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Decree Declaring Unlawful and Void The Marriage of Johannes van Beecq and Maria Verleth

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: New Amsterdam, New Netherlandmap
Surnames/tags: vanbeek varleth
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Decree Declaring Unlawful and Void The Marriage of Johannes van Beecq and Maria Verleth, Married by a Farmer in Connecticut

Following is the text of this decree, as published in translation in the source cited:

Whereas the Director-General and Council of New Netherland have heard the charge of the Fiscal against Johannis van Beecq, a free merchant and inhabitant of this City of New Amsterdam, defendant, who has been duly summoned by the Court Messenger Elslandt in the name of the Fiscal on three Court days and who has had himself married by an unauthorized countryman, named Goodman Crab, living at Greenwich, against the laudable laws and customs of the United Netherlands and, as the Fiscal further states and proves in his charge, contrary to the advice and command of his lawful guardian, the Hon[ora]ble Director-General, also without previously publishing the bans and who has so far failed to make his appearance.

And whereas the Fiscal demands by his motion, exhibited on the 1st of September 1654, that the said van Beecq be condemned in contumacy.

Therefore, after proper invocation of the Lord, the Director-General and Council of New Netherland, in the name and behalf of their Noble High : Might : the Lords-States-General of the United Netherlands and of the Noble Lords-Directors of the Privileged West India Company administering justice at the requisition of the Fiscal, declare, that the Fiscal's charges are true and founded in law and therefore the marriage of Johannis van Beecq and Maria Verleth, solemnized at Greenwich and confirmed by an unauthorized person contrary to the laudable laws and customs of Netherland and without previous publication of the bans, is hereby declared by the Director-General and Council unlawful and the said Jan van Beecq and Maria Verleth are commanded to live separate under penalty of being punished according to law for living in concubinage.

Thus done etc., New Amsterdam, Septbr 14, 1664, present the Director-General, Mr. N. de Sille, C. van Werckhoven, La Montagne,


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