Location: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Surname/tag: garrigues trotter
Transcribed from microfilm records held by the Philadelphia City Archive. There are certainly errors in the below.
This indenture made the thirteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty four. Between Francis Garrigues of the city of Philadelphia Carpenter of the one part and Nathan Trotter of the said city whitesmith and short Citler of the other part whereas in and by a certain indenture bearing date the twenty fifth day of March in the year 1743 between Anthony Duche Junior of Wicaco in the county of Philadelphia Potter and Catherine his wife of the one part and the said Francis Garrigues of the other part they the said Anthony Duche and Catherine his wife for the consideration therein mentioned did grant release and confirm unto the said Francis Garrigues a certain lot of ground situated in Wicaco containing in breadth North and South Twenty foot and extending in breadth from the distance of one hundred feet westward from the west side of Swanson Street to the upmost extend into the River Delaware Bounded Northward with Catherine Street it being a fifty foot street laid open from Passyunk Road to Delaware River Eastward with the said River southward and westward with other ground of the said Anthony Duche and Catherine his wife. Together with the free side of Catherine Street aforesaid and of Inspare egress and regress in and upon the same street together also with the appurtenances. That part of the above described lot which is included within Swenson Street it being a fifty foot street laid out upon and along the Bank of the River Delaware for a free and Public street for the use of all persons forever excepted: To hold the said lot and premises with the appurtenances [except before excepted] unto the said Francis Garrigues his heirs and assigns forever Paying unto the said Junior and Catherine his wife their heirs and assigns the yearly rent of sum of Seven Pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania on the Twenty fifth day of March yearly forever. The first Payment through to be made on the Twenty fifth day of March now last past in which indentures is contained a clause of Entry and distress for non payment of the said rent and of reentry for want of witness and a covenant to pay the same as in deed by the said recited indenture amount divers covenants and clauses herein contained Relations being thereunto had more at large appears Now this intenture witnesses unto that the said Francis Garrigues as well for and in consideration of the Payment of the aforesaid yearly Rent of Seven Pounds as hereafter to grow due and payable and the arrearages thereof which the said Nathan Trotter hath undertaken to pay of the sum of Six Pounds ten shills unto him the said Francis Garrigues by the said Nathan Trotter in hand will and truely paid the receipt ??ure of is hereby acknowledged Hatte granted bargained sold released and confirmed and by those presents doth grant bargains of release and confirm unto the said Nathan Trotter and to his Heirs and assigns all that the aforesaid lot of ground situate recorded and being as aforesaid together also with all said singular the ways passages waters water courses right liberties privileges improvements heirtlaments and appurtenances whatsoever these ??ts belonging (except as in the said recited indenture is excepted) and the revenue and remainders of the hereby mentioned to be granted Promisses and all the estate right title and interest whatsoever of him the said Francis Garrigues of in and to the promises by virtue of the said recited indenture or oftherwise to have and to hold the said Lot of ground hereditainments and promises hereby granted or mentioned to be granted with the appurtenances (except before excepted) unto the said Nathan Trotter his Heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Nathan Trotter his Heirs and Assigns for ever under the aforesaid yearly Rent charge or sum of seven pounds as hereafter to grow due and payable and the arrearages thereof already accrued (and the said Francis Garrigues for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth cause just promise and grant to and with the said Nathan Trotter his heirs and assigns by these presents that he the said Nathan Trotter his heirs and assigns paying the yearly rent aforesaid shall or lawfully may freely pay dearly and quietly have hold and enjoy the said lot of ground & heraditaments and premises hereby imported or mentioned to be granted with the appendices (except before excepted) and Recowe and take all the rents issued and profits thereof without the lawful lot said trouble or molestation of him the said Francis Garrigues or his heirs or any other Person or Persons whoever lawfully claiming or to claim by from or render by their or any of them and that free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted and discharged or otherwise by the said Francis Garrigues his heirs exectors or administrators well and sufficiently saved harmless and indemnified of and from all manner of dower and all right and title of a use buy any person or persons whatsoever claiming or to claim by from or under the said recited indenture or otherwise in witness whereof the said Parties to these presents have interchangeably set their hands and seals hereunto dated the day and year first above written
Francis Garrigues {seal}
Sealed and Delivered at (the words of six pounds ten shills unto him, being first on a raiser) in the presense of us
Benj’n Betterton Arthur Forster
Reced the day of the date of the within written indenture of the witness around Nathan Trotter the sum of Six Pounds Ten Shillings it being the consideration money within mentioned I say raced P our witness
Benj’n Betterton Arthur Forser Francis Garrigues
The thirteenth day of August 1744 before me Joshua Maddox Esq on elf the justices tea came the above named Francis Garrigues and Acknowledged the above written indenture of be his deed and desired the same may be recorded as his deed. Witness my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid
Josh Maddox {seal}
Recorded 15th Aug’t 1744
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