Location: Wellsburg, Brooke, Virginia, United States

Surname/tag: Jester
This indentrue made this twenty first day of July in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty between Ann alias Nancy Jester and Andrew P. Jester and Eliza Ann his wife of the first part John Campbell of the second part and John Brown and Danforth Brown of the third part Whereas the said Ann alias Nancy Jester and Andrew P. Jester are justly indebted to Said John Brown and Danforth Brown in the son of 244 dollars to be paid on the first day of August 1831 as by a note bearing rate on this day more fully appears which debt with interest there on at the rate of six per cent per annum from the date here of the said Ann alias Nancy Jester and Andrew P Jester are willing and desirous to secure now this indenture witnesseth that for and in consideration of the premises and also for the further consideration of one dollar to the said parties of the first part in hand paid by said J. C. Campbell at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged they said Ann alias NancyJester and Andrew P. Jester and Eliza Ann his wife have given granted bargained and sold and by these presents do give grant bargain sell convey and confirm unto the said John C. Campbell his heirs and assigns forever all the following property to wit a lot and a fractional part of a lot situate lying and being in town of Wellsburg bounded as follows Beginning at a stake in the western line of lot numbered 104 fifty feet from Liberty Street thence with the east side of Charles Street to an alley dividing lot No. 103 from lot from lot No. 102 thence with said alley 110 ft 6 inches to an alley dividing lot No. 103 from Lot 143, thence with said alley 93 feet 6 inches to a stake and thence by a line parallel to Liberty Street to the place of beginning subject to a yearly quit rent of 134 cents payable etc with all and singular the buildings and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining and all the estate right title and interest of the said Ann alias Nancy Jester and Andrew P. Jester and Eliza Ann his wife in and to the hereby granted and intended t obe hereby granted premises. To have and to hold the same to the said J C Campbell his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use and [C.. ..] of the said J C Campbell his heirs and assigns forever upon trust nevertheless that the said J C Campbell and his heirs shall be permit the said Ann alias Nancy Jester and Andrew P. Jester to remain in quiet and peaceable possession of the herein before described premises with the appurtences and take the profits thereof to their own use until default be made in the payment of the said sum of 224 dollars with interest as aforesaid either in whole or in part and then upon this further trust that be his heirs or assigns shall and will so soon as the happening of such default of payment as the said John Brown and Danforth Brown or the survivor of them or the executors or administrator of such survivor shall request sell the hereby granted premises with appurtences to the highest bidder for ready money at public auction after having fixed the time and place of such sale at his own descretion and given thirty day notice thereby advertisement posted on the front door of the Courthouse of Brooke County and out of the monies owing from such sale after satisfying the charges there of and all other expenses attending the premises pay to the said John Brown and Danforth Brown the said sum of 244 dollars with the interest which may have accrued thereon and the balance if any shall pay to the said parties of the first part or their assigns. But if the whole of the said debt principal and interest shall be fully paid off and discharged to the parties of the third part on or before the first day of August 1831 when the same in payable or that no default of payment be made then the indenture to be void else to remain in full force [...]
In witness the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.
S/S Nancy Jester S/S And Jester S/S Eliza Ann Jester }{ her mark S/S Jno C. Campbell S/S John Brown S/S Dauf Brown
In the Clerks office of Brooke County Court This deed was acknowledged by A. P. Jester party thereto to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded. -- J. Connell C/JC
The words 'alias Nancy' whereever they occur in this deed were admitted to have been underlined before signing -- Nancy Jester
"Mrs Jester produced to me 22 Jan 1840 J & D Brown recept in these words "Dec 11th, 1839 the full amt of within with interest thereon has been paid in several payments per Andrew Jester [...] his over on John Beall" J & D Brown. -- Adam Kuhn CBC
Certification of Nancy Jester agreeing to deed.
Certification of Eliza Ann Jester agreeing to deed.
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