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Dorchester County Land Records-Campbell

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Surname/tag: campbell
This page has been accessed 36 times.



The purpose of the Campbells of Dorchester Maryland County is to identify the various Campbell families that settled or passed through Dorchester County. The long-term goal of this project is to collect male Y-DNA from Campbell male descendants of these Campbell male settlers.

In an effort to untangle the genealogies of the Campbells of Dorchester County we are collecting marriage, land and probate records of the Campbells of Dorchester County. This page has the Campbell Land Records for the years 1691-1822.

If your Dorchester County Campbell ancestors WikiTree profile has not been attached in the table, please post a comment or send us a private message with the WikiTree ID number and we'll attach it. If your Dorchester County ancestors profile does not have a Y-DNA test attached we encourage a descendant to take a Y-DNA test so we can properly document the line for posterity.

Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!

Dorchester County Deeds (Grantor)-Campbell

Dorchester County
Land Records (Grantor)
Updated: 15 Oct 2024
Date __WikiTree_ID__ Last Name First Name To Book Page Comments Doc_Image
1701 Campbell Walter and Susannah Matthew Kirwan 4 1/2 225 The following lots: 50 acres of "Plain Dwelling"; 150 acres of "Hooper's Endeavor"; and 50 acres of "Kendell's Chance [ Doc Image]
1703 Campbell Walter William Lowe 6 19 200 acres on E. Choppick Bay Doc Image
1712 Campbell Walter 6 217 Deposition of Land: Lists said Walter Campbell as being 47 years old in 1712 (b.1665) Doc Image
1715 Campbell Walter Henry ? 7 50 50 acres of "Sharpes Prosperity" Doc Image
1745 Campbell Jean (of Dunbritton, Scotland) Adam Meir 14 8 Jean Campbell being the only living child of Walter Campbell dec. sells the following lands: 76 acres of "Dunbarton"; 250 acres of "Clerks Neck"; 100 acres of "Brambles Desire"; 64 acres of "Brambles Addition"; 115 acres of "Addition"; 213 acres of "The end of controversy"; 14 acres of "Ireland"; 60 acres of "Spring Garden"; 100 acres of "Timberpoint" and etc... Doc Image
1755 Campbell John Pater Rich 15 191 2 acres of "Denton's Valley" Doc Image
1758 Campbell John Obed Dixon 16 44 51 acres of "Campbell's Beginning" Doc Image
1764 Campbell John John Sheshawn 19 265 50 acres of "Exchange" Doc Image
1765 Campbell John Joseph Foster 20 35 Doc Image
1769 Campbell Alexander William Griffin 23 278 Appointment as power of attorney Doc Image
1770 Campbell Ann and Margaret 23 527 Value of Lands being decided Doc Image
1775 Campbell Zacharias and Mary James Gorden 27 398 64 square perches of land in ViennaTown called "Bachelor's Hall" Doc Image
1778 Campbell Zacharias Joseph Richardson et al JCH 1 82 Commision of land called Partnership Doc Image
1796 Campbell Levin H. Commisioners HD 9 120 Commision for Partnership Doc Image
1797 Campbell Levin H. Negro Jacob HD 12 7 Setting him free from all bondage Doc Image
1797 Campbell Levin H. Aaron Mitchell HD 12 414 All lots that was formerly sold to him of John Murray Doc Image
1798 Campbell Levin H. William Lecompte HD 12 448 All that farm that Lecompte now lives on Doc Image
1800 Campbell Levin H. Negro Will HD 15 492 Granting him his freedom Doc Image
1800 Campbell Mary et al Joseph Muse HD 15 519 Lot in the town of Cambridge on Mill Street Doc Image
1800 Campbell William et al Robert Dennis HD 16 206 157 acres of Tonn Hill Doc Image
1801 Campbell Levin H. et al Ralph Spelden HD 17 645 A lot in Cambridge Doc Image
1802 Campbell Levin H. Thomas Lockerman HD 19 436 521 acres of Partnership Doc Image
1805 Campbell Levin H. Solomon Jones HD 23 68 Lot of land in the county Doc Image
1809 Campbell Levin H. John Stewart HD 25 383 506 acres of Partnership and 45 acres of Support Doc Image
1811 Campbell Levin H. Joseph Muse HD 28 453 10 acres in the county Doc Image
1815 Campbell Levin H. and Ann Maria Joseph Enalls ER 3 241 Ann Maria Campbell's share of land in Transquankin Doc Image
1815 Campbell Levin H. and Ann Maria John M. Davis ER 3 320 Land called Enall's Resurvey Doc Image
1818 Campbell Levin H. Richardson Donahoe ER 5 100 All of Henchmen's Neck Doc Image
1819 Campbell Levin H. Charles Bryan ER 5 528 Lot in Cambridge Doc Image
1820 Campbell Ann Maria Joseph E. Muse ER 6 216 1/3 a lot in Cambridge Doc Image
1822 Campbell Ann Maria Joseph E. Muse ER 8 272 All of Enall's Reserve near Transquankin River Doc Image
1822 Campbell Ann Maria et al Joseph E. Muse ER 8 294 All of Middleton's Timber Yard Doc Image

Dorchester County Deeds (Grantee)-Campbell

Dorchester County
Land Records (Grantee)
Updated: 15 Oct 2024
Date __WikiTree_ID__ Last Name First Name From Book Page Comments Doc_Image
1691 Campbell Walter Daniel Clark 1 155 200 acres of "Sharpes Point" Doc Image
1719 Campbell Walter Thomas Hunt 2 3 100 acres of "Timberpoint" on Little Choptock River Doc Image
1691 Campbell Walter Daniel Clark 4 1/2 51 200 acres of "Sharpes Point
1696 Campbell Walter William Hooper 4 1/2 91 50 acres on E. side of Hung River; 150 acres of "Hoopers Exchange"; and 50 acres of "Kendells Chance"
1700 Campbell Walter Thomas Simmons 4 1/2 97 Quarter of tract of 250 acres of "Clarkes Kneak"
1702 Campbell Walter Andrew Wilson 6 11 200 acres on the E. Choppick Bay Doc Image
1703 Campbell Walter William Lowe 6 20 14 acres of "Hornstand" on E. side of Choppick Bay Doc Image
1727 Campbell Walter Thomas Wall 8 163 150 acres of "The Grove" on S. side of Little Chopstick River Doc Image
1733 Campbell Walter Nehemiah Loismpt 9 90 "Clarkes Rock" on E. side of Choptock River Doc Image
1734 Campbell Walter David Brammock 9 256 50 acres of "Brammocks Adventure" on W. side of Fishing Creek Doc Image
1736 Campbell Walter and Elizabeth\ Isaac Hoskins 9 377 50 acres of "Taylors Island" Doc Image
1738 Campbell Hugh Henry Kommy 10 20 50 acres on E. side of Choppick Bay called "Bandon" Doc Image
1745 Campbell Elizabeth William Jones 12 187 Marriage article Doc Image
1752 Campbell John Joseph Couch 14 590 Power of attorney for lands in county Doc Image
1754 Campbell John Patrick Byrn 15 104 200 acres of "Byrn's Plains" near Choptock Bridge Doc Image
1754 Campbell John Hermelia Dularey 15 106 400 acres of "Dentons Valley" on E. side Chesapeake Bay Doc Image
1755 Campbell John Thomas Foster 15 269 124 acres of "Morifutors" Doc Image
1761 Campbell John John Incham 18 36 50 acres of "Exchange" in the head of the county Doc Image
1764 Campbell John William Cross 19 241 Land at head of county called "Crosses Chance" Doc Image
1764 Campbell John Joseph Foster 19 352 300 acres of"Morefield"; 200 acres of "Morefields Addition" Doc Image
1766 Campbell John Allen Molville 21 6 Farm Animals Doc Image
1766 Campbell John James Tolson 21 127 107 acres of "Cod's Head Manor" Doc Image
1770 Campbell Zacharias and Mary Mary Hicks 23 468 50 acres of "Hinchman's Neck Doc Image
1777 Campbell Zacharias and Mary John Henry Jr. 28 244 300 acres of "Hinchmans Neck" and 585 acres of "Partnership" Doc Image
1794 Campbell William et al (Anne Arundel Co, MD) Sheriff HD 6 537 157 acres of Town Hill Doc Image
1795 Campbell John John Riddell HD 8 245 A negro woman named Judith and her child, George Doc Image
1796 Campbell Levin H. John Murray HD 9 359 2 acres on Choptank River Doc Image
1797 Campbell Levin H. John Murray HD 12 145 A lot in Cambridge Doc Image
1797 Campbell Levin H. Thomas Lockerman HD 12 426 A lot in Cambridge Doc Image
1798 Campbell Levin H. Richard Goldsborough HD 14 171 30 1/4 acres in the county Doc Image
1798 Campbell Levin H. Charles Goldsborough HD 14 488 9 acres of the Old Indian Survey Doc Image
1800 Campbell Mary John Troup HD 16 221 Land in the county Doc Image
1802 Campbell Levin H. et al Charles Goldsborough HD 19 243 A right of way for the Old Indian Survey Doc Image
1802 Campbell Levin H. Thomas Lockerman HD 19 441 A parcel of land joining his own Doc Image
1805 Campbell Levin H. James Trippe Jr. HD 21 601 10 acres of the Old Indian Survey Doc Image
1805 Campbell Levin H. Isaac Charles Jr. HD 21 637 10 acres of the Old Indian Survey Doc Image
1815 Campbell Levin H. John M. Davis ER 3 322 Several lots in the county Doc Image
1815 Campbell Levin H. Elizabeth Troup ER 3 447 A lot in Cambridge Doc Image
1816 Campbell Levin H. Samuel Chamberlain ER 4 291 All of Enall's Regulation of Prosperity Doc Image
1822 Campbell Ann Maria Joseph E. Muse ER 8 398 62 3/4 acres near Cambridge Doc Image

Dorchester County Patented Certificates-Campbell

Dorchester County
Land Records
Updated: 15 Oct 2024
Date __WikiTree_ID__ Last Name First Name Name of Parcel Acreage Certificate Number Doc_Image
29 Sep 1762 Campbell John Addition to Burns Plains 424 acres #89 Doc Image
6 Aug 1718 Campbell Walter Addition to Timberpoint 50 acres #303 Doc Image
24 Aug 1771 Campbell Zacharias Batchelors Hall 3 1/2 acres #414 Doc Image
29 Sep 1753 Campbell John Campbells Beginning 51 acres #629 Doc Image
29 Sep 1765 Campbell John Campbells Craft 65 acres #630 Doc Image
4 Mar 1766 Campbell John Campbell's Discovery 19 1/4 acres #631 Doc Image
11 Oct 1732 Campbell Walter Chance 360 acres #702 Doc Image
9 May 1730 Campbell Walter DunDee 126 acres #982 Doc Image
28 May 1723 Campbell Walter End of Controversy 213 acres #1026 Doc Image

Dorchester County Unpatented Certificates-Campbell

Dorchester County
Land Records
Updated: 15 Oct 2024
Date __WikiTree_ID__ Last Name First Name Name of Parcel Acreage Certificate Number Doc_Image
26 Mar 1770 Campbell John Mohroom Hill 566 acres #909 Doc Image
17 Jan 1729 Campbell Walter Preddeford 172 acres #1040 Doc Image



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