
Drumnabehy Townland, Laois One Place Study

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Rearymore, County Laois, Irelandmap
Surnames/tags: One_Place_Studies Ireland Laois
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Drumnabehy Townland, Laois One Place Study

This profile is part of the Drumnabehy Townland, Laois One Place Study.
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Drumnabehy Townland, Rearymore Parish, County Laois
The Irish name for Drumnabehy is Droim na Beithe


This page holds general information pertaining to Drumnabehy Townland. I started this page focusing on Drumnabehy because it contains the farm on which my grandfather was born.

It is a work in progress and may develop in several alternative directions in the future, possibly as a One Place Study or possibly expanding it's geographical scope to include other townlands and villages in the general area.

All individual profiles for residents of Drumnabehy are linked to the category Drumnabey Townland, Rearymore Parish, County Laois. The list is currently sparse but will grow over time.

Charlie Poole


Continent: Europe
Country: Ireland
Province: Leinster
County: Laois
Barony: Tinnahinch
Parish: Rearymore Parish
GPS Coordinates: 53.851, -7. 2759

Drumnabehy is located in Rearymore Parish, County Laois. This is in the north of the county, within the historic Barony of Tinnahinch. It is a small townland, with an area of 0.42 square miles or approximately 266 acres. [1]

The townland is to be found on the north side of the present-day R422 road about five kilometers west of the village of Rosenallis. The village of Clonasee is located about four kilometers further on the same road. [2]


1821 Tithe Applotment Books

The 1821 Tithe Applotment Books record 13 tenants occupying Drumnabehy townland. Only the head of family is listed. The area of each plot is given in Irish acres and roods.[3]

In the following table, the A . R (Irish) column is taken from the original document. which uses Irish acres and roods. The A . R . P (Statute) column converts this value to statute acres, roods and perches in order to facilitate comparison with later records.

Plot # Occupier Wikitree Profile A . R
A . R . P
Tithe Amount
1 James Donaghoe
72 . 0
116 . 2 . 20
3£ 18s
2 Owen Magher
20 . 0
32 . 0 . 0
1£ 3s 4d
3 James Gorman
8 . 0
12 . 3 . 33
9s 4d
4 John Gorman
10 . 0
16 . 0 . 0
5 William Gorman
1 . 0
1 . 2 . 19
1s 6d
6 Widow Hogan
1 . 0
1 . 2 . 19
1s 6d
7 Thomas Thompson
0 . 2
0 . 3 . 10
8 Edward Ward
1 . 2
2 . 1 . 29
2s 3d
9 Patrick Coonen
33 . 0
53 . 1 . 33
1£ 18s
10 William Conrahy
8 . 0
12 . 3 . 33
9s 4d
11 Widow Deevy
4 . 0
6 . 1 . 37
4s 8d
12 Patrick Lawler
3 . 0
4 . 3 . 18
3s 6d
13 James Lawler
3 . 0
4 . 3 . 18
3s 6d

The Wikitree Profile column will contain links to profiles of the occupiers as they are discovered or created.

1853 Griffith's Valuation

At the time of Griffith's Valuation, which was completed for this townland in 1853, it was occupied by 20 households. Of these, 18 leased the land directly from Sir Capel Molyneux, the 7th Baronet of Castle Dillon in Armagh. Two of them, Alice McEvoy and Peter Dunne, occupied houses subleased from John Poole. [4] [5]

Ref# Occupiers Wikitree Profile Description A . R . P
1 Murtagh Conroy Land
6 . 3 . 0
2 James Conroy Land
7 . 2 . 25
3 Daniel Conroy House, office and land
33 . 1 . 28
4 Edward Deevy House and land
5 . 3 . 10
5 Matthew Dunne Land
10 . 0 . 22
6 Richard Egan House and land
3 . 2 . 2
7 Dennis Conroy House, office and land
14 . 2 . 10
8a John Fitzpatrick House and land
2 . 2 . 28
8b Nicholas Thompson House and land
9a William Gorman House, office and land
67 . 2 . 30
9b James Mahon House, offices and land
9c Owen Mahon House, offices and land
9d James Gorman House, office and land
9 Michael Dunne Land
9e Edward Ward House office and land
10a Martin Dunne House offices and land
62 . 2 . 2
10b Anne Golden House, office and garden
0 . 1 . 30
11a John Poole John Poole (1837-1899) House, offices and land
52 . 0 . 0
11b Alice McEvoy House and garden
0 . 0 . 24
11c Peter Dunne House, office and garden
0 . 1 . 0

Note that the table from Griffith's Valuation lists 11 plots, numbered 1-11 with lower-case letters to denote separate houses on a plot. Unfortunately, the only map I have been able to locate shows 10 plots.

Griffith's Valuation - Map of Drumnabehy Townland

Based on the information I have, my best estimate is that the Griffith's reference numbers correspond to the map as follows:

Griffith's Ref # Map # Notes
1 1
2 2
3 3 Shown as 3A & 3B on map
4 4
5 5
6 - Not on map, possibly subsumed in map area 8
7 6 Based on size of plot
8 7 Based on size of plot
9 8 Based on size of plot
10 9 Based on size of plot and interviews
11 10 Based on size of plot and interviews

I estimated the size of each map plot by using an enlarged print copy of the map and dividing each plot into strips. I also used information from my conversations with the current occupant on the farm at map plot #9, whom I visited in 2019. I originally believed this to be my great grandfather's farm at the time of Griffith's. However, later discussions, together with the acreage estimates lead me to conclude that my family's farm was actually map plot 10. In particular, I have received information that that farm was once the property of Isaac Poole, brother of my grandfather.

My conclusions about the smaller plots are less certain than those about the four largest ones. However, they will have to stand until a map can be found that actually matches Griffith's report.

1901 Irish Census

The 1901 Census shows eight households with a total of 29 individuals. [6] This is a significant decline in the number of households and most probably also in the number of individuals. However, at the time of writing, only the family members of John Poole have been identified.

1911 Irish Census

In the 1911 Census, the population decline continues, with seven households and 16 individuals listed. [7]

Land Ownership

Until 1910, all the land in Drumnabehy townland was owned by the Baronet Molyneux of Castle Dillon, County Armagh. The title was created in 1730 and continued until the death of the last Baronet in 1940. [8] The Molyneux family were absentee landlords with extensive properties in Ireland. By 1878, their Irish holdings totaled 16,560 acres, including 6,726 acres in Queen's County. [9]

In 1853, the year Griffith's Valuation was completed for Drumnabehy, Sir Capel Molyneux, the 7 Baronet, was the owner. According to Griffith's, he already held over 5000 acres in Queen's County and most of it was within a few miles of Drumnabehy:

Townland Acreage
Afoley 124
Ballymacrory 40
Ballynalug 1326
Coolnamony Upper 563
Drumnabehy 266
Tinnahinch 2910
Total 5229

The 7th Baronet died in 1879, leaving no male heir to assume the title. The Drumnabehy land passed to his daughter, Julia Mary Elizabeth Molyneux.

The year 1879 also marks the beginning of what are known as the "Land Wars," a period of agitation for tenants rights, which continued through the end of the century. A number of measures were passed with the intention of defusing social unrest. A Land Commission was established which could, among other things, provide loans to tenants so that they could purchase the land they farmed and even to force a compulsory sale to the Commision itself, for distribution to the tenants. This understandably placed a great deal of pressure on landowners to sell. [10] [11]

In 1910, Julia Mary Elizabeth (Molyneux) Talbot sold all her land in Drumnabehy, divided into 9 tracts, receiving a total of £2993. Most plots were sold to individuals shown in the 1901 census or their family members. A few were sold to individuals not previously seen in the townland. All nine purchases were fully funded by advances from the Land Commission, which the purchasers were required to pay off over a number of years. [12]

Purchaser A . R . P Price Notes
John Conroy 43 . 1 . 29 £588 Listed in 1901. Family remains in 1911.
Peter Conroy 14 . 1 . 4 £150 Other Conroys listed in 1901 and 1911.
Maria Dunne 14 . 1 .25 £398 Other Dunnes listed in 1901 and 1911.
John Furlong 10 . 0 . 18 £69 Not listed in either census.
Richard Hogan 58 . 3 . 2 £579 Listed in 1901 and 1911.
Thomas Hogan 3 . 1 . 13 £33 Not listed in either census. May be related to Richard Hogan.
Charles Kelly 7 . 2 . 13 £88 Not listed in either census.
Edward Poole 63 . 2 . 16 £547 Not listed in either census. May be Edward Poole, born in Capard in 1880.
Isaac Poole 51 . 3 . 35 £544 Listed in 1901 and 1911
Total 267 . 1 . 35 £2993


  1. Townlands.ie, database with images, (https://www.townlands.ie/laois/tinnahinch/rearymore/tinnahinch/drumnabehy/ : accessed 23 March 2024).
  2. OpenStreetMap, database with images, (https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/4475422#map=14/53.1524/-7.4682 : accessed 23 March 2024).
  3. http://titheapplotmentbooks.nationalarchives.ie/reels/tab//004625712/004625712_00149.pdf
  4. "Griffith's Valuation 1847-1864", database with images, FindMyPast (https://search.findmypast.co.uk/record?id=IRE%2FGRIFF%2F241%2F044&parentid=IRE%2FGRIFF%2F241%2F241044%2F033%2F1 : accessed 23 March 2024), requires a free account.
  5. Richard Griffith, Queen's County, Barony of Tinnahinch, Union of Mountmelick : Primary Valuation of the several Tenements comprising said Barony (Dublin: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1861); imaged from “Griffith’s Valuation,” database with images, Ask About Ireland (http://www.askaboutireland.ie/griffith-valuation/index.xml?action=searchPlace : accessed 23 March 2024), Drumnabehy, Rearymore Parish, Queen's County.
  6. 1901 Irish Census, National Archives of Ireland, database with images (http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/search/results.jsp?census_year=1901&county19011911=Queen%27s+Co.&townland=Drumnabehy&search=Search&pageSize=100 : accessed 23 March 2024).
  7. 1911 Irish Census, National Archives of Ireland, database with images (http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/search/results.jsp?census_year=1911&county19011911=Queen%27s+Co.&townland=Drumnabehy&search=Search&pageSize=100 : accessed 23 March 2024).
  8. "Molyneux Baronets", Wikipedia, database with images (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molyneux_baronets#Molyneux_of_Castle_Dillon,_County_Armagh_(1730) : accessed 23 March 2024).
  9. "The great landowners of Great Britain and Ireland", HathiTrust, database with images (https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31175024484753&view=1up&seq=322 : accessed 23 March 2024)
  10. "Land War", Wikipedia, database with images, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_War : accessed 23 March 2024).
  11. "Land Acts (Ireland)", Wikipedia, database with images, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Acts_(Ireland) : accessed 23 March 2024).
  12. "Ireland, Land Commission Advances", FindMyPast, database with images (https://www.findmypast.ie/search/results?datasetname=ireland%2c+land+commission+advances%2c+1891-1920&sid=103&townland=drumnabehy : accessed 23 March 2024).



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