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Deputy Research Links

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Surname/tag: Deputy
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Deputy Name Study Project

  • Study Manager: Stuart Bechman
  • Study Research Links Page: Deputy Research Links You Are Here
  • Study: Deputy DNA Connections
  • Study G2G Tag: Deputy_Name_Study
  • Deputy Name Study Category Tag: As you encounter profiles with the surname Deputy or any of its variants, please add the Deputy Name Study Category to the ancestral profile. To do this, copy and paste the following template into the profile at the top of the biography section. This will categorize the profile as belonging to the name study.
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WikiTree Freespace Pages

  1. Deputy Land Records, Deputy Name Study
  2. Deputy Wills and Estates, Deputy Name Study

United States Pension Files

  1. 1813-1879 Pension Files: Sylvester J Deputy
  2. 1862-1913 Pension Files: Solomon Deputy

United States Patents

  1. 1854: United States Letters Patent No 11,416. Henry C Deputy

Legal Issues

  1. 1814 to 1826 Land Dispute of Joseph Deputy
  2. 1862-1874 Joseph S Deputy, etal vs United States. Case No. 18147

Family Bibles, Histories & Reunions

  1. Family bible donated by James Deputy
  2. History of Henry Deputy's Family
  3. 1875 Speech by William Deputy at Old Settlers' Meeting

DNA Websites

  1. Wikitree: Deputy DNA Connections

Family Genealogies


  1. 1936. "Memories" . Autobiography of Ulysses Melville McGuire. (Accessed 01 May 2017)

In Print

  1. 1942. "History of Henry Deputy's Family" , by Flora King. Columbus, Indiana. 8 pages. See also: WikiTree Freespace Page
  2. 1963. "The Land of Winding Waters" by Malcolm Deputy. Deputy, Indiana. 25 pages.
  3. 1985. "Deputy genealogy: with related families, 1985 back to 1658", by B. Dottie McCormick Perkins. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 379 pages.
  4. 1993. "James Milford Fowler and Sarah Officer Deputy : their lives, descendants, ancestors, and other items of interest" by Albert Sydney Magdanz, Elizabeth Ann Clemmens, Ann Clemmens Ferland, Dale R Fowler. Omaha, Nebraska. 108 pages.

Archival Collections

  1. William Deputy Collection. S356. 1658-1939. 1 folder. State of Indiana. State Library.
    1. Deputy Family Records from Morenci Robertson Wells, two pages
    2. " Jennings County in the Frontier Period,” by Alice Bundy, one page
    3. William Deputy’s Notebook, 1879, corrected for 1883, 10 pages
    4. William Deputy’s Notebook, 1880, corrected for 1884, 27 pages
    5. William Deputy’s Notebook, 1881, corrected for 1882, 15 pages
    6. William Deputy's Notebook, 1885, 8 pages
  2. Robertson Family Collection. Charlestown Clark County Public Library. Indiana. (Note: There are many more surnames in this collection, only the Deputy surname is mentioned below.)
    1. Deputy Camp in Deputy, Indiana
      1. Photographs, tickets for camp meeting 1909-1911, letters, history, receipts for building materials,
      2. Brochure for Annual Camp Meeting 1916
      3. Deputy Camp share certificate
      4. Deputy Genealogy (William 1807-1902)
      5. Biography of William Deputy, genealogy
    2. Deputy, Indiana History
      1. History of Deputy, biography of William Deputy, newspaper articles
      2. Petition to get electricity for Deputy, 10 April 1925
    3. Deputy Methodist Church (dedicated 14 November 1886)
      1. Photograph, history, member list, marriage records, newspaper articles
      2. Extract from Will of John Wiggam who bequeathed $500 for a new church to be built
      3. List of subscriptions for the building of the church


  1. Deputy, Indiana
  2. Zach Deputy, Musician


  1. Deputy Cemetery, 21930 Hackney Circle, Lincoln, Sussex County, Delaware
  2. Deputy Family Cemetery, Route 16 (Beach Highway) and South Union Church Road, Georgetown, Sussex County, Delaware
  3. Deputy Family Farm Cemetery, 140 Coastal Highway, Milford, Sussex County, Delaware
  4. Deputy Farm Cemetery. Paris Crossing, Jennings County, Indiana

Research Links

  1. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records
  2. Indiana Memory Digital Collection

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