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Deed: Helton etal. to Helton

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Patrick CO, VAmap
Surnames/tags: Helton Singleton Tuggle
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Deed: Helton etal. to Helton, 1827: Patrick CO, VA Patrick Co. VA DBk-6:683Singleton etal To Samuel Helton

This Indenture made the thirteenth day of October in the year of Christ one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven Between James Singleton and Susannah his wife, Annah Mayo, Elijah Helton and Rachel his wife of the one part and Samuel Helton of the other part.

Witnesseth that the said James Singleton and Susannah his wife, Annah Mayo, Elijah Helton and Rachel his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and six dollars to them in hand paid by Samuel Helton, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge have granted, bargained, sell, release and confirm unto the said Samuel Helton five sixths, being the shares of John Tuggle, Annah Tuggle, Susannah Tuggle & Rachel Tuggle being heirs and coparceners of Joshua Tuggle, dec. of a certain tract or parcel of land lying in the County of Patrick on Rockcastle a branch of Smith’s river containing four hundred acres more or less and bounded as followeth.

Viz. Beginning at a cherry tree and red oak thence N.70W. 350 poles crossing a branch to a black oak S.115W. 165 poles to a white oak S.5 E. 95 poles to a Spanish oak E 100 poles crossing a branch on the West side of the mountain to ________S.15W. 45 poles to a white oak in Pattersons order line, thence with the line S.85E. 40 poles to a gum at the head of a branch.

Thence down the same as it meanders to the beginning. (Being the same tract of land conveyed by Henry Tuggle to Joshua Tuggle dec. and decends to his children, the said John Tuggle, Annah Mayo formerly Annah Tuggle, Susannah Singleton formerly Susannah Tuggle, Rachel Helton formerly Rachel Tuggle, Mary Pendleton formerly Mary Tuggle and Sarah Harris formerly Sarah Tuggle) To have and to hold the said five sixths of the tract of land aforesaid to the only and proper use and behoof of him the said Samuel Helton and his heirs forever and the said James Singleton and Susannah his wife, Annah Mayo, Elijah Helton and Rachel his wife for themselves and each of their heirs do hereby covenant to and with the said Samuel Helton and his heirs the said five sixths of the tract of land aforesaid to the said Samuel Helton his heirs and assigns free from the claim of them the said James Singleton and Susannah his wife, Annah Mayo, Elijah Helton and Rachel his wife, them or either of their heirs and all or every person or persons whomsoever shall will and do by these presents warrant and forever defend.

In witness whereas, the said James Singleton and Susannah his wife, Annah Mayo, Elijah Helton and Rachel his wife have hereunto set their hand and seals the date herein first written. James Singleton L.S. Susannah Singleton L.S. Annah Mayo L.S. Elijah Helton L.S. Rachel Helton

L.S.Russell County Sc.We, Crabtree Price and William Price, Justices of the peace in the county aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that James Singleton, Annah Mayo and Elijah Helton, parties to a certain deed bearing date on the 30th day of October 1827 and hereto annexed personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be their act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the Clerk of the County Court of Patrick in order the said deed may be recorded.Given under our hands and seals this 30th day of October 1827.

Crabtree Price L.S. Wm. Price L.S.Russell County Sc.We,

Crabtree Price and William Price, Justices of the peace in the county aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Susannah Singleton the wife of James Singleton parties to a certain deed bearing date on the 30th day of October 1827 and hereunto annexed personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid and being examined by us privily and apart from her husband & having the deed aforesaid fully explained to her, she the said Susannah Singleton acknowledged the same to be her act and deed and declared that she had willingly signed sealed and delivered the same and that she wished not to retract it. Given under our hands and seals this 30th day of October 1827.

Crabtree Price L.S. Wm. Price L.S.Patrick November Court 1827

This deed of bargain and sale from James Singleton and Susannah his wife, Annah Mayo, Elijah Helton and Rachel his wife to Samuel Helton was executed in Court, examined and ordered to be recorded.

Teste M. Sandefur DC

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The above was transcribe by debraanderson15 and originally shared this on 10 Dec 2016 debraanderson15

SINGLETON etal to Saml HELTON deed names heirs of Joshua TUGGLE