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Details of Last Will and Testament for William Wise

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Surname/tag: Wise Denmarks
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The will of William Wise was signed 10 May 1816 and probated in Bulloch County, Georgia. He names his wife Margaret Wise, Son-in-law Solomon Groover children Henry, Viney, Susan, Rebecca Jones, Zilpha, John, Jincy and additional heirs with names listed. [1] [2] William Wise died 13 May 1816 at the William Wise Plantation, Old Mill Road, Bulloch Co., GA.

(some word hard to read, so possible mistake)
Georgia - In the Name of God Amen.
I William Wise of the County and state aforsaid knowing that it is appointed that all men must die and being infirm in body but in perfect mind and memory do make this my last will and Testament.

1st - I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Margaret Wise all the Property both real and Personal that I now Posses to hold and enjoy without molestation during he natural life if she survives longer than myself, and at her death to be divided in the following manner so writen
2nd - I give and bequeath unto my son in law Solomon Groover the Sum of five dollars to be paid one of my moneys belonging to my Estate that may come into the hand of my Executors.
3rd - I give and bequeath unto my Son Henry Wise one negro woman named Eady and one feather bead.
4th - I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Nancy Denmark one negro Girl named Sarah & one feather bead.
5th - I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Susannah Denmark one negro man named July & one feather bead.
6th - I give and bequeath unto my Son Preston Wise one negro man named Guy.
7th - I give and bequeath unto mt daughter Rebecca Jones One negro Womand named Jeaner
8th - I give and bequeath unto my daughter Zelpha Goodman One negro man named John.
9th - I give and bequeath unto my Son John Wise one negro man named Jack, all my land and improvements lying on Mill Creek where I now live together with One Hundred acres, and two town lotts lying at Bulloch Courthouse also all my stock of sheeps, hogs, horses and poultry of every kind together with all my household and kitchen furnature of every kind.
10th - I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jincey Denmark One negro woman named Caster.
11th - I will and desire that all my stock of Cattle shall be equally divided between the following Hoirs namely Henry Wise, Nancy Denmark, Susannah Denmark, Preston Wise,Rebecca Jones, Zilpha Goodman, John Wise, Jincey Denmark and Jarred Wise.

And I do hereby Constitute and appoint Jonathan Robinson Esq. and my son John Wise and John Everett Esq. my sole Executors to this my last Will and Testament.
Signed and Sealed this Thirthieth day of May in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and Sixteen in presence of Lydia Anciaux, Sarah Everitt, Ely Kennedy
Georgia Bulloch County - Personally appeared in Court of Ordinary.
William Wise L. L.
Ely Kennedy who being only sivorn oposeth and Saith that he saw William Wise Sign and Seal the within instrument of writing as his last will and testament and this aponent further saith that he saw Lydia Anciaux and Sarah Everitt Sign the Same together with himself as witnesses Sivorn to in Open Court.
This 1st day of July 1816.
Elisha Bowen, David Kennedy, James Tillman, Ely Kennedy Recorded this 10th day of Jan. 1817.
Ely Kennedy C.C.O

His will shows a connection between Lydia Anciaux (Robinson) and the Wise family. The Anciaux family owned a wharf in Savannah, a probable link to the Bordeaux trade in France, a lead for the trail of Rebecca Jones' (Wise) husband. (Patrice Thobie hypothesis).
I am presently corresponding with Patrice and we're FLUMOXED as to how there was a connection with our family and his. Patrice is actually adept at Genetic Genealogy and I will revisit my latest email in a few minutes AFTER I finish with the paragraph relating to John and Margaret's children.Moyer-780 01:26, 14 November 2021 (UTC)

Copy of Testament

I am repeating the Will above to make notes without interrupting the Will above:: Georgia - In the Name of God Amen.
I William Wise of the County and state aforsaid knowing that it is appointed that all men must die and being infirm in body but in perfect mind and memory do make this my last will and Testament.

1st - I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Margaret Wise all the Property both real and Personal that I now Posses to hold and enjoy without molestation during he natural life if she survives longer than myself, and at her death to be divided in the following manner so writen
Roger Allen writes that he married an Elizabeth Cade (?!), but this Will suggests Margaret Wise was still alive when he died? - Research neededMoyer-780 02:13, 14 November 2021 (UTC)
2nd - I give and bequeath unto my son in law Solomon Groover (married to Wise-1109|Elizabeth Nancy (Wise) Groover]] the Sum of five dollars to be paid one of my moneys belonging to my Estate that may come into the hand of my Executors.
William Wise borrowed $500 from Solomon using his estate as collateral meaning the Solomon was doing well. (FYI) Solomon was the 2nd son of Johannes Gruber and Maria Kalcher's large family. By reading his profile you find Johannes was killed by Tories on his property in Cowpasture, Georgia during the American Revolution. when Solomon was under 10 and the family. His family fortunately was probably part of a Salzburger settlement beginning by the Ogeechee River, I'm thinking in Screven County. The Wyses (the "y" for the Scottish Wyse vs. English Wise for my own ease of keeping them straight.) The Wyses and Groovers (Gruber) were intermingling in Georgia early after the American Revolution.

3rd - I give and bequeath unto my Son Henry Wise one negro woman named Eady and one feather bead.
(Might want to find the Census Schedule for William's slaves passed to his children. i.e. Did Henry add Eady to others, or was she a single slave added to Henry's estate. The civil war would be almost 50 years later.)
4th - I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Nancy Denmark one negro Girl named Sarah & one feather bead.
5th - I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Susannah Denmark one negro man named July & one feather bead.
6th - I give and bequeath unto my Son Preston Wise one negro man named Guy.
7th - I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca Jones One negro Womand named Jeaner
8th - I give and bequeath unto my daughter Zelpha Goodman One negro man named John.
9th - I give and bequeath unto my Son John Wise one negro man named Jack, all my land and improvements lying on Mill Creek where I now live together with One Hundred acres, and two town lotts lying at Bulloch Courthouse also all my stock of sheeps, hogs, horses and poultry of every kind together with all my household and kitchen furnature of every kind.
10th - I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jincey Denmark One negro woman named Caster.
11th - I will and desire that all my stock of Cattle shall be equally divided between the following Heirs namely Henry Wise, Nancy Denmark, Susannah Denmark, Preston Wise, Rebecca Jones, Zilpha Goodman, John Wise, Jincey Denmark and Jarred Wise.

And I do hereby Constitute and appoint Jonathan Robinson Esq. and my son John Wise and John Everett Esq. my sole Executors to this my last Will and Testament.
Signed and Sealed this Thirthieth day of May in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and Sixteen in presence of Lydia Anciaux, Sarah Everitt, Ely Kennedy

Georgia Bulloch County - Personally appeared in Court of Ordinary.
William Wise L. L.
Ely Kennedy who being only sivorn oposeth and Saith that he saw William Wise Sign and Seal the within instrument of writing as his last will and testament and this aponent further saith that he saw Lydia Anciaux and Sarah Everitt Sign the Same together with himself as witnesses Sivorn to in Open Court.
This 1st day of July 1816.
Elisha Bowen, David Kennedy, James Tillman, Ely Kennedy Recorded this 10th day of Jan. 1817.
Ely Kennedy C.C.O



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