
Dugglebys in The Chartulary of the Priory of Bridlington

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Location: Bridlington, Yorkshire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Duggleby
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Dugglebys found in Abstracts of the Charters and Other Documents contained in the Chartulary of the Priory of Bridlington in the East Riding of the County of York. By W. T. Lancaster, F. S. A., 1912, Leeds.

The charters are grouped under villages, and at the commencement of the volume there is a consecutive list of these. The original folioing was merely by villages, from I to LXXXXI, the whole of the folios occupied by the charters of the first village being headed I, those of the second Village II, and so on. At a later date a folioing in the ordinary way, 1-352, was made in Arabic figures, and has been followed in this work.

The folio numbers quoted in this book do not always correspond with the folio numbers in the original manuscript. The original manuscript has 2 different sets of Arabic numerals on each folio and it is these which have been quoted here. ~Ellen (Duggleby) Reid


Chartulary of the Priory of Bridlington

Lancaster, William Thomas. "Abstracts of the charters and other documents contained in the chartulary of the priory of Bridlington in the East Riding of the county of York" ( Leeds, Yorkshire 1912)

SurnameForenamePageFolioDateCopy of original
DiuegilebyThomas de220265 or 1691114 - 1288Yes
Dugelby Adam son of Adam227271 or 1751295 - 1298Yes
DugelbiAdam de275 206 or 2101114 - 1235Yes
DiueglebyAdam de275206 or 2101114 - 1235Yes
DiuegelbyAdam de276206 or 2101114 - 1235Yes
DiuegelbyHenry son of Thomas son of Jollan276206 or 2101114 - 1235Yes
DiuegelbyBeatrice sister of Henry son of Thomas son of Jollan276206 or 2101114 - 1235Yes
DiuegelbyWilliam brother of Henry son of Thomas son of Jollan276206 or 2101114 - 1235Yes
DiuegelbyAlan de276206 or 2101114 - 1235Yes
DiuegelbyHenry son of Thomas son of Jollan276206 or 2101114 - 1235Yes
DiuegelbyAdam de276206 or 2101114 - 1235Yes
DifgelbyAdam de277207 or 2111114 - 1235Yes
DiuegelbyAdam son of Henry278207 or 2111114 - 1235Yes
DiuegelbySir Henry de - Knight soldier278208 or 2121114 - 1235Yes
DiuegelbyAdam son of Henry278208 or 2121235Yes
DugelbyAdam son of Henry279208 or 2121235 - 1285Yes
DugelbyAdam de279208 or 2121285Yes
DugelbyAdam son of Adam de279209 or 2131299Yes
DugelbyHenry son of Thomas de280209 or 2121299 - 1345Yes
DugelbyRalph son of Adam the Uncle of Henry de280209 or 2131299 - 1345Yes
DugelbyThomas280209 or 2131299 - 1345Yes
DugelbyRalph son of Adam de280209 or 2131299 - 1345Yes
DugelbyAdam de280209 or 2131299 - 1345Yes

Page 220 Original folio 265 or 169

After 1114 and before 20 November 1288.

All of the folios prior to this one which relate to this village are undated, however as the prior was established between 1114 and 1124 it must be after this date.

Quitclaim on folio 266 or 170 column 1 and 2 is dated Sunday after the feast of St Edmund Martyr, 1288.

CROHUM (Croom near Driffield)

CONFIRMATION by William son of Alan de Nauelton to Peter son of William Saluayn, his heirs or assigns, for his homage and service, of those two bovates of land, with toft and croft and all the other appurt., etc., in the territory of Crohum, within the vill and without, which two bovates Peter previously held by the gift of the said Alan, the grantor's father, and which lie between those two bovates which Richard son of Ace de Ledemer formerly held. To hold and to have to the said Peter and his heirs or assigns from the grantor and his heirs, freely, quietly, etc. from all service, etc.; rendering thence yearly two shillings of silver to the grantor and his heirs for all services to them ; doing foreign service as belongs to two bovates of land where twelve carucates make a knight's fee. Warranty. Test., Nicholas de Yeland, Gerard Saluayn, Ralph de Friby, Thomas de Lutton, Robert son of Nigel, Robert bursar, Robert Putrel, William de Lutton, William de Dalton, Thomas de Diuegileby, and many others.

Page 227 Original folio 271 or 175

After 11 June 1295 and before 7 May 1298.

Acknowledgement on folio 271 or 175 column 2, directly above this Grant is dated the morrow of St Barnabas Apostle, in the 23rd year of King Edward [I].

Acknowledgement on folio 272 or 176 column 1 is dated the Nones (7th or 5th) of May 1298.

ACCLUM (Acklam)

GRANT by Robert de Torny to Thomas de Thorny his brother, for his homage and service, of all the grantors land in Acclum, with the appurt. Within and without the vill, in rents, wardships, reliefs, etc.; also with the dower which Alice de Seys held from him in the name of dower, which at her death shall revert to Thomas and his heirs. To have and to hold to Thomas and his heirs and assigns (except Religious men and Jews) from the grantor, his heirs and assigns, well and in peace, etc. ; rendering yearly to the grantor and his heirs or assigns a penny at Christmas. (fo 171) doing foreign service as belongs to so much land. Warranty. Testimonium. Test., Dom. Thomas de Chancy of Skirkenbeck, John Maleuere of G’auadbz, Ralph de Vernum of Bukethorp, William de Rorald’ William Croc of Acclum, William de Reding, Robert de Kayton of Helperthorp, Adam son of Adam de Dugelby, Geoffrey de Menigthorp, John de Hil of Helperthorp, and others.

Page 275-277 Original folio 206 or 210

After 1114 and before 30 April 1235.

All of the folios prior to this one which relate to this village are undated, however as the prior was established between 1114 and 1124 it must be after this date. Confirmation by King Henry III on folio 208 or 212 column 2 is dated at Westminster, 30 April, in the nineteenth year [1235].

CLOCTON (Cloughton)

GRANT original folio 206 or 210 column 1 by Adam de Dugelbi to Andrew Marshall (marescallo) and his heirs and assigns, of a bovate of land in Clocton, that namely which Reinald Windelbec sometime held, lying between the grantor’s land and the land of William Thorfin, and a certain meadow called Houstholm on the east of the bridge called Milnebrigge, and a certain close called Westcroft, to make there sheepfolds (bercarias) or other buildings as he wishes. This bovate with the appurt., liberties, and easements, within and without the vill, Andrew and his heirs or assigns shall hold from the grantor and his heirs freely, etc. from secular service, etc., rendering thence to them yearly two pence for all services. If any land shall have been or shall be hereafter broken up in the moor or waste or elsewhere, Andrew or his assigns shall take thence and cultivate as much as belongs to the said bovate. Warranty. If it shall happen that the grantor or his heirs are unable to warrant the said bovate, they will give Andrew or his assigns an exchange to the value from the grantors land in Diuegelby. Testimonium. Test., Gregory and Ralph the chaplains, Luke Siluer, Robert de Redenesse, Robert de Vlram, Gilbert de Speton, Peter his son, and many others.

GRANT original folio 206 or 210 column 2 by Andrew Marshall (marescall’) to Richard son of Alan de Wroxton, of a bovate of land in Clocton with a certain close and all the other appurt., etc., within and without the vill. To have and to hold freely, quietly, etc., by the same service as is contained in the charter which Adam de Diuegleby gave the grantor respecting the said land, which [charter] the said Richard has. Sigillum. Test., John, vicar of Kirkeby, Richard, vicar of Roston, Philip de Roston, J. son of Geoffrey, Roger de Kirkeby, Alan de Ponteburg’, Walter de Redenesse.

GRANT original folio 206 or 210 column 2 and 3 by Richard son of Alan de Wroxton to the Canons, in free and perpetual alms, of a bovate of land in Clocton which Andrew Marshall gave him, that namely which Reginald Windelbec sometime held, and a meadow in the same vill called Oustholm lying on the east side of the bridge called Milnebrig, and a close in the same vill called Westcroft, with all the appurt., etc., within and without the vill. To have and to hold freely, etc., rendering yearly to Adam de Diuegelby and his heirs two pence for all services and demands. If any land has been or shall be broken up in the moor or waste or elsewhere, the Canons shall take and cultivate as much as belongs to the said (fo. 206) bovate. If the Prior and Canons should be troubled respecting the land by the grantor of anyone on his part by plea or otherwise, he will give them twenty marks without delay or gainsaying. Testimonium. Test., Gregory the chaplain, then vicar of Willardeby, Richard de Irton, Luke Siluer, Gilbert his son, Stephen de Alost, Geoffrey the clerk, H. de Flixton, Stephen Calf, R. de Caue, R. Come.

QUITCLAIM original folio 206 or 210 column 3 by Adam de Diuegelby to the Canons of two pence yearly which Andrew Marshall was accustomed to render him for a bovate of land and a toft which he held from Adam in the vill of Clocton, and of two pence yearly which Ralph Neubonde was accustomed to render him for a toft and two small pieces of land in the same vill. He has likewise confirmed to the Canons as well the said tofts as the said lands, with all the appurt. within and without the vill. He also grants that they may make a wall on the north side of their toft which they occupy (inhabitant) in the vill of Clocton, which may extend lineally from the wall which they began on the north side upon (super) the toft which they have from the said Ralph Neubonde as far as the west corner of the house of Arnald the chaplain. Sigillum. Test., Geoffrey the clerk, Henry de Flixton, William son of Eva, Simon son of Arnald, Henry son of Simon, Thomas son of Ralph.

GRANT original folio 206 or 210 column 3 and 4 by Henry son of Thomas son of Jollan de Diuegelby and his heirs to Geoffrey de Staint[on] and his heirs, of a bovate of land in the territory of Clocton, with toft and croft and all other appurt., for his homage and service and for seven marks of silver which Geoffrey has given him in his great need; namely that bovate which lies between Walter de Bouington and Beatrice, sister of the said Henry. To hold from the grantor and his heirs freely, etc., rendering to them yearly twelve pence for all services; doing foreign service as belongs to a bovate of land where twelve carucates make a knight’s fee. Warranty. Test., Gilbert de Atun, Baldwin de Auuerstain, Ralph de Bolebech, Alan Buscel, J. de Atun, Gervase de Preston, Ralph de Bolebech the younger, W. Buscel, W. de Angoteby, Robert de Irton, G. de Gedding, William brother of Henry de Diuegelby, Alan [Adam] de Diuegelb[y], Roger son of Aldan, Adam his brother, T. de Flixton, Ralph son of Walter, G. his brother, William on the hill (super montem), Fulk de Clocton.

GRANT original folio 206 or 210 column 4 by G. de Stainton son of Nigel de Aldetoftes to the Canons, in free and perpetual alms, of a bovate of land in the territory of Clocton, with all appurt., etc., within and without the vill, without any retention except (fo. 206b) the toft; namely that bovate which he had by the gift of Henry son of Thomas son of Jollan de Diuegelby. To hold and to have freely, etc. from all secular service, etc. Rendering yearly to Adam de Diuegelby and his heirs twelve pence, and doing foreign service as belongs to one bovate of land where twelve carucates makes a knight’s fee. Warranty. Testimonium. Test., Henry de Flixton, Geoffrey the clerk of Cloc[ton], Stephen his son, Simon Birier, Simon Albec, T. son of Ralph de Clocton, William son of Eva, Walter le Teler, Robert de Redenesse,

Pages 277-278 Original folio 207 or 211

folio 207 or 211 column 1 Walter his brother, Stephen Calf, Stephen de Merflet, Simon de Kippais, Gilbert Siluer, Thomas son of Thomas le mercer, Reginald the porter (portario), and others.

CONFIRMATION original folio 207 or 211 column 3 by William de Kaiton to the Canons of a bovate of land in Clocton, with all the appurt., etc., within and without the vill, which bovate Ralph de Bolebec sometime held from him, and which Henry de Hauerford gave the Canons. To have and to hold in free alms, quit of secular service and demand, discharging only the foreign [service] to the chief lord of the fee and his heirs, as belongs to one bovate where eight carucates make a knight's fee. Warranty. Testimonium. Test., Adam de Difgelby, William Buscel, J. Buscel, Robert de Vlram, William de Besingby, Robert de Redenesse, Luke Siluer, and many others.

GRANT Original folio 207 or 211 column 4 by the Chapter of St John of Beverley to Robert Ingelbert, burgess of Beverley, and his heirs or assigns, of all their part of the new land (noue terre) called Brakenwait and Storthes, with the appurt. in the territory of Clocton, and all the right and claim which they have in the same places of the gift of Adam son of Henry de Diuegelby. To hold and to have from the grantors in fee and inheritance, (fo. 207b) freely and quietly, rendering to them yearly seven pence for all secular service, etc. Warranty, so long as Adam their donor and his heirs shall warrant to them. Testimonium. Test., William Buscel, J. de Thorneton, Alan Malkake, Geoffrey his brother, Henry de Flixton, William son of Eva, Adam Haldan, T. de Anlaby, Ger’ de Semer, Alan de Ingelram.

Page 279 Original folio 208 or 212

After 30 April 1235 and before 17 June 1285.

Confirmation by King Henry III on folio 208 or 212 column 2 is dated at Westminster, 30 April, in the nineteenth year. Acknowledgement on folio 208 or 212 column 3 and 4 is dated 17 June 1285.

GRANT Original folio 208 or 212 column 1 by Adam, son of Henry de Diuegelby, knight (militis), to Robert Ingelbert of Beverley and his heirs or assigns, of a toft in Clocton, with all the appurt. within and without the vill, which Henry Raimlayn sometime held from him (the grantor), lying next (propinquius) to his (Adam’s) great garden there, towards the east. To have and to hold in fee and inheritance, freely, etc., rendering to the grantor and his heirs one clove yearly at Christmas, at Beverley, for all secular service and exaction. Warranty. Testimonium. Test., Gilbert de Atun, William Buscel, J. de Thorneton, brother William Wale, Henry de Flixton, William son of Eva, Geoffrey the clerk, Simon at bec, Hugh Thorphun, Walter at the Church (ad ecclesiam), Adam Haldan of Scardeburg, Huctred de Wiuerthorp, Simon Toli, Robert Farman.

CONFIRMATION Original folio 208 or 212 column 2 by King Henry (III) to Robert Ingelbert, burgess of Beverley, of the donation which the chapter of St John of Beverley made to him of all their part of the bew land (de noua terra) which is called Brakenwait and Storthes, with the appurt., in Clocton, and all right and claim which the Chapter had in those places by the gift of Adam son of Henry de Diuegelby. To hold and to have to Robert and his heirs or assigns well and in peace, freely and quietly, as the charter which he had from the Chapter witnesses. Test., the venerable fathers R. of Durham, J. of Bath, W. of Carlisle, and W. of Exeter, bishops, W. de Fer[rers], Earl of Derby, J. de Lascy, Earl of Lincoln and Constable of Chester, Roger le Bygot, Earl of Northf[olk], Ralph son of Nicholas, J. son of Phi[lip], Amaury de St Amando, G. Despenser (dispensatore), Bartholomew Pech, H. de Capella, and others. By the hand of the venerable father R. bishop of Chester, chancellor, at Westminster, 30 April, in the nineteenth year. [1235]

CLOCTON (Cloughton)

GRANT Original folio 208 or 212 column 2 and 3 by Robert son of Robert Ingelberd of Beverley, (fo. 208) to the Canons, in free and perpetual alms, of all his land with a toft, which he had by the gift and quitclaim of Beatrice his sister in the territory and vill of Clocton, of the fee of St John of Beverley, and which Beatrice had by the gift of Robert his father, and all that land of the new land (noue terre) of Clocton which is called Brakenwait and Storkes, and that toft which his father had by the gift of Adam son of Henry de Dugelby, with all manner of appurt., etc., within and without the vill. To have and to hold to the Canons and their successors or assigns freely, etc., rendering yearly to the grantor and his heirs seven pence for all service, etc. Warranty and acquittance from service, etc. He has delivered to the Canons the feoffment of the Chapter of St John of Beverley, and the King’s confirmation respecting the said holding, and the charter of Adam de Dugelby respecting the said toft. Testimonium. Test., Sirs (dominis) Robert Constable, William de Bozhale, T. de Heselerton, kts, Dom. Richard de Vescy, parson, Walter de Bucton, Bartholomew de Scalleby, Thomas de Morpath, and others.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Original folio 208 or 212 column 3 and 4 by Adam de Dugelby that he is bound to acquit and defend the Prior and Convent and their tenants against all men from all suits, services, customs, and demands, arising from the tenements which they hold from him in Clocton; and if it should happen that he fails to defend or acquit he grants that the Prior and Convent may distrain on all the ferms of his tenants in Clocton for all damages, costs, and expenses, occasioned by such default. The names of his tenants in Clocton and their annual ferms are these, - the Prior and Convent of Bridl[ington] twelve pence, Stephen Pye 2s 6d, Ann Burger, 2s 6d, Ivo de Clocton 15d, Lambert de Clocton 3d, the same Lambert 4s, after the term contained in a chirograph made between him and the present grantor, William son of Ivo 1d, Peter de Bradelay 1d, John son of Henry 6d, whose ferms and tenements or yearly ferms may not be transferred to anyone except under this charge (onere). Testimonium. At Bridel[ington], 17th Cal. June, 1285. Test., Dom. Walter de Bucton, J. de Marton, Geoffrey son of Bartholomew de Scalleby, Lambert de Clocton and Ivo of the same, and others. TO [original folio 209 or 213 column 1] all, etc., Roger son of Andrew de Grimeston, greeting. Whereas Gerard, Prior, and the Convent of Brid[lington], formerly (quondam) held in free and perpetual alms from Adam son of Adam de Dugelby their capital messuage in Clocton and three bovates of land with four crofts and the appurt. in the same, by service of twelve pence yearly for all services, and the same Adam granted the said service to me, Roger, and my heirs, and the Prior attorned himself to me and my heirs of the said service of twelve pence, I grant for myself and my said heirs that for the said service we are bound to acquit and defend the said tenements to the Prior and his successors and Church from all suits of Court and other secular services for ever. Testimonium. At Brid[lington], on Sunday after the feast of the Purification B. M., 1299. [7 February 1299 Bridlington ]Test., William de St Quintin, John de Heslarton, Robert de Bouington, kts, Arnald de Bucton, Robert de Wyern, Robert de Place, Thomas de Poynton, and others.

Page 280 Original folio 209 or 213

After 7 February 1299 and before 29 September 1345.

The record on folio 209 or 213 column 1 directly prior to this one is dated 7 February 1299. Indenture for this village on folio 211 or 215 is dated Monday after Michaelmas (29 September) 1345.

CLOCTON (Cloughton)

GRANT [Original folio 209 or 213 column 1 and 2] by Henry son of Thomas de Dugelby to Ralph son of Adam the grantor’s uncle (avunculi), and his heirs, for his homage and service, of 7½ roods of land in the territory of Clocton in the culture which Hugh Carpenter formerly held, and one plot (placeam) of land and meadow lying between Marewath and the land which Walter the weaver (telarius) held, with the toft and croft which Hawisa held which lies between the town beck (riuulum ville) and the toft which Richard Hallema[n] held. To hold and to have to Ralph and his heirs from the grantor and his heirs, freely, etc., from all service, etc., with all the appurt., etc., within and without the vill; rendering to them yearly two silver pence at Christmas. Warranty. Test., T. de Flixton, Geoffrey the clerk of Clocton, William son of Henry, William de Monte, Hugh son of Richard, Simon Atbeck (ad riuulum), Hugh son of Torfyn, G. de Stainton, Walter the weaver (telario), Ralph son of Hugh, Roger the clerk, Thomas de Dugelby, and others.

GRANT [Original folio 209 or 213 column 2] by Ralph son of Adam de Dugelby to the Canons, in free and perpetual alms, of the property named in the preceding deed, described as therein. To hold and to have to the Canons or their assigns freely, etc. from secular service, etc., with all appurt., etc., (fo. 209) within and without the vill; rendering thence yearly to Adam de Dugelby his lord and his heirs two silver pence at Christmas, for all things. Warranty. Testimonium. Test., Adam Haldain, Robert Fareman, Richard de Whallegraue, Geoffrey the clerk of Clocton, Stephen his son, W. son of Eva, Henry de Flixton, Luke Siluer, Robert de Redenesse, Robert de Caue, and others.


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