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Susan Wilson M512933 Wilson-31949

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>>Morris Davis Sr b 1769 Guilford, NC brother to Mary (Davis) Duncan Davis-35237
>>Thomas Davis b 1734 Goshen twp, Chester, PA

DNA matches for Susan Wilson M512933
Name Gedmatch Kit chr Start End cMs MRCA Notes
Nancy Almaguer T29771002758466899388817.4 George Boone III Siblings: Squire & Mary PollyGeorge is the 7GGS of Susan and 8GGF of Nancy. They are 8th cousins 1x removed.
Mountain Woman A888498041844682531867616388.3not yetnot yet
EJC Elijah Jack Crain T3794271064380336718288377.9not yetnot yet
Corrine Ferguson A26126820428549361444547.9 John Roberts siblings: Henry & JoyceJohn is the 13 GGF of Susan and 11 GGF of Corinne. They are 12th cousins 2x removed.
Gail Saunders A78075523X14612381223155038.2not yetnot yet
Becky Walker M78261923X62280119816688737.1not yetnot yet
Ron Teegarden A96790205172715409}17744118911.8not yetnot yet
Lena (Ferguson) Chang A950279M5129332058010129596359537.3not yetnot yet
Valerie Kerr UH90491270719019880234362787.0not yetnot yet

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