueslerYoung
posted by Debra (Rezak) George
I am specifically researching the Dussler/Duesler familytree from Germany to New York State & am trying to figure out how to research the Young family tree in New York State with that last name being so common. Thomas Clinton Young is my grandfather & he was born on the Erie Canal. How can I take it back from there?
posted by Debra (Rezak) George

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