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This is a transcription of a Deed of Lease and Release made 13 and 14 October 1710 made between Reynolds Calthorpe and Samuel Battely as grantors, and Mary Christian the grantee, pertaining to the townland of Old Grange, County Waterford, Ireland. [1]
Persons mentioned:
- Reynolds Calthorpe of Elvetham, Hampshire. Inherited lands in Ireland through his mother's family
- Samuel Battely of Bury St Edmonds, Suffolk
- Mary Christian widow of Patrick Christian, Rector of Kilrossanty, County Waterford and daughter of John Nettles of Tourin, County Waterford
- Minard Christian Recorder of Waterford City. Witness to deed. No known relationship to Patrick and Mary Christian
- Hugh Radcliffe of Kilrogy in the County of Tipperary. Witness to deed.
- John Bagwell of Ballylaffan, County Tipparary. Witness to deed.
- Daniel Taylor of the City of Waterford. Witness to deed.
- Darby Ryan of the City of Waterford, Gentleman. Witness to deed.
- John Moody of Clonmell, County Tipperary Gentleman. Drew up the deeds
No. 2216
A Memoriall of Deeds to be registred pursuant
to an Act of Parliament made in Ireland in the Sixth Year of the Reign
of our Sovereign Lady Queen Anne Intitled an act of publick
Registring of all Deeds Coveyances and Wills that shall be made of
any Honors Mannors Lands Tenements or Hereditaments ~
Calthorpe et al to Christian
Deeds of Lease and Release dated the Thirteenth and Fourteenth
days of October Ann[o] Dom[ini] One Thousand and Seven Hundred and Ten and made
Between Reynolds Calthorpe of Elvetham in the County of Southampton Esqr &
Samuel Battely of Bury St Edmonds in the County of Suffolk Gent both in the
Kingdom of Great Britain of the one part, and Mary Christian of Affane in
the County of Waterford and Kingdom of Ireland Widow of the other part ~
Whereby the said Reynolds Calthorpe and Samuel Battely in Consideration
of the Sum of Nine Hundred and Sixty Seven Pounds Six Shillings Ster[ling] Have
Conveyed unto the said Mary Christian Her Heirs and Assignes forever the
Town and Lands of Old Grange containing by Comon Estimation Three
Hundred and Forty Acres plantation Measure Scituate in the Barony of
Upperthird and County of Waterford with the Trees about the Capitall House
and in the Hedgrows and all Trees growing on the Premises under Twelve
Inches girth and all other the Appurtan[en]ces Except Trees of Twelve Inches
girth and upwards Standing and Growing on the Premisses which are
reserved to the said Grantors their Heirs and Assignes with Two Yeares
and a halfes time to be Computed from the first day of Nov[ember] last for ~
disposing of the said Excepted Timber to the best Advantage In which said
Deed of Release there is a Covenant for further Assurance and other Usuall
Covenants in such Cases, To which said Deeds Minard Christian of the City
of Waterford Esqr: Hugh Radcliffe of Kilrogy in the County of Tipperary
John Bagwell of Ballylaffan in the said County of Tipparary Daniel Taylor
of the said City of Waterford and Darby Ryan of the same City Gent are
subscribing Witnesses, In Testimony whereof the above named Mary Christian
the Grantee hath hereunto Sett her Hand and Seal this Twenty Fifth day of
June Ann[o] Dom[ini] One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eleven ~
Mary Christian {seal}
Sealed and Delivered in presence of Thomas Smith Dan[ie]ll Taylor
To the Reg[istra]r appointed for Registering Mem[orial]lls pursuant to the said act
Daniel Taylor Gent one of the Subscribing Witnesses to the above mentioned Deeds
and Mem[oria]ll maketh Oath that he was present and saw 'John Moody of Clonmell
in the County of Tipperary Gent duly perfect the above mentioned Deeds by
Vertue of the Power therein mentioned as the Acts and Deeds of the above
named Reynolds Calthorpe and Samuel Battely and that he also saw the above
named Mary Christian Sign & Seal the above Mem[oria]ll that 'tis a true Mem[oria]ll of
the above Deeds and that the Named Dan[ie]ll Taylor Subscribed as a Witness to
the said Deeds & Mem[oria]ll in this Dep[onen]ts own proper hand Writing ~ Dan Taylor ~
Jur[at] cor[am] nobis 25 die Junij Virt Statute ~ And Taylor ~
David Lewis May[o]r Rich[ar]d Christmas
- ↑ Ireland, Registry of Deed, Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills Deeds, etc., v. 6-7 1710-1711. Repository Registry of Deeds, Henrietta Street, Dublin, Ireland. Memorial number 2216 Calthorpe to Christian Film 008093162image 305 Accessed 5 May 2023
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