Location: Blockley Township, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Surnames/tags: garrigues denny
[ Transcribed from microfilm records held by the Philadelphia City Archive. There are certainly errors in the below.]
This indenture made the eighteenth day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine Between Francis Garragues of Blockley Township in the County of Philadelphia in the province of Pennsylvania, Carpenter of the first part, and the Honourable William Denny Esquire Lieutenant Governor of the said province of the other part Thomas James Coultas High Sheriff of the city and County of Philadelphia in the province of Pennsylvania in and by of certain Deed poll under his hand and seal duly executed bearing Date the fifteeth day of April A.D. 1758 For the consideration therein mentioned did grant bargain and sell unto the said Francis Garragues and to his Heirs and Assigns a certain Messuage or Tenement and piece or parcel of land situated on the West side of the River Schuylkill in the Township of Blockley and County aforesaid. Beginning at a stake laid by the River Schuylkill, thence along the lines dividing the Lands late of Robert Roberts and Laurence Garretts North sixty-three Degrees West Thirty-one perches to a marked Hickory, thence by Laurence's Land South thirty-two Degrees thirty-one minutes East twenty-seven perches and seven-tenths of a perch to a stone fixed for a corner, thence South sixty-three degrees East by the same Land eleven perches to the said River near a marked White Oak, thence up the said river fifteen perches to the place of Beginning, containing One acre, three-quarters of an Acre and twenty perches of Land. Also, a certain other piece or parcel of Land situated in Blockley and adjacent to the first described piece, beginning at a post on the line of the Land late of Garret Garetson dec'd, thence running on the Land late of Robert Roberts and by a Line of marked trees North Eighty-nine Degrees East One Hundred and thirty-five perches to a Black Oak marked on West side of the river Schuylkill about ten perches from the said River, thence South ten Degrees East Sixteen perches and a half, thence South Eighteen Degrees East four perches, thence South three Degrees West twenty-seven perches to a black Oak, thence North eighty-seven Degrees West four perches, thence South three Degrees West fourteen perches, thence South Eighty-seven degrees East four perches, thence South three Degrees West eleven perches to the aforesaid Garretson's Line, thence by the said Line North sixty-three Degrees West one hundred and forty-six perches to the place of Beginning. Containing twenty-eight Acres and one quarter of an acre, be the same more or less, to hold the said messuage or Tenement, One acre, three-quarters of an Acre and Twenty perches of land to and for the said Francis Garragues his heirs and assigns forever. And to hold the said last described piece or parcel of Land for and during the residue of the Term of Ninety-nine years (in the same Indenture mentioned Viz from and after the thirteenth day of April A.D. 1741) as in and by the said recited Deed Poll, relation being thereunto had more at large appears. Now this Indenture witnesseth that the said Francis Garragues, for and in consideration of the sum of Three hundred and Seventy-four Pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to him in hand paid by the said William Denny the receipt whereof whereof he the said Francis Garragues doth hereby acknowledge and thereof doth acquit and forever discharge the said William Denny, his Heirs, Executors, Administrators, and Assigns by these presents, hath granted, bargained, sold, released, assigned, and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, release, assign, and confirm unto the said William Denny and to his Heirs and Assigns all that the aforesaid Messuage or Tenement and One Acre, three-quarters of an Acre and twenty perches of land situated, bounded, and being as aforesaid, and all that the aforesaid other piece or parcel of Land adjacent to the said last described lot of Land containing twenty-eight Acres and a quarter of an Acre of Land or thereabouts, be the same more or less. Together with all and singular the Buildings, accoutrements, ways, woods, waters, water courses, rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments, and appurtenances whatsoever to the hereafter described pieces of Land and Premises respectively belonging or in any way appertaining as fully as the said rights were granted by the said recited Deed. The one acre of Land first of the aforesaid Twenty-eight Acres and One quarter Tract which the said Francis Garragues by Indenture of the fourth of May 1742 hath demised and to farm let unto Robert Roberts of ?(word unclear) Yeoman only excepted and comprised. To have and to hold the aforesaid Messuage or Tenement, One Acre, three-quarters of an acre and twenty perches of Land & Hereditaments unto the said William Denny, his heirs and Assigns to the only proper Use and Behoof of him the said William Denny, his heirs and Assigns forever. And to have and to hold the said second described piece or parcel of Land with its appurtenances (except before excepted) to the said William Denny, his Heirs, Executors, Administrators, and Assigns for and during all the rest and residue of the aforesaid Term of Ninety-nine years yet to come and unexpired and for such further Term and Estate as he the said Francis Garragues hath in the premises by virtue of the said recited Deed, under all and singular the yearly quit Rent and yearly Rent hereafter accruing for or in respect of the hereby granted or assigned premises. And the said Francis Garragues doth hereby covenant for him and his Heirs to and with the said William Denny, his Heirs, and assigns. That he the said Francis Garragues and his heirs the said Messuage and first described piece of Land and Hereditaments unto the said William Denny, his heirs and Assigns against him the said Francis Garragues and his Heirs and against all other persons whatsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by, from or under him, them, or any of them, shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. And the said Francis Garragues for himself, his heirs, Executors, and Administrators doth covenant, promise, and grant to and with the said William Denny his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns and every of them by these presents in manner and form following, that is to say, that the original lease for the said Second described piece of land is a good lease, valid in law, and yet is being for the residue of the Term hereby assigned or mentioned or intended so to be and not anyways forfeited, surrendered or become void. And that all the covenants therein on the Lessor's part have been well and duly observed, performed, and kept and that the yearly rent hereby reserved which ought to be paid is already paid and discharged.In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have interchangeably set their hands and seals hereunto. Dated the day and year first above written.
- Francis Garragues {seal}
Sealed and delivered the unds thence South Ten Degrees East Sixteen perches and a half being first interlined between the 12th and 13th lies bove on the presence of us
- Reese Merideth
- C. Brockden
The eighteenth day of July A.D. 1759 Before me Jacob Duche Esq Court of the Justices & the above named Francis Garragues acknowledged the above written indenture to be his deed In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this day and year aforesaid
- Jacob Duche {seal}
Received the say of the Date of the within written Indenture of the witness named William Denny Esqr The sum of Three hundred and Seventy Four Pounds being the consideration money within mentioned.
- I say rec'd by me
- Francis Garragues
Witness puresent
- Reese Merideth
- C Brockden
- Recorded 18th Aug 1759
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