Location: [unknown]
Irish Roots Category Planning Page
Irish Roots Project Location Category and Name Standard Proposal
The Irish Roots Project is undergoing a restructuring and will be making a transition to Ireland Project. As a result, a Categories Team has been implemented to help keep all categories under Irish Roots management organized, simple, and easy to use. At this time, there are two category structures used by the Irish Roots Project: Ireland; and Irish Roots. As a result, there are a number of duplicate categories. There are also a number of unnecessary levels in some areas.
This proposal has been developed through consultation with members of the Irish Roots Project categories team, Irish Roots Project leaders and by using other established location structures as a guide. (e.g.: England and Ontario, Canada)
Therefore, the Irish Roots Project proposes that Ireland be the Top-Level category for the entire project. Irish Roots Project (and other main categories) would be sub-categories of Ireland. All location categories would remain under the Ireland or Northern Ireland branch of the Project's structure. Northern Ireland and Ireland categories will be placed with equal status within the structure.
Naming Format for Irish Categories
The Irish Roots Project proposes the following naming standard be used for location categories in Ireland:
- County level categories will be re-named: [[Category:County Name]] e.g., County Mayo; County Antrim; County Armagh
- Civil Parish categories will be re-named: [[Category:Name of Civil Parish, County Name]] e.g,: Seagoe Civil Parish, County Armagh
- Townland categories will all be named: [[Category:Name of Townland, Name of Parish, County Name]] e.g.: Arklow Townland, Arklow Parish, County Wicklow
- Towns and Cities will be named: [[Category:Town or city name, County name]] e.g,,: Lowtherstown, County Fermanagh
NOTE: In the event there are two towns in the same county, the Parish will be added to differentiate them. Crawford-15512 13:18, 10 May 2019 (UTC)
Having the names set out this way eliminates confusion with same-name locations, providing each location with its own category. Northern Ireland is not an exception to this format.
Location Category Structure
The proposed structure outlined below will allow the Irish Roots Project to finish combining categories from a previous project merge. It will also provide a simplified structure by eliminating the need for multiple parent categories.
- [[:Category:Europe (en)]] (Parent Category for the entire project)
- [[:Category:Ireland]] (Parent category for all Irish Roots Project categories)
- [[:Category:Irish Roots Project]] (Branch of structure for all non-location categories, and historical location themed categories - To be proposed separately)
- [[:Category:Ireland, Places]] (Parent Category for all locations within Ireland)
- [[:Category:Counties in Ireland]] (parent category for Counties in Ireland)
- [[:Category:Civil Parishes, County X]] (list of civil parishes in each county)
- [[:Category:Townlands, County X]] (list of townlands in each county)
- [[:Category:Towns, County X]] (list of towns in each county)
- [[:Category:Counties in Ireland]] (parent category for Counties in Ireland)
- [[Category:Unknown Places, Ireland]] (to be used for locations where a county may be known, but the parish, townland or town cannot be determined)
- [[:Category:Northern Ireland]] (Parent category for all locations in Northern Ireland)
- [[Category:Northern Ireland, Places]] (list of locations in Northern Ireland after 1921.)
- [[Category:Unknown Places, Northern Ireland]] (to be used for locations where a county may be known, but the parish, townland or town cannot be determined)
- [[:Category:Ireland]] (Parent category for all Irish Roots Project categories)
Each County will be connected to it's historical Province using a link and NOT a second parent category.
Historical locations will be addressed by the navigation feature in the CIBs, with their category placement in the Irish Roots Project branch of the structure.
Space Pages called: A Guide To Ireland and A Guide to Northern Ireland will be used to assist researchers with understanding location categories. Category Info Boxes (CIBs) will be added to each location category to provide information and assist with navigation between places.
- Here is the new rule for Ireland Regional Categories May 29, 2019.
- Here's the finalized plan for the Ireland Regional Structure May 22, 2019.
- Proposal: Ireland Regional Structure May 9, 2019.
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