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Document 31 Notes for speech John Mason Moody

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Raleigh, North Carolinamap
Surname/tag: Moody
Profile manager: Liz Edens private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 41 times.
In 1836, a Democratic majority in the Legislature appropriated $600,000 to the Wilmington & Raleigh Rail Road & $200,000 to drain the swamp lands the Whigs moved to strike out $200,0000 & insert $50,000 to make the experiment; it was voted down & Haywood project succeeded
In 1838 an Internal improvement convention met in Raleigh, R.M. Saunders was appointed Chairman & made a report to the Legislature recommending a General system of Internal improvement They recommended[?] that the Legislature should borrow $3,000,000 upon the faith &__________[?] of the State.
That they should __[?] down the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road bond for $500,000
That they should take 3/5 of the stock to open Roanoke Inlet
That they should take 4/5 of the stock in a rail road from the Cape Fear to the Yadkin
That they should take 3/5 of the stock of a rail from Beaufort to the Wilmington road
That they should appropriate money to clear out the Neuse River
That they should build a turnpike from Raleigh by Hillsboro to the mountains.
This was recommended by the Convention to the Legislature & signed by R. M. Saunders Chairman & also by Lewis Henry and others
[on the reverse]
bal. 4th _________[?]
Van buren fund on hand $9,000,000
Sold U.S. Bank Stock $8,000,000
Revenue for 3 years war-- $90,000,000
& the fourth year $25,000,000
Remained after distribution $6,000,000
Debt on hand $6,000,000
[There is something written on the reverse in pencil. Very little is readable due to fading and mildew of the paper.]
VLR (Virginia Leigh Refo)
These are apparently notes for a speech or for budget committee meeting made by John Mason Moody and having to do with his service as Senator for Northampton Co. in the North Carolina General Assembly.
Date: 1844-47


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