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Edit Profile of Will of Johannis John Bickley Citizen and Haberdasher of London 1635

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Work in progress Potter-10870 14:37, 25 September 2021 (UTC)

  • Sarah my most deare and loving wife
  • my sonnes Francis and John
  • my sister Barnett
  • my sister Anne Love
  • my neece Susan Barnett
  • my nephew Joseph Wise
  • my nephew John Love Nicholas Love and Thomas Love
  • my daughter in law Jane Parnell? (might be S at beginning of name)
  • my wife's mother
  • my Apprentice Thomas Garrards
  • my sister Susan
  • my cosen Francis Bickley

Bickley, Johannis Bickley

In the name of God Amen The twelvete
day of August Anno In one thousand six hundred thirty five and in the
twelvete yeare of the raigne of our souvreign Lord Charles by the grace of God
king of Englane Scotland Fraunce and Ireland defender of the faith &c[cetera] I john
Bickley citizen and haberdasher of London being of good health and of perfect
memorie thanks be given to God calling to mind the frailtie of humane life the
certentie of death and the uncertentie of the tyme thereof doe make and ordeyne
this my last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to saie
first and principally I com[m]end my soule into the handes of Almighty God with
my humble prayers to his Ma[ges]tie to take it to his mercie and to pardon and forgive
my sinnes for wch I am heartilie sorry and penitent and am confident that by the death
and passion of Jesus Christ and for his sake and meritts they are and shalbe forgiven
me And my body I comend to the earth whereof it is made

Item I will that all
such debts and duties as I owe of right or conscience to any person or persons whatsoever
be well and trulie contented and paid And after my debts paid and funerall expences
discharged I will that all my goods chattells and debts shalbe devided into three euqall
partes whereof I will that Sarah my most deare and loving wife shall have one equall
parte to her own use in the name of her reasonable part to her of all my said goods
chattells and debts by and after the laudable custome of the Citty of London belonging
And the second equall parte of all my goods chattells and debts I will and bequeath
to my sonnes Francis and John and to such child or children as my said wife name goes
wth all the being now wth child equallie to be devided amongest them according to
the custome of the said Citie And the last third part of all my said goods chattels
and debts and other my personall estate whatsoever I reserve unto my selfe and
dispose thereof as followeth

Item I give to my said sonnes Francis and john to
either of them five hundred poundes a peece to be paid them at their severall and
respective ages of twentie and one yeares And if either of my said sonnes shall
dye before he shall attayne ??? to his said age of twentie and one yeares then I will
that the legacie of him so deceasing shalbe and goe to the survivor of my said two
sonnes and if both my said sonnes shall dye before they shall attayne unto their severall
ages of twentie and one yeares then my will and meaning is that aswell the orphanage
partes of my said two sonnes as their legacies shalbe and goe unto such child or children as
my said wife name goes wthall to be paid to them if sonne or sonnes at his or their ages of
twentie and one yeares And if a daughter or daughters at her or their life ages of twenty
and one yeares or dayes of marriage wthsover of them shall first happen And if such
child or children as my said wife name goes wthall shall dye before the tyme or tymes
above lymmitted for the receipt of his her or their port[i]on or portions then my will and
meaning is that all my childrens partes and portions any wayes? belonging unto them
out of my personall estate shalbe and goe to all my owne sisters children equally to be
devided amongest them share and sharealike

Item I give to my sister Barnett twenty marke and to my sister Anne Love tenne poundes

Item I give to my neece Susan Barnett fortie poundes to be paid unto her at her age of twenty and one yeres or day of
marriage wchever shall first happen

Item I give to my nephew Joseph Wise thirtie pounds and to my nephew John Love Nicholas Love and Thomas Love to every of
them twenty poundes apeece to be paid unto them at their severall ages of twentie
and one yeres

Item I give to my daughter in law Jane Parnell? (might be S at beginning of name) tenne poundes to
be paid to her at her age of twenty and one yeares or day of mariage wchsoever
shall first happen

item I give to my wifes mother fourtie shillings if shee so pleases to buy
her a ring wthall

Item I give to my Apprentice Thomas Garrards tenne poundes
to be paid unto him at his age of twentie and one yeares And it is my will and
meaning that if any of the legatees before named shall dye before the legacies herin
by me given unto him her or them shalbe due and payable unto him her or them by this
my last will and testament then the legacy of him her and them so deceasing shalbe
and goe unto my said sonnes Francis and John equally to be devided between them

Item I give to my said loving wife the messuage or tenement wherein I dwell
situate in the parish of St Olave in Southwerke to have and to hold to her untill
my said sonne Franis shall attayne unto his full age of twenty and one yeares if the
so long shall live and staye her selfe a widdow And then will that the same messuage
or tenement shall goe unto my said sonne Francis and to the heres of his body lawfully
to be begotten But if my said wife shall marry or dy before my said sonne Francis
shall attayne unto his said age of twentie and one yeares then my will [etc] meaning
is that the said messuage or tenemt shall ymidiatly after her decease or marriage
goe to my said sonne Francis And to the heires of his body lawfully to be begotten
And if my said sonne Francis shall dye wthout issue then I will that the same shall
goe to my sasid sonne john and to the heires of his body lawfullie to be begotten And if
my said sonne John shall dye wthout heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten then my
will and meaning is that the same messuage or tenemt shall goe to my right and
lawfull heires The rest and residue of all and singuler my landes and tenemte goods
and chattells and other my personall estate whatsoever unbequeathed I give unto
my said sonnes Francis and John equallie to be devided betweene them And of this
my last will and testament I make and ordeyne my said sonnes ??? Francis And my
??? sonne Joh Bickley Executors Now it is my will that my sonne John Bickley
wth my sonne Francis to be my Exectors. In witnes whereof to every sheete of this
my last will and testament conteyning three sheetes of paper I have sett my hand
and sealed to this wth my seale ??? the day and yeares first about written
John Bickley.

item I give to the parish of St Olaves in Southwarfe five poundes
to be given to the poore thereof at the churchwardens disposing uppon St Johns day
at Christide next after my decease. John Bickley. Also I desire my loving wife
to be my Overseer of my will also to paie the charges for the court concerning my
soule for my sone Francis at her owne coste? and as counsell will advise her. John
Bickley. It is now my mind and will that of my parte to give one hundred pounds
to be putt into the Chambers hande or some sure place to be putt forte to lone And
my sister Anne Love to have the interest paid her every halfe yeare during her
naturall life But after her death my will is that my said sonne John Bickley should
have it if he then lives, if not, then to my sonne Francis if both my sonnes dye then to the
next child of my body, if non, then I give it to my sister Susan and to her during her
life the interest And after her one fiftie to be at her disposing the other fiftie pound to
be equallie devided to my sister Anne Loves children. I say this is writt with my own
hand and so to be ordered for my sister Anne Love if she shall live not ??? John Bickley
??? parte that is blotted out concerning three places one about my buriall and one
about my sister Anne and one about my cosen Francis Bickley I did it wth my
owne hand as my full intended of and by my selfe done and my desire is. John
Bickley. Signed sealed published and declared by the said Johnm Bickley as his last
will and testament in the presence of Thomas Worseley John Pickering John Hyott



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