Location: [unknown]
This page is for Kenneth V Jackson T572247 Kenneth Jackson FTDNA kit 151489
Duncan Family Line
- Kenneth is the son of Ray Cleon Jackson (1894-1971) (1894-1971) DNA confirmed
- Ray is the son of Sherman Jackson (1865-abt.1954) (1865-abt.1954) DNA confirmed
- Sherman is the son of Henry Jackson (1826-1899) (1826-1899) DNA confirmed
- Henry is the son of Zephaniah L Jackson (abt.1785-1875) (abt.1785-1875) DNA confirmed
- Zephaniah is the son of Vashti (Grinnon) Jackson (1763-1846) DNA Confirmed
- MRCA with John McAnally Gedmatch #DV3658530 FTDNA kit 17236 on chr 2, 7.1 cM
- MRCA with Les McAnally Gedmatch #T911196: chr 16 27.8 cM & chr 19 9.8 cM
- Vashti is the daughter of Mary (Duncan) Grinnan (abt.1725-abt.1817) m. Thomas Grinnon
- Mary is the daughter of Robert Duncan b 1692 in Scotland m. Ann Gallop
This makes Robert the fifth great grandfather of Kenneth.
Other DNA test takers listed on Robert Duncan
(With Gedmath or FTDNA Kit numbers):
- Kenneth V Jackson T572247 Kenneth Jackson FTDNA kit 151489
- Les McAnally Gedmatch #T911196 FTDNA kit #29451
- Ken Scott FTDNA kit #10642
- Stanley Cooper FTDNA kit 975894
- Laura (Grisby) McRae Gedmatch #CF94956774
- John McAnally Gedmatch #DV3658530 FTDNA kit 17236
- Angela Dicks Gedmatch YD8509480
Ken matches the following:
- John McAnally Gedmatch #DV3658530 FTDNA kit 17236
- chr 2 7.1 cM DNA Confirmed
- Les McAnally Gedmatch #T911196
- chr 16 27.8 cM
- chr 19 9.8 cM
DNA Matches
Name | Gedmatch Kit | chr | cMs | MRCA | Notes |
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