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District of Columbia Cemeteries Team Progress

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Surnames/tags: District_of_Columbia Cemeteries
This page has been accessed 225 times.

This page is used by the District of Columbia Cemeteries Team to track their progress in documenting the final resting place of people buried in cemeteries across the state.

Cemetery Neighborhood Contact Date last worked Percentage complete
Adas Israel Cemetery
Addisons Chapel CemeteryBrookland
Basilica of National Shrine of Immaculate Conception
AKA National Shrine of Immaculate Conception Basilica
Battleground National Cemetery
Beall Burying Ground (Defunct)
AKA Beall-Sheriff Family Cemetery
Beckelts Cemetery
AKA Union Beneficial Association Cemetery
Burnside Farm Burial
Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle
Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Columbarium Chevy Chase Heights
Christ Church Georgetown Cemetery Georgetown
Christ Lutheran Church Memorial Garden Petworth
Columbian Harmony Cemetery (Defunct)
AKA Harmoneon Cemetery
AKA Harmonia Burial Ground
Congressional Cemetery
AKA Old Congressional Cemetery
AKA Washington Parish Burial Ground
Thom Anderson
Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart Crypt
AKA Georgetown University Dahlgren Chapel Crypt
Dumbarton Oaks Gardens
Eastern Methodist Cemetery (Defunct)
AKA Ebenezer Cemetery
AKA Old Ebenezer Cemetery
Eldbrooke Methodist Cemetery
AKA Methodist Cemetery
AKA Tennallytown Cemetery
Elesavetgrad CemeteryAnacostia Anacostia
Female Union Band Society Cemetery
Folger Shakespeare Library
Foundry Methodist Church Columbarium
Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land Cemetery
Georgetown Lutheran Churchyard
AKA German Lutheran Churchyard
Georgetown Presbyterian Church Columbarium
Georgetown University Jesuit Cemetery
Georgetown Visitation Monastery Cemetery
AKA Georgetown Convent Cemetery
AKA Georgetown Visitation Convent Cemetery
AKA Sisters of the Visitation Convent Cemetery
AKA Visitation Convent Cemetery
Glenwood Cemetery
Graceland Cemetery (Defunct)
Hillwood Museum and Gardens
Holmeads Cemetery (Defunct)
Holy Rood Cemetery
AKA Trinity Church Upper Grave Yard
Holy Trinity Cemetery #2
AKA College Graveyard
AKA College Yard Cemetery
Holy Trinity Church Cemetery (Defunct)
AKA Trinity Church Cemetery
House of the Temple
Kalorama Cemetery (Defunct) Kalorama Triangle
Luther Place Memorial Church Cemetery
Metropolitan Community Church Columbarium Shaw
Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Columbarium
Mount Olivet Cemetery Thom Anderson
Mount Pleasant Plains Cemetery
AKA Colored Union Benevolent Society Cemetery
Woodley Park
Mount Zion Cemetery
AKA Montgomery Street Methodist Church Cemetery
AKA Old Methodist Burying Ground
National City Christian Church Columbarium
National Presbyterian Church Columbarium Tenleytown
New York Avenue Presbyterian Church Columbarium
Oak Hill Cemetery
AKA Oak Tree Cemetery
Ohev Sholom Congregation Cemetery
AKA Congress Place Cemetery
AKA Ohev Sholom Talmud Torah Congregation Cemetery
AKA Talmud Torah Congregation Cemetery
Congress Heights
Old Presbyterian Cemetery (Defunct)
AKA Presbyterian Graveyard
Payne Cemetery (Defunct)
AKA Paynes Cemetery
Marshall Heights
Peirce Family Cemetery Cleveland Park
Prospect Hill Cemetery
Rock Creek Cemetery
AKA Rock Creek Church Cemetery
AKA Saint Pauls Rock Creek Cemetery
Rosemont Cemetery (Defunct) Garfield Heights
Rosewood Cemetery (Defunct) Anacostia
Saint Alban Episcopal Church Columbarium McLean Gardens
Saint Anselms Abbey Cemetery
Saint Columbas Episcopal Church Columbarium Tenleytown
Saint Elizabeths Hospital East Cemetery
AKA John Howard Cemetery
Saint Elizabeths Hospital West Cemetery
AKA Civil War Cemetery
Saint Francis DeSales Cemetery (Defunct)
AKA Queens Chapel Cemetery
Saint Johns Church Cemetery
Saint Johns Episcopal Church Columbarium Georgetown
Saint Margarets Episcopal Church Columbarium
Saint Marys Catholic Cemetery
AKA Saint Marys Cemetery
AKA Saint Marys German Catholic Cemetery
Saint Matthews Catholic Cemetery (Defunct)
Saint Patrick Episcopal Church Columbarium Foxhall Village
Saint Patrick Episcopal Church Columbarium Shaw
Saint Patricks Catholic Cemetery (Defunct) Shaw
Saint Patricks Cemetery (Defunct)
Saint Pauls Episcopal Church Columbarium Georgetown
Saint Peters Catholic Burial Ground (Defunct)
Saint Peters Catholic Cemetery (Defunct)
US Soldiers' and Airmen's Home National Cemetery
AKA Military Asylum Cemetery
AKA Soldiers' Home National Cemetery
AKA United States Military Asylum Cemetery
AKA United States Soldiers and Airmens Home Cemetery
Union Burial Society of Georgetown Cemetery Foxhall Crescent
Washington Asylum Potters Field
AKA Almshouse Cemetery
AKA Blue Plains Potters Fields
AKA D C Village Cemetery
AKA Home for the Aged and Infirm Cemetery
AKA Smallpox Grounds Cemetery
Washington Hebrew Congregation Cemetery
Washington National Cathedral
AKA Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul
Wesley Theological Seminary
West Potomac Park
Woodlawn Cemetery Benning
Young Mens Baptist Cemetery (Defunct) LeDroit Park
Cemetery Neighborhood Contact Date last worked Percentage complete

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