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Location: Yorkshire, England
Surname/tag: Duggleby
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Dugglebys in the transactions of the East Riding Antiquarian Society.
An annual book of transactions was published beginning with Volume 1 which was published in 1893. A physical search of volumes 1 -30 inclusive yielded these results.
Variant spellings: de Dogelby, de Duggleby, de Dukelby, Dinelegelbie, Dogelby, Dougelbie, Dougelby, Douglby, Dougleby, Duckelby, Dugelby, Dugleby, Duggelby, Dukelby, Dyngleby
Contents |
East Riding Antiquarian Society
Transactions of the East Riding Antiquarian Society (William Andrews & Co., The Hull Press., 1893-1907)
Surname | Forename | Vol | Page | Date | Copy |
Duggleby | Duggleby Howe | 1 | 56 | Yes | |
Dugalebey | Duggleby Village | 2 | 61 | Yes | |
Duggleby | Duggleby Howe | 3 | 13 | Yes | |
Duggleby | Duggleby Village | 4 | 8 | Yes | |
Duggleby | Duggleby Howe | 9 | 57 - 61 | Yes | |
Duggleby | Duggleby Village | 21 | 4 | Yes | |
Duggleby | Duggleby Village | 29 | 24 | Yes | |
Dukelby | John | 21 | 63 | 1434 | Yes |
Dugulby | Robert | 21 | 63 | 1440 | Yes |
Dugylby | Robert | 21 | 63 | 1441 | Yes |
Dogleby | John | 6 | 96 & 97 | 1445 | Yes |
Dogilby | Thomas | 19 | 1 | 1467 | Yes |
Duggleby | Thomas | 19 | 73 | 1467 | Yes |
Dogylby | Thomas | 21 | 65 | 1496 | Yes |
Dagylby | Robert father of Thomas | 21 | 65 | 1496 | Yes |
Dogleby | Walter son & heir of Thomas | 21 | 62 | 1524 | Yes |
Dogleby | Thomas father of Walter | 21 | 62 | 1524 | Yes |
Dogilbye | William | 21 | 66 | 1560 | Yes |
Dugglebye | William | 2 | 30 | 1650 | Yes |
Volume 2
Title: Parliamentary Survey of the Benefices of the East Riding. By Rev. J. Charles Cox, LL. D., F. S. A., 1894, Hull, page 30
In pursuance of various ordinances of the Parliament, a complete survey of the possessions of Bishops, of Deans and Chapters, and of all benefices, was made in 1650, by specially appointed Commissioners. The great bulk of the returns have remained at Lambeth Palace to the present day, where they are bound up in twenty-one large folio volumes, numbered in the catalogue of MSS. from 902 to 922.
KIRKBURNE [sic]. Impropriate. The parish church scittuate in Kirkburn [sic] hath belonging to it four hamlets; East-Burne, Batle-Burne, South-Burne, Tibthorp; each distant half a mile and fitt to be continewed. The impropriator Alderman Medcalfe, of Yorke, in trust for paying of debts, farmed by William Cleark at the yearly value of rent 62 li. Gleab land belonging to Kirkburne, impropriation a plott of ground called Prior Crofts, worth yearly, 5 li. East-Burne within the same parish belongeth the said Alderman as aforesaid, and the tythes are worth yearly 42 li. The fee farm rent paid out of these tithes by the said Alderman yearly 25 li. 13s. 4d. Tibthorp in the same parish, the tythes thereof belonging to Mr. Leonard Weddell, of Creswicke, farmed by John Hudson and others at the yearly rent of 96 li. The fee farm rent of the tithes of Tibthorp paid to the Commonwealth yearly 14 li, 6s. 8d. . . . belongeth to the same parish; the tythes thereof belong to Mrs. Margaret Salvin, of Skerne, farmed by William Dugglebye and others at the yearly rent of 70 li.
Transactions of the East Riding Antiquarian Society. Volume 6 Title: A Fifteenth-Century Fabric Roll of Beverley Minster. By Arthur F. Leach, M.A., F.S.A., 1898, Hull, p96-97
29 September 1445 - 29 September 1446
COMPUTI diversorum ministrorum fabricæ ecclesiæ Beati Johannis Beverlaci finientes ad festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli, anno regni Regis Henrici, sexti post conquestum Angliæ, vicesimo quinto.
BEVERLEY. ACCOUNTS of sundry officers of the fabric of the Church of the Blessed John of Beverley ending at the feast of S. Michael the Archangel in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of King Henry, the sixth after the conquest of England.
COMPOTUS SIMONIS SPROTLEY, collectoris reddituum et firmarum fabricæ ecclesiæ Beati Johannis ibidem, viz. a festo Michaelis archangeli, anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti xxiiijto usque idem festum Michaelis anno ejusdem Regis xxvto, per unum annum integrum, per Thomam Sprotley, clericum, deputatum suum.
ACCOUNT OF SIMON SPROTLEY, collector of the rents and farms of the Fabric of the Church of the Blessed John there, viz. from Michaelmas 24 Henry VI. to Michaelmas 25 Henry VI., for a whole year, by Thomas Sprotley, clerk, his deputy.
Defectus cum decasu redditibus. ... Nil inde levato, per sacramentum computantis, et testimonium Domini Thomæ Sprotley. Unde summa defectus 34s. 0d. Et quædam eorumdem minus dimittuntur, ut inferius patet, supra capita, per sacramentum computantis et testimonium Domini Thomæ Sprotley, viz:— ...
Default and fall of rent. ... Nothing being raised therefrom, by the oath of the accountant and the evidence of Thomas Sprotley. So the whole of the default is £1 14s. 0d. Some of them are let at less rent, as appears below under the headings, by the oath of the accountant and the evidence of Sir Thomas Sprotley, viz.:— ... [j cotagii in tenura] Johannis Dogleby [in Estgate] 12d. ... a cottage in the tenure of John Dogleby in Estgate 12d.
Volume 19
Title: Documents at Burton Agnes. By Rev. C. V. Collier. 1913, page 1.
1467 Lease of the Prior and Convent of Bridlington to Sir Walter Gryffith of Burton Agnes… Bond from Sir Walter Gryffith, Kt., Thomas Dogilby of thirneholme et al, in £20 for breach of any covenant by Sir Walter.
Title: Notes on some East Riding disputes, page 73.
1467 A series of disputes between Martyn de la See and his neighbour Sir Walter Griffith “Martyn... came to Bridlington with seven persons and set upon Sir Walter’s servants Thomas Duggleby and Thomas Bekk and grievously wounded them. Both being so badly maimed that their recovery was doubtful.
Volume 21
Title: Documents at Scampston. By Rev. C. V. Collier.
Page 62: Item 109 (No date) Grant by Walter Dogleby, son and heir of Thomas Dogleby of Thirnum [Thornholme], yeoman… NB: these documents were given to Yorkshire Archaeological society and are now housed in Leeds university library special collections Ref: MD229. From information provided by Leeds university library this grant (Ref MD229/109 is dated as 20 May 1524.
Page 63: Item 113 dated 30 May 1434 Grant by John Astyn of Thorpe by Welwick to John Dukelby, of a messuage and land in Thornholme which the grantor and the late Robert Raven, chaplain had from John de Gemlyng.
Item 114 dated 21 December 1441 Remise by William de Catwyke to Robert Dugylby, of all right to lands etc in Thornholme which had descended to him from John Gemlyng.
Item 115 dated 17 December 1440 Release from William Warde of Lowthorpe to Robert Dugulby of Thornholme of all right in the lands etc in Thornholme which the grantor had had from John de St Quintin.
Page 65: Item 122 dated 29 April 1496 Grant by Thomas Dogylby to Thomas Staveley, John Holden and Robert Haggas of a messuage and land in Thorneholme which he had from his father Robert Dagylby.
Page 66: Item 126 dated Michaelmas term 1560 Exemplification of a fine between Robert Robinson, querent and William Dogilbye, deforcient re a messuage etc in Thorneholme.
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