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Deed Transfers of William Roberts Senior

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Cumberland, Kentucky, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: roberts Garrett
This page has been accessed 125 times.

Transcription of Land Deed Transactions for William Roberts senior and potentially other William Roberts in Cumberland County, Kentucky




William Roberts of Shelby Co. Ky. to Francis Ogden of C.C. deed to land below mouth of Marrowbone joining Alexander Elliott; A16-18; 5/21/1803[1]


William Roberts & Susannah of C.C. to Moses Lee of C.C. deed land on Indian Creek; 129; 6/9/1806[2]


William Roberts of Shelby County to Peter Simmerman land on Marrowbone Creek; 10/1/1811; b-160[3]

Robert Jones of Adair county to William Roberts of Shelby County land on Marrowbone Creek; 10/1/1811; B-161[3]


Hugh McClure to William Roberts land on Renox Creek ;9/16/1826; F-104[4]Deed Book F Page 104

William Roberts to James Clark negroes; 10/12/1826; F-113[5]Deed Book F Page 113


March 1827 - No. 1

In 1827 he would transfer two deeds to his son-in-law Hiram Garrett:

WILLIAM ROBERTS, SR. to HIRAM GARRETT land on Cumberland River & on Raft Creek; 3/16/1827;Cumberland County Deed Book F- page 184[6][7]

This Indenture made & entered into this 16th day of March
in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred & twenty seven Between
William Roberts senior of the County of Cumbrland & State of
Kentucky of the one part & Hiram Garret of the same place
of the other part [no?t?upeth] That for and in consideration
of the sum of two hundred Dollars to the said William in hand
paid by the said Hiram the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged have this day granted bargained sold & conveyed
unto the said Hiram I do by these presents grant bargain sell
and convey into the said Hiram a Certain tract of parcel of land
[??????] lying and being in the County & state of foresaid on the
south side of Cumberland River Containing by survey and
computation forty two acres and bounded as follows [?????] Beginning on
the upper side of raft Creek at [???] [?????] on bank
of Cumberland River ????? ???? the same binding thereon ? 65
?? 58 poles to a white oak and chestnut oak in the ???? hence ? 10
& 100 poles to a surgar tree and mulberry ???  ? 75 & 73 poles to a
?? and white oak crossing the creek at 62 poles ??? ? N180
to 104 poles ot the Beginning. to have and to hold the aforesaid
together with all ? singular the opport????? and improvmeents
thereto Belonginging or in anywise opportunity and the said William
Roberts for him self his heirs & Representativs the aforesaid
tract of land unto the aforesaid. Hiram Garret doth warrant
& defend the title against the lawful ??? and demand of himself
& his heirs forever and also against the claims or demands of all and
every person or persons claiming y through or under him and against
the Claim or Claims of every person or persons whatsoever In writing
whereof the said William that hereunder set his hand afixed
his seal the day & year first above written
Witness Wm Roberts ~~seal~~
Bar. E. Emerson Kentucky Cumbrland County set
J Milton King clerk of the County Court for the County aforesaid
do certify that William Roberts the grantor to the within

Next page 185

deed of Conveyance to Hiram Garret came personally before me in my office
on the 28th day of March 1827 & acknowledged the same to be his act
and deed, and have hereby recorded the same together with this
certificate in my said office in Deed Book F page 184
Given under my hand this 6th day of April 1827
Milton King

Notation on left margin of page 184

Delivered to grantor this 8th day of October 1828 M King

This land appears to be located at: https://www.google.ca/maps/@36.7351096,-85.3673959,14z

Approximate land location of land owned by William Roberts

March 1827 - No. 2

WILLIAM ROBERTS SR. to HIRAM GARRETT land on Raft Creek; 3/16/1827;Deed Book F-page 185[8][9], see Deed Transfers for William Roberts for transcriptions of the deed.

This Indenture made and entered into this 16th day
of March in the year of our lord eighteen hundred
and twenty seven between William Roberts senior of the
County of Cumberland and the State of Kentucky of the one
part and Hiram Garret of the same place of the other
part ???? ??? that for and in consideration of the
sum of three hundred dollars to teh said William
in hand paid by teh said HIram the Receipt wha
refof is hereby acknoweldged have this day gran
ted bargained sold and conveyed unto the said
Hiram and do by these presents grant bargain
sell and Convey unto teh said Hiram a Certain tract
or parcel of land situate lying and being in the
County and state aforesaid on the South side of
Cumberland river on raft Creek a branch of
Cumberland river Containing by survey and Com
putation fifty acres and bounded as folows, ???
beginning on the Corner of said William ???
survey ?? a shugartree and Mulberry ??? with
his ??? North 75 ?? 72 poles to a hoopewood
and white ash crossing the Creek ?? ?? poles
thense south 39 east 80 poles to the shugartree
and beeches thense south 5?? west 104 poles 10 a
stake thense North 15 west 90 poles to the beginning
To have and to hold the aforesaid fifty acres of
land into the said Hiram and his heirs forever
together with all and singular ??? appertinances
and inprovements thereito belonging as in any use
appartaining and the said William Roberts for
himself his heirs and representatives the aforesaid
tract of land into the aforsaid HIram Garret
doth warrant and defent the title against the
lawful claim and demand of himself & his heirs
forever and also against the Claims on ???
of all and every person or persons claming
by through or under him and against the Claim

Next page 186

in Claims of every person or persons whatsoever on which share of the said William
hath ??? So his hand and affixed his
seal the day and year ??? above written
witnesss William Roberts ~~Seal~~
CJ Johns
Bever ?? emerson

Kentucky Cubmerland County
I Milton King Clerk of the County Court for the County
aforesaid do certify that William Roberts the grantor to the
within deed of Conveyance to Hiram Garrett ??? personally before
me in my office on the 28th day of march 1827 and acknowledge
the same to be is act and deed and i have truly recorded the
same toegether with this Certificte in my said office in deed Book
F page 185 Given under my hand this 6th Day
of April 1827
Milton King

Notation on left margin of page 185

Delivered to grantor this 8th day of October 1828 M King

This land appears to be located at: https://www.google.ca/maps/@36.7351096,-85.3673959,14z

Approximate land location of land owned by William Roberts


Robert Reid vs. Estate of William Roberts; William C. Barton acting dep. for Robert Alexander, Sherrif; 7/14/1830; G106[10]Deed Book G Page 106


Stephen English to William Roberts of Davidson Co., Tenn. slaves; Stephen English heir of Benjamin English, dec.;H-148[11]Deed Book H Page 148


Granville Bowman, Com. to Robert Reid(Court suit between Robert Reid & heirs of William Roberts, dec.) land on Raft Creek; 4/23/1834; J-32[12]Deed Book J - Page 32


William Roberts & W. Nancy of Adair Co. to Edward HIll of C.C. Land on Renox Creek; 11/1/1836; J-165[13]Deed Book J Page 165


  • David Matlock completed a deed transfer in October of 1827 as well, noted on Page 183 of Deedbook F, he is believed to be a possible cousin to William Roberts


  1. Cumberland County Kentucky Deed Records 1799-1866 Randolph N. Smith and Laura Lee Butler Page 2
  2. Cumberland County Kentucky Deed Records 1799-1866 Randolph N. Smith and Laura Lee Butler Page 9
  3. 3.0 3.1 Cumberland County Kentucky Deed Records 1799-1866 Randolph N. Smith and Laura Lee Butler Page 30
  4. Cumberland County Kentucky Deed Records 1799-1866 Randolph N. Smith and Laura Lee Butler Page 124
  5. Cumberland County Kentucky Deed Records 1799-1866 Randolph N. Smith and Laura Lee Butler Page 125
  6. Cumberland County Kentucky Deed records 1799-1866, Randolph N. Smith and Laura Lee Butler page 128
  7. Cumberland County, Kentucky Deed Book F Page 184
  8. Cumberland County Kentucky Deed records 1799-1866, Randolph N. Smith and Laura Lee Butler page 128
  9. Cumberland County, Kentucky Deed Book F Page 185
  10. Cumberland County Kentucky Deed Records 1799-1866 Randolph N. Smith and Laura Lee Butler Page 149
  11. Cumberland County Kentucky Deed Records 1799-1866 Randolph N. Smith and Laura Lee Butler Page 169
  12. Cumberland County Kentucky Deed Records 1799-1866 Randolph N. Smith and Laura Lee Butler Page 184
  13. Cumberland County Kentucky Deed Records 1799-1866 Randolph N. Smith and Laura Lee Butler Page 190

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