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Descendant of Thomas Skinner of Malden, MA

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Malden, MAmap
Surname/tag: Skinner
This page has been accessed 2,345 times.

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Current List of all descendants of Thomas Skinner profiles on WikiTree

Profile of Thomas Skinner of Malden, MA


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Comments: 4

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Surely this will be easier to maintain as a category?
posted by Brad Foley
It would be, and I asked about that, but at the time it was not approved for this. I'll try asking again. It would be much nicer if it would auto populate. I can't keep up with it.
Ah I see. It might not fit into a neat hierarchy, except as a personal category. Let me check what could work. This approach is very organised. But seems like a huge amount of effort.

Did you ask in G2G? I don't see the question.

posted by Brad Foley
Hi Skinner Name Study:

I appreciate your work, and am adding the Space:Descendant of John Skinner of Hartford template to his line in my husband's tree. (See Josephine Loomis etc.)

The template for 'Descendant of Thomas Skinner of Malden, MA' has been added to that same lineage, however they are not in his descent -- they are in the descent of John Skinner of Hartford.

Please let me know if the way I handled the change on Josephine Loomis' profile is correct, or if there is some other way to do this. (I added the John Skinner template at the top, removed the Thomas Skinner template, and added a note at the end of the profile that she is not a descendant of Thomas Skinner of Malden, MA.)

May your work prosper and many thanks for Skinners one name study on WikiTree. for