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Deed Peter David to Joshua Crosby

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Date: 22 Sep 1754 [unknown]
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United Statesmap
This page has been accessed 38 times.

[ Transcribed from microfilm of records held by the City of Philadelphia. there are certainly errors herein ]

This Indenture made the twenty second day of September in the year of our Lord, One thousand seven hundred and fifty four

Between Peter David of the city of Philadelphia in the province of Pennsylvania, Goldsmith and Margaret his wife and Francis Garrigues of Wiccacoe in the township of Moyamensing in the county of Philadelphia and province aforesaid Carpenter and Mary his wife the said Margaret and Mary being two of the daughters of Christopher Swanson late of Wiccacao aforesaid deceased and sisters and coheirs of John Swanson also deceased of the one part and Joshua Crosby of the said city of Philadelphia gentleman of the other part.

Whereas the said Christopher Swanson by force and virtue of some good conveyance of conveyances assignment or assignments in the law duly had land executed became in his lifetime lawfully seized in his demesne as of fee of and in divers lands, testaments and hereditaments situate in Wiccacoe aforesaid.

And being so thereof seized made his Last will and testament in writing bearing date in or about the twenty second day of November in the year one thousand seven hundred and thirty fiveand thereby devised unto his three daughters to wit:

Catherine the aforesaid Margaret and Mary.

All the northernmost part of his tract of Land in Wiccacoe aforesaid which

Beginning at the northernmost part of the new frame for a house put up by his son in law, Anthony Duche from Thence extendeth as far as his the said testators land goeth northward and from the River Delaware at Low water Mark unto Passyunk road Westward,

And to contain the same breath on the road as it doth on the opposide side next the river (including the lots of Hayes and Benny) To hold to them the said Katherine, Margaret and Mary apart and share alike, and to their heirs and assigns for ever.

And he the said testator further declared it to be his will that his loving wife Christian should hold and enjoy the said lands or property during her natural life and nominated his said wife sole executrix authorizing her to sell and convey such part and parts of the residue of his Lands, testaments and hereditaments what other than the part intended for his daughters as aforesaid as she should find expedient for the payment of his debts.

And as to the surplusage if any part remained unsold he gave and devised the same to his said son John and to his heirs and assigns forever.

But for the willed that his said wife should hold and enjoy the same surplusage duringher natural life and as did by the said in part recited last will and testament duly proved and remainig in the Register General's office at Philadelphia aforesaid.

Relation being thereunto had more fully and at large appears.

And shortly after the publication of the said accited last will and testament he the said testator died so seized of the premises as in his Estate aforesaid.

And the said Christian Swanson his wife also died withouth having sold any part of the lands aforesaid.

And the said John Swanson likewise died intestate withouth leaving any issue.

And whereas in and by a certain indenture testament bearing date the twenty third of March in the year one thousand seven hundred and forty two/3 made between Anthony Duche Junior and Katherine his wife of the first part, John Parham and Margaret his wife (now the wife of the said Peter David) of the second part and Joseph Knowles and Mary his wife (now the wife of the said Francis Garrigues) of the third part they the said Anthony Duche and Katherine his wifeJohn Parham and Margaret his wife and Joseph Knowles and Mary his wife (the said Katherine Margaret and Mary being the three daughters of the said Christopher Swanson [ . . . ] of Land distinguised in a plan of the said three parcels to the said indenture annexed by the same John Parham and marked No 20 ? with other lots attached for the part and share of the said John Parham and Margaret his wife and the Heirs and assigns of her the said Margaret in severalty for ever.

And also Whereby a certain lot of land distinguished in the said plan by the name Joseph Knowles and Marked No 21 was (with other lots) alloted for the part and share of the said Joseph Knowles and Mary his wife and the heirs and assigns of her the said Mary in severalty for ever.

And whereas the said John Parham and Margaret his wife by indenture dated the fourth day of April in the year one thousand seven hundred and forty five did grant, bargain, sell, and confirm unto the said Joseph Knowles and Mary his wife.

A certain piece of Land (part of the said Lot marked No 20.

To hold to them the said Joseph Knowles and Mary his wife their heirs and assigns for ever as in, and by the said two recited Indentures, and the plan to the said indenture in part to be annexed intended to be accorded at Philadelphia aforesaid relation being thereunto had more fully and at large appear.

And whereas the said John Parham and Joseph Knowles have both departed this life, and their widows to wit, the said Margaret intermarried with the said Peter David and the said Mary intermarried with the said Francis Garrigues.

Who have bargained and sold and agreed to, convey the lot a piece of land herein after mentioned and Described and intended to be hereby granted.

It being the whole of the said Lot marked No 20 and part of the said Lot marked 21 unto the above named Joshua Crosby his heirs and Assigns for every for the sum of three hundred and twenty pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania.

Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Peter David and Margaret his wife, and Francis Garrigues and Mary his wife for and in consideration of the aforesaid sum of three hundred and twenty pounds unto them well and truely paid by the said Joshua Crosby at and before the sealing and delivery hereof.

The receipt whereof they the said Peter David and Margaret his wife and Francis Garrigues and Mary his wife do hereby acknowledge.

And thereof do acquit and forever discharge the said Joshua Crosby his Heirs and assigns any every of them by these presents have and each every and either of them hath granted, bargained, sold asigned, enfeoffed released & confirmed and by these presents.

Do and Each every one and either of them Doth grant bargain sell, asign enfeoff release and confirm,

Unto the said Joshua Crosby, and his heirs and assigns

A certain lot or piece of land situated lying and being in Wiccacoe in Moyamensing Township aforesaid beginning at a stake on the side of a Lane now called the Church Lane of one perch wide leading from Passyunk to Moyamensing road and as the distance of Two Hundred Feet [ . . . ] wife the ice by the said Duche's Land north thirteen degrees East four hundred and forty feet and as ?aes to a stake on the south side a new street called Catherine street dividing this from Philip Hartf??? and Thomas Gibson Land thence along the side of the said Catherine Street fourth seventy two degrees, thirty minutes East four hundred and twenty feet and nine incudes to a post at a corner of Land late of John Parham now of Joseph Wharton and at the distance of five hundred feet from second street confirmed as aforesaid and thence south thirteen degrees forty minutes west along said Wharton's land and lands now of said Gibson Francis Garrigues, Anthony Duche, Patrick Wilson Alexander Crawford and Peter David and wife respectively. Seven hundred and ninety six feet to the place of beginning.

Containing four acres and seventy seven perches.

Together with the free and uninterrupted use, liberty, and privilege of and for passage in and along Catherine Street and the one perch lane aforementioned, and of right of egress and regress, with or without horses, carts, and carriages at all times and seasons unto, along, upon, and out of the same street and lands respectively.

And together also with all and singular other the ways, roads, lanes, passages, waters, water courses, timbers, trees, rights, liberties, privileges, improvements, hereditaments, and appurtenances whatsoever to the said last described lot or piece of land belonging or in anywise appertaining.

And the Remainder and Remainders, Rents Issues and profits thereof.

And of every part and parcel thereof.

And also all the Estate and Estates Rights Title Interest use possession, profits, claim and demand whatsoever of them or assigns or either of them the said Peter David and Margaret his wife and Francis Garrigues and Mary his wife either in Land or Equity or otherewise howsoever of in or out of the said Last describe Lot or Lots of Land and premises hereby granted and every or any part or parcel thereof.

To have and to Hold the said last describe Lot of Land containing four acres and seventy seven perches and all and singular other rights and all and singular after the herditments and premises hereby granted, bargained and sold or mentioned so to be unto their and every of their appurtancies unto the said Joshua Crosby his heirs and assigns.

To the only proper use and behoof of the said Joshua Crosby his heirs and assigns forever.

Under Under the proportionate part of the yearly quit rent thereafter accruing for the hereafter granted premises to the chief Lord or Lords of [the fee] thereof.

And the said Peter David for himself his heirs executors and adminstrators of her the said Margaret and the said Francis Garrigues for himself his heirs and assigns [ . . . ] to and with the said Joshua Crosby his heirs and assigns and every of them by those presents in the manner and form aforesaid.

That is to say that they the said Peter David and Margaret his wife and Francis Garrigues and Mary his wife, or some or one of them at and immediately before the sealing and delivery of this present Indenture are of is clearfully rightfully and absolutely seised of the said last described lot of land hereditments,

And premesis hereby granted, bargained, and sold, or mentioned so to be, with their and every of their appurtenances, are of a good, sure, pure, absolute, and indefeasible estate of inheritance in fee simple, without any manner of condition, contingent proviso, limitation of use or uses, or other restraint, matter, cause, or thing whatsoever to alter, defeat, or change the same.

And shall continue so seized thereof and of every part and parcel thereof, make a like good, perfect, and absolute estate in fee simple, shall be thereof vested in the said Joshua Crosby his heirs and assigns.

According to the true intent and reaming of these presents.

And that the said Joshua Crosby his heirs and Assigns and every of them place in lawfully may from time to time.

And at all times hereafter for ever freely peaceably and quietly have hold and enjoy the said last designated lot of land and heriditments and premises hereby granted bargained,

And sold or mentioned so to be and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances and receive and take the rents Issues and profits thereof whithout any manner of lett sui? ???ble anexation eviction disturbance or other hindrance or molestation whatsoever of them the said Peter David and Margaret his wife or any or either of them their or any or other if their heirs or assigns or of any other person or persons whatsoever.

And that free and clear and freely and clerarly acquitted exonerated and discharged of and ?an al and all manner of former and other bargains sales, leases, morgages, gifts grants offerments, devices, users joinperes domers wiull & sails, annuities, rents, arrearages, of the propreitary quiit rent, judgements extents execurions titles, charges, trubles claims and demands, Bunhens and income frances whasoever.

And further that they the said Peter David and Margaret his wife and Francis Garrigues and Mary his wife and their heirs respectively the said last described Lot of Land heiretiments and premises hereby granted bargained and sold or maintained or intended to be with their any every of their appurtenances unto the said Joshua Crosby his heirs and assigns against them, the said Peter David and Margaret his wife and Francis Garrigues and Mary his wife.

And their heirs respectively and against all and every other person and persons whatsover shall unto ??? warrant and for ever defend by these presents.

And further that they the said Peter David and Margaret his wife and Francis Garrigues and Mary his wife and their heirs respectively [...] land ior parcel thereof, shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter for ever.

At and upon the reasonable request proper costs and charges in the law of the said Joshua Crosby his heirs and assigns or any of them make do Levy & Execute acknowledge and ?uffer or cause so to be. All and Every such further and other reasonable act and acts, deed or deeds, device or devices in tghe Law whatesoever for the further better and more perfect assurance sureby sure making conveying, settling establishing or confirmation of the said last described Lot or Land hereditaments and premisses hereby granted, bargained

And sold or mentiuoned so to be with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Joshua Crosby his Heirs and Assigns for ever.

Be it by fine or fines feossment or feossment, deed or deeds, common recovery or recoveries, with single, dobule or treble, voucher or vouchers release or confirmation or by all and every or any of the said Ways and Means. or by said Joshua Crosby his heirs or assigns or by his or their counsel learned in the law shall be reasonably devised advised or requrired.

In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have interchangeably set their hands and sealshereunto dated the day and year first above written.

Peter David {seal}
Margret David {seal}

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