Location: Horní Lukavice

Surnames/tags: Horní_Lukavice Chlumčany
Here are the profiles Anastasia Beckwith is currently working on. Can you help?
The goal to create a WikiTree profile page for every person in these records, and establish a place in WikiTree's one tree. There are 31 images for Dolní Lukavice Book 22 [1]
Contents |
Images To Do
- 4
- Jakob Puchta
- Dorothea Schweitzerové
- Josef Smola
- Josef Beran
- 5
- Josef Prauz?
- Barbora Smola
- Marya Plotzin / Plocové
- Martin Finger?
- Johan Majer
- Laurentz Plotz / Ploc
- Eva Steiner
- Barbora Prauz?
- Andreas Puchta
- 6
- Barbora Fladrin?
- Barbora Beran?
- Josef Smola
- Jakub Hodan
- Anna Pauml?
- Josef Schweitzer
- Peter Hula
- Marie Prauzová?
- 7
- Josef Puchta
- Johann Nepomucene Schweitzer
- Adalbert Regner
- Peter ?
- Katerina Plotzin / Plocové
- Anna Czech?
- Terezie Steiner
- 8
- Josef Hodan
- Wenzl Smola
- Josef Nitschmann
- Johann Nepomucene Dedic?
- 13
- Prokop ?
- Peter Malej
- Anna Maria Katerzina Jilkové / Jilek
- Katerina Wokazové
- Josef ?
- 14
- Waawrinz Wokaz
- Barbora ?ubessové
- Tomas Maly
- Wawrinz Steiner
- Josef ??
- Jakub ?
- Josefa ? (Twin of above)
- Wawrinz Wokaz?
- Waclaw Steiner
- 15
- Marya Wokaczowa
- Lidmilla Kubessowa
- Josef Stregcz
- Josef Marzjk
- Anna Stichowa
- Dorota ?merlowá
- Anna Pljwkowa
- Kaspar Haijzmann
- Josef Mirt?
- 16
- Szymon Stjiner?
- Jan Wokacz
- Barbora Wokaczowa
- Barbora ?abaczowá
- Jan Benedikt
- Kaspar Benedikt
- Katerina ?eritowa
- Matausek? Hajzmann
- Market Mirtowa
- Wawrinz Dolanka?
- 17
- [Incomplete]
- 18
- 19
- 20
- 21
- 22
- 23
- 9
- Franz ?
- Anna Hagka?
- Vit Czerveneg?
- Markita Ka?ala
- Warwrinz ?
- Anna Brezina?
- Waclaw Brezina?
- Dorota Auch?
- 10
- Wáclaw Hajzmann
- Anna Motla?
- Jan Moczlawa?
- Magdalena Dolankova?
- Waclaw Hradek?
- ?eczlin? Blah?
- Jakub Purka
- Eva Schitowczn?
- Adam Stechka?
- Barbora ??
- Wojtiech Malita?
- Katerina Sti?
- Waclaw Dolank?
- Katerina Beran?
- 11
- Jan Babech?
- Magdalena Hajzmann
- Wawrinz Kokoska
- Barbora ?achera?
- Jan ?azlawa
- Marya War?
- Josef Peterelka
- Anna Kotcha?
- Jan Havlicek
- Magdalena ?dowa
- 12
- Peter Fissen?
- Maria Anna Sctucha?
- Josef Malljka?
- Barbora Havlicek
- Jakub Kassp?
- Anna M?cha?
Deaths and Burials
- 24
- 25
- 26
- 27
- 28
- 29
Images Completed
- 1 (Book Front Cover)
- 2 (Book Back Cover)
- 3 (Book Spine)
Births and Baptisms
- [None]
- [None]
Deaths and Burials
- [None]
House Timelines
Below are timelines of each individual house mentioned in these records.
No. 1
- ?
Horní Lukavice
No. 1
- ?
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)