Location: Latitude, Longitude 51.0262, 46.0946

Dinkel, Kukkus, Saratov, Volga, Russia
- Wiesenseite | Mother Colony | Protestant
![]() |
Dinkel-Red Arrow |
- Names:
- Dinkel
- Oberholstein
- Tarlikovka
- Tarlikowka
- Tarlykovka
- Tarlykowka
- Динкель
- Обергольштейн
- Тарлыковка
- Names:
- History:
- Dinkel was founded on 12 May 1767 by 56 families of colonists recruited by LeRoy & Pictet from Holstein, Württemberg, and Mecklenburg. It was located on the left bank of the Tarlyk River at the point where it enters the Volga River. It was named after Johann Wilhelm Dinkel, the first leader of the colony.
- Dinkel was one of the colonies plundered by the Pugachev raiders in 1774.
- During the 1921 Famine, 238 people died in Dinkel.
- Today, what remains of the former Volga German colony of Dinkel is known as Tarlykovka.
- Church:
- The congregation in Dinkel was part of the Warenburg Lutheran Parish which had been established in 1770.
- A new church building was completed in Dinkel in 1894.
- Pastors & Priests:
- The congregation in Dinkel was served by the following pastors:
- 1785-1788 Friedrich Konrad Strengel
- 1797-1825 Bernhard Wilhelm Litfass
- Resources:
- Volga German Institute - Dinkel
- German Russian Settlements Locations|Google Map Direct Link
- Center for Volga German Studies - Dinkel
- AHSGR Dinkel Village Coordinator
- Notable Individuals:
- Blitz, Rudolph & Leo
- Notable Individuals:
- Surnames:
- Andersen (Dinkel)
- Arb / Arp
- Benzler
- Bossel / Brüssel (Dinkel)
- Christian(sen) (Dinkel)
- Christoph (Dinkel)
- Dinkel (Dinkel)
- Doos
- Elenberger
- Ertel (Dinkel)
- Friedrichsen (Dinkel-1)
- Frisch (Warenburg)
- Gedde (Dinkel)
- Gerlach (Anton)
- Gries (Dinkel)
- Gro(h)mann
- Hammerling
- Hansen (Dinkel)
- Hartmann (Dinkel)
- Heinrich (Dinkel-1)
- Hollbeck
- Hölzer / Helzer (Norka-1)
- Jensen (Dinkel)
- Kiesling
- Kleiber (Dinkel)
- Kleiber (Grimm)
- Kromberg
- Krämer (Dinkel)
- Lamb (Dinkel)
- Langmeier
- Laub (Laub)
- Loob
- Lutz (Warenburg)
- Mainz (Dinkel)
- Meisner (Grimm)
- Michaelis (Jost)
- Muss
- Müller (Dinkel-1)
- Müller (Dinkel-2)
- Neff (Dinkel)
- Neumann (Dinkel)
- Nikolaisen
- Otto (Dinkel)
- Raab (Dinkel)
- Rau (Dinkel)
- Rebensdorf
- Reinhard(t) (Warenburg)
- Ries (Dinkel)
- Rudolph (Dinkel)
- Schubach
- Seedorf
- Seingold
- Siebert (Warenburg)
- Sittner (Huck)
- Stahlmann (Dinkel)
- Stecker (Dinkel)
- Stephan (Dinkel)
- Vorath
- Wagenleitner
- Weiland (Warenburg)
- Weissbro(d)t
- Weller (Dinkel)
- Worms
- Wulf (Dinkel)
- Zern
- Immigration:
- Surnames:
- Goodland, Sherman Co., Kansas
- Penza, Penza Oblast, Russia
- Sheboygan, Sheboygan Co., Wisconsin
Generally: head of household (last name first), where from (state, town), wife, children. Ages follow the names.
Dinkel, John, 30 , fr. Bayreuth Germany. w/ Anna Rosine 29 son Jacob Friedrich 9
Kleber, Jacob 30, fr Danemark, Nienbrock. w/Anna, daughter Margaretha 18
Maetz, Heinrich, 46 fr. Begent Mecklenburg. w/ Anna Catharine 38
Kramer, Christina nee Kramer, 7, adopted after death of father 01 Oct 1767
Andersen, Andreas, 24, fr. Holstein Tauben, w/ Anna Maria ,37
adopted after death of Anton Peter Rauch, Heinrich 15, Casper 12, Charistina 19,
Cern(Zern), Kaspar 42, fr Wurtenburg, w/Magdalena 36
Heinrich, Hans, 37, fr Danmark
Schtalman, Friedrich, 45, fr. Holstein, Gluckstadt, Maria Appel 60 Appel Anna 15, stepdaughter
Kleber, Jacob, w/Christina, no children
Kleber, Mars 37, fr Holstein, Neubruck. w/Margaretha 33. Stepsons, Andreas, 16, Elias 12
Gris, Heinrich, 47, fr. Damstadt, Ziengenberg, w/Susanna Catharina, 56. Kramer, Maria
13 –father was Conrad Kramer. She lived in household of Heinrich Gris
Ertel, Franz, 42,(Cath), fr, Schwaben, Dinkelscherben. w/ Sophia Margaretha Muller, Paul, 16, stepson of Franz Ertel
Walter, Johann, 40, (Cath), fr. Hessen, Kassel, Wolfhagen w/Christina 33, Maria 1/2. Stepdaughter, Catharina, 15
Lipman, Friedrich, 38, (Cath), fr. Brandenburg, Loumburg, w/Anna Margaretha, 30.
Marx, Mus, 38, fr. Holstein, Probate, w/Margaretha, 31
Friedrichsen, Hans, 22, Denmark, Osen
Nicolausen, Elizabeth, 50, widow, Holstein, sons, Christian 22, Franz, 20, both lived
with stepfather
Cromberg (Kromberg), Heinrich, 38, Holstein, Scherbeck. w/Maria Muller, 36 Muller, Nicolaus, 7, stepson
Christian, Andreas, 42, Danemark, Copenhagen, w/Beate, 36, Heinrich Peter, 7.
Gothe, Johann, 36, Holstein, Stubben, w/Elizabeth 37.
Schubach, Balzer, 42, Luneburg, Stadt. w/Anna Margaretha. 32. Balsert, 22, from 1st
marriage, Maria, 15, from second marriage
Schteker, Markus, 48, Holstein, Neulinzer, w/Catharina, 31, Magdalena,12, Cahtarina Eliz. 8, Doretha, 4.
Heinrich, Jacob, 23, Holstein, Klostob, w.Magdalina,18
Boll,(Bell), Joachim Heinrich, 30, Holstein, Klostob, w/Maria, 32
Wulf, Peter, 40, Holstein, Zieder, w/ Maria 32, Johann George, 14, Dorotha, 2
Weisbrod(t), Johann Detlev. 40, Holstein, Kiel. w/Elizabeth, 41, Johann Heinrich, 8,
Johann Heinrich 4/12, (from second wife Eliz. Maria, 12, stepdaughter
Rebensdorf, Friedrich, 25, Holstein, Plopdorf, w/ Anna Magdalena, 21
Klaus, Christopher, 22,Holstein, Klosten, w/ Cahtarina Margaretha, 24
Friedrichsen, Johann, 28, Danmark, Holmdrup, w/ Anna Dorothea, 23
Raab, Michael, 24, Frankreich, Wolfsheim, w/ Christina, 18
Neff, Heinrich, 26, Holstein, Eichelivir, w/ anna Dorothea, 27, Peter, 13, brother
Arp, Johann, 32, Holstein, Kelrastof, w/ Dorothea, 40, Benedikt, Peter, 15, stepson
Hanzen(Hansen), Peter, 31, Holstein, Genschte, w/ Anna Catharina, 32.
Christian,Heinrich, 40, Mecklenburg, Guistrow, w/ Catharina 21
Henzin(Hanzen)?,Peter, 30, Danmark, Kabbel, w/ Anna Sophia 30.. 27 Dec. 1767
Heckster, Shristopher, 23, Holstein, Klinstadt, w/ Dorothea, 20,
Reinhard,(Reinhardt) Christopher Heinrich, 39, Brandenburg, Lebbin, w/Margaretha, 32 , Hans Andreas, 7, Johann George 3/52 weeks. From Warenburg came to Dinkel 27 July 1767
Grohmann, Justus, 40, Holstein, Kiel. w/ Elizabeth 30, son Robert fuhrrat, 4, Dorothea, 14, Anna Catharina, 10.
Schtefen(Stephen),Jacob, 24, Holstein, Kleinstadt, w/ Maragaretha,30, Maria, 2.
Hartman, Hans, 40, Schweden, Bulwitz, w/Dorothea, 30, Els, Carl,18, stepson to Hans Hartman, and Sander, Johann , adopted son. Lived with above family
Otto, Carl Friedrich, 22, Sachsen, Rosswein, w/ Elizabeth, 32
Ries, Christopher, 48, Baden.Durlach, Wesen. w/Anna 46, Johann Ulrich, 18, Christopher 9, Christina, 11.
Ries, Urban, 20, Baden Durlach, Wesin,w/Maria Magdalena, 25, Urban is the son of Christopher.
Nieman, Christian, 50, Mecklenburg, Benzklein, w/ Louise,30, Christian, 18, Friedrich, 12, Louise, 16, Maria, 6, Margaretha, 3/12.
Seedorf, Gottfried, 45, Mecklenburg, Schonberg, w/ Maria,35, Andreas Friedrich,6/12.
Weller, Asmus, 30, Mecklenburg, Schonberg, Wibke, 26
Bossel, Andreas, 49, Anhalt, Zerbst, w/Sophia 46, Rosine Catharina, 17, Maria, 15
Forster, George, 32, Sachsen, Gorlitz, w/ Anna Rosine,33, Gottlieb, 14, Johann George, 12, Anna Rosine, 13, Anna Magadalena, 9.
Lamp, Carl, Brandenburg, Rieben, w/ Maria, 28
Hollbeck, Heinrich, 40, Luneburg, w/ Dorothea Elizabeth, 50.
Hemerling, Adam gottlieb, 45, Sachsen, Dresden, w/ Maria Elizabeth, 30
Dohs(Doos),Klaus, 26 Holstein, Gaden, w/ Elizabeth 21, Rebeka, 1.
Muller, Christian, 47, Anhalt, Dessau, w/ Catharina, 26, Margaretha, 1/12
Gerlach, Johanna, 66, Wettraus, Stade, w/ Anna Dorothea, 52, Johann Just, 20, Anna Elizabeth, 18
Rudolph, Christian, 22, Anharlt, Koethen, w/ Anna Dorothea, 25, He lost his wlfe and he left the colony.
Kisling, Simon 22, Sachsen, Neukirch.
Seingold, Jacob, 38, Erfurt.
Elemberger, Johann Friedrich, 26, via Petersburg. His father from Holstein
Walter(Walder). Johann Samuel, 23, Sachsen,Weisen
List of People Arriving at Orienbaum (a port near St. Petersburg) 03 June 1766, on the ship ADLER, captained by Paul Adolph Drath. The ship came from Luebeck Germany.
Nicolausen, Eliz. Widow, fr. Holstein- Sons, Christian 22, Franz 20,
Zern, Casper, single , Lutheran,fr Wurtenberg
Seedorf, his son, Johann fr. Mecklenburg
Friedrichsen, Hans, single Luth. fr. Holstein
Arb, Johann, wife-Anne fr Holstein
Dinkel, Wilhelm, wife-Anne, Friedrich 8, Methe 5, Engel ,6/12
Heinrich, Hans, fr. Holstein
Schubach, Johann , 19 , Anna 16, Maria,
Schtalman, George Friedrich, wife Maria- fr Holstein
Reinhardt, Christopher, Luth,fr. Westfallen, shoemaker, stepchildren, Hans, 6,
Maria 11
Nieman, Christian, farmer, children, Christian, Friedrich, Joachim, Louisa, Maria,
Ertle, Franz, wife-Sophia, children Joachim 17, Paul 14
Marx, Mus Luth wife-Margaretha
Neff, Heinrich , a farmer,wife –Margaretha, Heinrich 20, Peter 11.
Klever, Mars, wife Anna, daughter Margaretha 17
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