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Phlip (Philip) van Munster

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Date: 1686 to 1721
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: vanmunster
This page has been accessed 198 times.

This is a central repository for documents and scans concerning Phlip van Munster so that they may also be referenced from other profiles than his own. Note that in some instances his first name is written as "Philip".

VOC pay book

VOC paybook

This image shows (in low resolution) two pages from the pay book that the Dutch East India Company (the "VOC", Wikipedia in Dutch, in English) kept on Phlip. The originals (in high resolution) can be viewed on the site of the Nationaal Archief (images 250 and 251 of 544).

As most books from that time it is difficult to read because of the handwriting. In this case worsened by many abbreviations and a lot of "accountant speak". Still: a lot of information of genealogical interest can be extracted:

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In the ship Reijgersdaal
Philip Melchertse van Munster Sailor from Delft
Adij 3 janu: [...] 2 m(onths) wages à 9.0.0 per month
The "Adij" (which appears many times in these pages) is probably to be understood as an abbreviation of "Anno domini"
No year is mentioned in this page (it is on the right hand page: 1704). The detail page on Phlip from the Nationaal Archief shows that the ship sailed on 3 January 1704. Apparently Phlip immediately received 2 months pay, possibly as "signing money". The fact that this journey was his first contact with the VOC probably explains why his pages in this pay book extend far beyond the duration of the voyage (they just kept using it).
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Adij 6 May [...] upon his request was made soldier by the ship's counsel [...]
Adij 2 Aug [...] arrived at Batavia harbour and went ashore and this book is closed [...]
Apparently Phlip rather wanted to be a soldier than a sailor. It was not for the money: his wages remained the same: 9.0.0. The book is closed in as far as it deals with the voyage on the Reijgersdaal. It continues with Phlip's employment by the VOC over the years 1707 to 1719.
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[...] 8-9-1719 [...] Batavia hospital [...]
[...] that on the 13-9-1719 [...]
died in Batavia hospital without testament [...]
This shows that he was entered into a hospital in Batavia on the 8th of September 1719 and died there 4 days later. It would have been interesting to know why he was brought to hospital and what he died of but that did not matter to the accountants.
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1721, 28 November paid to Melgert van Munster
father and heir of the Philip Melgerts mentioned above, one half
and to Jurriaen van Munster and Geertruid van Munster
both sisters and heirs, the other half
as per attestation mentioned in the margin, the sum of
18 guilders and 11 pennies [...]
this mark X set by Melgert van Munster
this mark X set by Jurriaen van Munster
this mark X set by Geertruid van Munster
This shows that Philip's heirs, his father Melchior, his brother Jurriaen and his sister Geertruij, were paid out what was left of his heritage (and that neither of them could write). The attestation that is mentioned is almost certainly the document introduced below.

As shown higher on the page, the major part of Phlip's heritage, 306 guilders, 8 "stuivers" (farthings??) and 2 pennies was paid out to a Gerrit van der Sijde. He apparently had been acting for Phlip (he held procuration) in settling some purchase. What that was I have not been able to decipher.

The site "Uit de oude koektrommel" offers an in-depth explanation on the VOC paybooks and that in a very readable fashion. Of course it is in Dutch but there is a link on the site that will make "Google Translate" translate it into a language of choice.

NOTE: the date 3 January 1704 is the first time (on record) known thus far that the surname "Van Munster" is used.

Heritage attestation

Heritage attestation

This image shows a combination I (profile manager PvM) created of the original document, a transcript and an interpretation in (modern) English of that transcript (a "proper" translation of the transcript and in contemporary English is beyond my capabilities and would add little if anything).

The document shows that two men (Pieter Couwenhove and Cornelis la Hey) testify that his father Melchior, his brother Jurriaen and his sister Geertruij are the only heirs to Phlip. They base their testimony on the fact that they "have known the family for many years" and have "interacted" with them. In the case of Pieter Couwenhove this is obvious: he is Phlip's uncle (husband of a sister of Phlip's mother). Who Mr. La Hey is remains a mystery for the moment.

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