
Dry Creek Cemetery, Simpson County, Mississippi

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Simpson County, Mississippimap
Surnames/tags: Crafts Warren Nichols
Profile manager: Myrtis Bishop private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 2,328 times.



This project will catalog and document all burials in Dry Creek Cemetery, located in rural Simpson County, Mississippi. This free space page for the Dry Creek Cemetery is part of WikiTree's Mississippi Cemeteries Project, and was created to document the life and times of our ancestors that are interred there. The Mississippi Cemeteries Project is a sub-project of the larger U.S. Cemeteries Project.

This page is a work in progress, and will remain so until the Table of Interments (below) is completed. The Table of Interments is a sortable listing of persons interred at this cemetery, some or all of whom are linked to existing WikiTree profiles. If you know of a person interred at this cemetery that should be linked to an existing WikiTree profile, or needs to have a profile created for them, please contact Myrtis Bishop for assistance.

Contact Information, Location and Map

Dry Creek Baptist Church
1246 Dry Creek Rd, Mendenhall, MS 39114
GPS Coordinates (WGS84)
31.945202, -89.693566
Dry Creek Cemetery on Google Maps


Dry Creek Cemetery is located next to Dry Creek Baptist Church which has a Mendenhall address. Located 7 miles from Magee via Dry Creek Road. Located 14 miles from Mendenhall, MS via Hwy 149 onto JB Womack Road which ends at Dry Creek Road and the church.

The cemetery does have a gate and is fenced. Cemetery starts on the left side of the church and continues to the back. As of Feb 19, 2016 Findagrave shows 270 graves with 99% photographed. [1]

Church was organized on Feb 19, 1915 with 20 charter members. Rev T Webster Bishop (my great grandfather Bishop-4082 20:33, 11 July 2017 (EDT)) was the first pastor. [2]

Tasks Completed


  • 100% of marked graves in this cemetery have been photographed by Myrtis Bishop as of May 2013.

Data Transcription

  • 100 % of all marked graves

To Do

  • Link existing profiles or create new profiles for persons listed in the Table of Interments
When complete, everyone listed in the Table of Interments will be linked to their own WikiTree profile, and to a photo of that person's corresponding grave marker. The created profiles can include other genealogical and biographical information as well as a listing of sources for documentation.
  • Validate links and transcription information
Profile and photo links and transcribed information needs to be cross-checked to ensure accuracy.
  • Create an audio/video tour of the cemetery
Record a virtual tour of the cemetery that can be viewed as downloadable media on computers, tablets or other device. Such a tour would take the viewer around the cemetery to explore the history of the people buried here. Background information can be supplied. Those with mobile internet access can access online links to more information.

Table of Interments

Data given is as on Headstone

Sortable table
Last Name First/Middle Names/Initials Born Died Inscription (notes) Photo (click for larger)
Ainsworth Ted Michael 1953-09-112007-06-28 Image:Ainsworth-xxx.jpg
Allen Benjamin Jacob 1991-04-191991-04-19 Image:Allen-xxx.jpg
Anderson Debra Lynn 1958-04-161959-06-11 Image:Anderson-xxx.jpg
Anderson Eliza Jane Rayner1868-05-011936-05-06 Image:Anderson-xxx.jpg
Anderson Elizabeth R 18561924 Image:Anderson-xxx.jpg
Anderson Eather 1889-08-151969-11-19(nee Sullivan) Image:Sullivan-7886.jpg
Anderson J. M. 1887-06-151967-08-31 Image:Anderson-26003.jpg
Anderson James Calvin 1871-02-011956-04-06 Image:Anderson-xxx.jpg
Anderson James Odell 1931-03-222001-10-24BrotherImage:Anderson-xxx.jpg
Anderson Kendell E. 1963-08-202005-08-29 Image:Anderson-xxx.jpg
Anderson Louis H. 1938-08-272002-08-31Father, (wed) Dec 22, 1956 Image:Anderson-xxx.jpg
Anderson Nelda Ruth Garner1936-04-05Mother, (wed) Dec 22, 1956 (nee Garner) Image:Anderson-xxx.jpg
Anderson Sam Earl 1937-04-151982-07-18SON Image:Anderson-75879.jpg
Anderson Thomas Wyatt 18541938 Image:Anderson-xxx.jpg
Barr Esther M.1938-06-152003-08-1644 years of loving memories, (wed) 7-9-59 (nee Sutton) Image:Barr-xxx.jpg
Bock Aron B. 1952-06-041995-02-25 Image:Bock-xxx.jpg
Booth George W. 1915-08-201987-05-07[wed] Oct 06, 1945; Husband; In the shadow of His wings there is rest; [mil] US Army World War I & II
Booth Homer E. 1923-06-241987-08-30Father; (mil) US Army , World War II
Booth Howard J. 1908-01-271996-10-23(mil) US Army, World War II
Booth Johnnie Ruth 1927-05-072006-11-24(nee Davis) [wed] Oct 06, 1945; Wife; Sweetly Sleeping
Booth Marcie Marie 1977-03-312001-12-09In God's Care; I wish y'all could see me now walking with Jesus.
Boyles Connie L. 1969-08-141980-11-08 Image:Boyles-xxx.jpg
Boyles Cynthia S. 1974-01-061980-12-05 Image:Boyles-xxx.jpg
Boyles Daisy Verna Nichols1915-04-122001-01-23 Image:Boyles-xxx.jpg
Boyles G. H. 1934-04-202008-02-20(given name George Henry)Image:Boyles-xxx.jpg
Boyles George Earl 1907-12-121984-06-03 Image:Boyles-xxx.jpg
Boyles James S. 1942-11-102004-01-21 Image:Boyles-xxx.jpg
Brady Jean Edward 1941-06-221996-08-17 Image:Brady-xxx.jpg
Brewer J. D. 1929-05-122008-07-17Married Feb 3, 1949, Gone but not forgotten (double headstone with Lennie Brewer - still living)
Brown Jason Glenn 1974-08-311974-08-31Infant Son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Glenn Brown, A Bud on Earth, To Bloom in Heaven.Image:Brown-xxx.jpg
Brown Tommy Glenn 1952-04-041978-12-01In God's CareImage:Brown-xxx.jpg
Chaney Kamarious Danta 20082008 Image:Chaney-xxx.jpg
Chaney Omarious Deonta 20082008 Image:Chaney-xxx.jpg
Coleman Marvin Hall 1902-12-121979-06-27Marvin Hall Coleman , US Army , World War II Image:Coleman-xxx.jpg
Craft B. J.1866-09-191946-08-18
Colson Bailey Ethan 1996-06-231996-06-23 Image:Colson-xxx.jpg
Craft Betty B. "Bobbie" 1927-04-022005-11-14(nee Stewart) Image:Craft-xxx.jpg
Craft Alonzo F.1902-02-222003-07-06 Image:Craft-3394.jpg
Craft Heath Ray1979-01-191979-01-21Son of Mr & Mrs David Craft
Craft Infant Son 1933-11-281933-11-28Our Darlings, Inf. Sons of Harrison & Eula CraftImage:Craft-xxx.jpg
Craft Infant Son 1936-03-121936-03-12Our Darlings, Inf. Sons of Harrison & Eula CraftImage:Craft-xxx.jpg
Craft Infant Son 1936-03-121936-03-12 Image:Craft-xxx.jpg
Craft James Nevil 1904-01-191989-02-24[wed] Jul 04, 1935 Image:Craft-3395-X.jpg
Craft Joe Thomas 1899-08-221987-12-20 Image:Craft-3393-X.jpg
Craft Peggy Lynn1956-08-111957-07-09
Craft Prudie M. Cook1905-02-231932-03-16MOTHER, Wife of G.S. Craft, We will meet again
Craft Prudie Diane1953-04-241953-04-24Stillborn
Craft Ollie I.1909-06-151968-10-30(nee Nichols) Image:Craft-3393-2.jpg
Davis Earl Martin 1940-09-042008-04-04Children: Shelia, Lesa, Royce, Cindy, Brenda Image:Davis-xxx.jpg
Davis Hubbard B. 1898-08-291988-02-04Was a kind and noble man.
Davis Lesa Lynn 1964-10-252008-08-02Loving Mother, Daughter and Sister Image:Davis-xxx.jpg
Davis Mack Orvil 1944-03-071984-01-28In Loving Memory
Davis Reba Mary 1904-07-311992-04-08God’s greatest gift returned to God, our mother (nee Roberts)
Duke Mary Evelyn 1939-07-132000-11-02In His Presence (last name s/b Dukes
Dukes Billy Ray 1941-06-291941-06-29Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. J. Ray Dukes; God gave. He took. He will restore. He doeth all things well.
Dukes Evelyn 1918-07-011970-02-12(nee Warren) Our beloved mother; May she dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Eaton Everett 1913-01-071993-03-19 Image:Eaton-xxx.jpg
Ellington Mary Margaret Martin1886-10-121950-03-27M Margaret Ellington ... Image:Ellington-xxx.jpg
Ellington William T 1909-04-251967-05 Image:Ellington-xxx.jpg
Elmore Katherine Lois 1980-08-301995-08-07 Image:Elmore-xxx.jpg
Fletcher Larry Randall 1961-02-152001-05-07 Image:Fletcher-xxx.jpg
Fletcher Letha Jean Craft1938-09-022005-11-12 Image:Fletcher-xxx.jpg
Floyd Kenneth 1944-12-052002-09-22 Image:Floyd-xxx.jpg
Floyd Michelle R. 1975-01-091998-02-23 Image:Floyd-xxx.jpg
Goodroe Craig 1992-07-232008-02-13In our hearts forever, Mommy, Billy, Hope, , Jeremy & Savannah Image:Goodroe-xxx.jpg
Gregory Annie W. 1906-07-021952-10-08(nee Womack)
Gregory Calvin 1938-09-101958-09-27
Gregory George E. 1896-02-031965-03-10(mil) Mississippi , PVT BTRY F 138 Field Arty , World War I
Gregory George W. 1865-12-251940-03-28
Gregory Louvennia 1897-09-071937-09-27(nee Womack) Sweetest mother I ever knew
Gregory Richard R. 1936-12-27xxxx-02-Gone to be an angel
Gregory Roger 1944-10-091944-10-09Son of Mr. & Mrs. A. H. Gregory Image:Gregory-xxx.jpg
Gregory Sallie 1865-12-311941-01-29(nee Haskins)
Gregory Versia Jones1918-06-041960-10-12 Image:Gregory-xxx.jpg
Griffin Farris E. 1913-11-161989-04-14 Image:Griffin-xxx.jpg
Griffin Letha J. Nichols1940-10-042014-02-14 Image:Griffin-xxx.jpg
Hornback Audell Nichols1916-09-181976-10Audell Hornback, 1916 - 1976 Image:Hornback-xxx.jpg
Hosey Connie Denise1974-07-042011-09-28 Image:Hosey-xxx.jpg
Hosey Earnest M. 1913-05-211961-02-02
Hosey Infant Son 1948-09-251948-09-25Infant Son of Mr and Mrs James A. HoseyImage:Hosey-xxx.jpg
Hosey James A.1914-06-011956-10-18Father Image:Hosey-112.jpg
Hosey James W. 1945-08-251972-09-22 Image:Hosey-xxx.jpg
Hosey Jerry Robert 1936-03-122000-03-11 Image:Hosey-217.jpg
Hosey John 18741965
Hosey Karen Jo Newman1948-03-221984-09-08 (nee Newman)Image:Newman-13416.jpg
Hosey Lou Nell E. 1926-11-031997-02-11(nee Everett) Image:Hosey-xxx.jpg
Hosey Mary Odis1909-09-111931-07-09 Image:Hosey-364.jpg
Hosey Obie 1906-11-111970-09-12 Image:Hosey-136.jpg
Hosey Polly J. 1915-01-291985-07-26(nee Easterling)
Hosey Ruthie Lee Anderson1915-06-072000-05-03(nee Anderson)Image:Anderson-26004.jpg
Hosey Sadie Lou1948-11-011948-11-01Our Darling , Sadie Lou Infant Dau. of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hosey, Nov. 1, 1948 , Gone to Rest Image:Hosey-xxx.jpg
Hosey Sarah 18841962(nee Rayner)
Hosey Stacy Ann 1971-11-291971-12-04 Image:Hosey-xxx.jpg
Huff Annette Y. 1936-09-11 Image:Huff-xxx.jpg
Huff Howard V. Sr 1928-03-111998-02-07 Image:Huff-xxx.jpg
Jones Onnie Craft1926-12-291998-12-22(nee Craft) Image:Craft-3691.jpg
Kennedy Billie George 1940-07-291940-12-05 Image:Kennedy-xxx.jpg
Kennedy Birtie M. 1928-05-23(nee Butler) Image:Kennedy-25306.jpg
Kennedy Clinton Ray 1939-12-081940-12-13Son of Dan and Myrtle Kennedy Image:Kennedy-xxx.jpg
Kennedy Cordia M. 1920-04-301975-06-05(nee Bynum) Image:Kennedy-25947.jpg
Kennedy Dan W. 1913-05-202002-10-21[wed] Oct 01, 1932 Image:Kennedy-26989.jpg
Kennedy Ernest O. 1914-09-291997-03-09 Image:Kennedy-25947.jpg
Kennedy George Terrell 1965-04-051985-12-03 Image:Kennedy-xxx.jpg
Kennedy James Ershel II 1969-05-301985-04-15 Image:Kennedy-xxx.jpg
Kennedy Larry D. 1959-01-101959-01-11 Image:Kennedy-xxx.jpg
Kennedy Merl D. 1935-02-041979-03-16 Image:Kennedy-xxx.jpg
Kennedy Myrtle W.1915-09-161997-04-04(nee Ware) [wed] Oct 01, 1932 Loving Wife, Sweetest Moma Image:Kennedy-26989.jpg
Kennedy Wardell 1930-05-291992-01-27 Image:Kennedy-25306.jpg
KlineWilliam Irvin 1901-09-261929-01-29 obituary only
Lucas Frank 1928-09-191987-09-20Married Oct 11, 1953; PFC US Army , Korea Image:Lucas-xxx.jpg
Maddox Melvin Emmett 1928-05-081994-01-19 Image:Maddox-xxx.jpg
May Bryant 1845-03-161928-07-16 Image:May-xxx.jpg
McAlpin Faye Nell Hosey1944-06-032006-09-20 Image:Hosey-xxx.jpg
McAlpin Joyce Ann 1949-04-251949-04-25Daughter of Barney & Jewel McAlpin Image:McAlpin-xxx.jpg
McAlpin Lynda Grace 1947-07-181947-07-18Infant Daughter of Roy & Reba McAlpin Image:McAlpin-xxx.jpg
Melton Michael 1961-05-081984-01-21 Image:Melton-xxx.jpg
Moseley Earline H. 1911-11-231993-09-25 Image:Moseley-xxx.jpg
Moseley Olyer 1904-09-021985-12-31 Image:Moseley-xxx.jpg
Nichols Billy Joe 1935-08-141968-05-21Billy Joe Nichols , Mississippi , PVT CO C need new photo with dates Image:Nichols-xxx.jpg
Nichols Catherine 1918-09-052001-08-17[wed] Nov 15, 1945Image:Nichols-xxx.jpg
Nichols Charley Wallace 1913-05-031916-08-04Our Darling Baby , Charley Wallace Nichols ... , He carries the lambs in His bosom. Image:Nichols-xxx.jpg
Nichols Daisy Rea 1918-10-29 Image:Nichols-xxx.jpg
Nichols Ida Evelyn 18731946(nee Kennedy) Image:Nichols-4138.jpg
Nichols Infant Son 1915-01-291915-02-18Inf. Son of Mr. & Mrs. M. L. Nichols ... Image:Nichols-xxx.jpg
Nichols Jackson Bryant 1921-06-241981-01-01[wed] Nov 15, 1945; M SGT US Air Force, World War II Image:Nichols-xxx.jpg
Nichols James Carl1948-02-192006-07-13 Image:Nichols-xxx.jpg
Nichols James Cordis1920-03-211976-11-25James C. Nichols ... , , James Cordis Nichols , PVT US Army , World War II Image:Nichols-xxx.jpg
Nichols John L. 1889-01-301958-12-08 Image:Nichols-xxx.jpg
Nichols Johnnie Franklin1928-12-241991-09-17Johnnie F Nichols , US Army , Korea need to clean grave marker Image:Nichols-xxx.jpg
Nichols Mary Ida Womack1895-09-151982-11-20 Image:Womack-xxx.jpg
Nichols Samuel L. 18661931 Image:Nichols-4138.jpg
Nichols Timon N. 1898-11-221991-11-14 Image:Nichols-10729.jpg
Nichols Tina Ree 1946-11-181970-12-28DAUGHTER , Tina Ree Nichols ... , Alas my daughter Image:Nichols-xxx.jpg
Nichols Venia A. 1896-04-111970-04-14(nee Ware) Image:Ware-3006 .jpg
Nichols W. Curtis 1918-08-101920-11-23W. Curtis Nichols ... , Asleep in Jesus Image:Nichols-xxx.jpg
Nichols Wallace T. 1928-09-172005-01-27 Image:Nichols-xxx.jpg
Nichols Waver D. 1927-11-19 Image:Nichols-xxx.jpg
Roberts Garey N. 1943-01-271943-02-14 Image:Roberts-xxx.jpg
Robinson Thomas E. 1940-02-052000-05-17 Image:Robinson-xxx.jpg
Searcy Howard L. 1936-03-182014-07-05 Image:Searcy-xxx.jpg
Shelley Lexie Stewart1937-01-28 Image:Shelley-xxx.jpg
Stewart Annette 1937-08-051937-08-10TWINS, Annette and Genaette Stewart, Aug. 5, 1937, Aug. 10, 1937, A bud on earth, to bloom in Heaven
Stewart Bertha Annie 19001951-08-31(nee Nichols)
Stewart E. L. Sr. 1896-07-291977-02-09
Stewart Elmer E. 1921-09-151988-11-30Married Nov 23, 1954; PVT US Army , World War II
Stewart Genaette 1937-08-051937-08-10TWINS, Annette and Genaette Stewart, Aug. 5, 1937, Aug. 10, 1937, A bud on earth, to bloom in Heaven
Stewart Jannie M. 1908-12-261969-10-07(nee Roberts)
Stewart Jessie Lester 1933-02-191956-04-16[mil] J. L. Stewart , Mississippi , GM3 US Navy , Korea Image:Stewart-xxx.jpg
Stewart Lester C. 1904-10-101991-05-24
Stewart Mims M. 1924-11-231956-04-16DC birth Nov. 23, 1923 In Heaven we will meet Him.
Stewart Otha Ezra 1925-11-231948-10-09
Stewart Rutheur 1935-12-081935-12-08A bud on earth, to bloom in Heaven
Sullivan Infant Daughter 1956-03-281956-03-28Infant Daughter of Mr & Mrs Eugene Sullivan Image:Sullivan-xxx.jpg
Sullivan Reba Ware1924-11-141992-11-25 Image:Sullivan-xxx.jpg
Thams Willie G 1903-05-151903-05-15Willie G Thams , Son of Mr/Mrs , Willie B Thams , not sure of name - hard to read Image:Thams-xxx.jpg
Thompson L. T. 1940-03-131984-05-17 Image:Thompson-xxx.jpg
Toney Ernestine 1936-08-072005-09-16 Image:Toney-xxx.jpg
Ware Bertha 1901-03-161928-03-16(nee Anderson) Wife of John Ware
Ware Dan1907-09-231989-10-15[wed Nov 12 1931] Image:Ware-5552.jpg
Ware Elton Viron 1921-12-231954-12-12 Image:Ware-xxx.jpg
Ware Ina J. 1908-11-301928-12-07 Image:Ware-xxx.jpg
Ware Infant Daughter 1946-05-011946-05-01Infant Daughter of Mr & Mrs Mitchell Ware Image:Ware-xxx.jpg
Ware Infant Son Infant Son of W. J. & Nora Ware Image:Ware-xxx.jpg
Ware Infant Daughter Infant Daughter of W. J. & Nora Ware Image:Ware-xxx.jpg
Ware J. T. 1934-02-19 Image:Ware-xxx.jpg
Ware Jack B. 1904-03-221987-11-05 Image:Ware-xxx.jpg
Ware James A. 1862-12-231944-06-04
Ware James Frank 1898-06-121985-11-02 Image:Ware-xxx.jpg
Ware Joe T. 1905-12-161990-11-27 Image:Ware-xxx.jpg
Ware John 1904-01-191993-04-29[wed] Dec 1, 1928
Ware Katie1906-09-211989-11-07(nee Craft) [wed Nov 12 1931] Image:Ware-5552.jpg
Ware Lola Mae 1904-05-191951-02-13 Image:Ware-xxx.jpg
Ware Maggie 1896-08-141988-02-09(nee Craft) [wed] Dec 1,1928
Ware Mitchell 1926-05-251996-10-20Wed Aug 18, 1944 Image:Ware-xxx.jpg
Ware Orea Nichols1905-09-141972-02-15 Image:Ware-xxx.jpg
Ware Ruby L. 1923-04-111985-01-17Wed Aug 18, 1944 Image:Ware-xxx.jpg
Ware Susie May1866-02-051946-02-12(nee May)
Ware Vera Nichols1914-02-132006-04-01 Image:Ware-xxx.jpg
Ware Vernon Clyde 1924-12-281985-09-26 Image:Ware-xxx.jpg
Warren Elizabeth Craft1888-09-061949-01-02 (nee Craft) Asleep in Jesus
Warren Ella Mae19071956Suffer little children to come unto me. (nee Nichols)
Warren Erelee 1925-10-061925-11-28Our Baby; Baby of J. W. & Nola Warren, Asleep in Jesus, blessed thought.
Warren Ernest Howard 1922-04-251936-12-21We will meet again. Image:Warren-6179.jpg
Warren G. W.1925-03-041925-10-16Baby of J. F. & E. M. Warren, Asleep in Jesus, blessed thought.
Warren Joseph Franklin 19051959Suffer little children to come unto me.
Warren Joseph Franklin "Jack" 1928-07-182001-05-16Rest in Peace
Warren Timothy Lee 1965-11-282011-07-10Our Big Brother
Whitaker Helen Fay Ingle1934-07-152008-01-22 Image:Whitaker-xxx.jpg
Whitaker Walter Harvey 1960-08-291960-08-29Infant Son of Warren H. & Helen Whitaker, Budded on Earth to Bloom in Haven Image:Whitaker-xxx.jpg
Whitaker Warren Harvey 1930-01-191993-01-08Harvey Whitaker , PFC US Army , Korea ... , Image:Whitaker-xxx.jpg
Wiggins Hoy Clayton 1906-09-171973-08-26 Image:Wiggins-xxx.jpg
Wiggins Ruthie Williams1909-07-231986-03-24 Image:Wiggins-xxx.jpg
Wolfe Rosie 1895-09-161937-10-03 Image:Wolfe-xxx.jpg
Womack A. M. 18511930 Image:Womack-1654.jpg
Womack Bell 1868-01-161937-09-12 Image:Womack-xxx.jpg
Womack Billy Tyree 1944-10-242008-05-29 Image:Womack-3989.jpg
Womack Infant 1927-09-261927-09-26Infant of Mr. & Mrs. J. A. WomackImage:Womack-xxx.jpg
Womack Michael 1959-11-191959-11-19 Image:Womack-xxx.jpg


  1. See Findagrave - Dry Creek Cemetery
  2. Historical Sketch of Dry Creek Baptist Church -- T W Bishop pastor Clipped from Simpson County News, 13 Sep 1928, Thu, Page 3



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