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Duncan Dunbar and Company

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1825 to 1862
Location: Limehouse, London, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Ship_Tree Dunbar_Ships Dunbar
Profile manager: Jason Rumney private message [send private message]
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Duncan Dunbar and Company was a shipping company based in the London Docklands. [1].

Ship Arrival off Fremantle
Duncan Dunbar
and Company

It was formed when Duncan Dunbar and Son, Wine and Spirit Merchant, located at present day Dunbar's Wharf in Limehouse branched out into shipping. At its peak, the company owned 43 ships, engaged in goods transport to and from India, troop transport, convict transport and emigrant passage.

  • Duncan Dunbar I and II, and Ships
    His ships were employed as troopships in the Crimean War, carrying convicts to Australia, emigrants to New Zealand and Australia, tea home from China and spices and many other things from India. Many of the shipwrecks are described. He owned a ship-building yard in Burma, where many of his ships were built.
Ships bought, or built by Duncan Dunbar


1825 - Death of Father
His first vessel was only 251 tons and was called BELZONI
1837 - Six years went by before he invested in the Ship, Isabella (1818) - Sold 1848
1837 - China (1837) | history.sa.gov
Between 1835 and 1841, he bought eight second-hand ships
Bussorah Merchant (1818)
Then followed the ship RANDOLPH
1842 - By 1st January 1842 his fleet mustered 11 ships
1842 - Phoebe (1842) | history.sa.gov - wrecked near Madras.
1844 - Agincourt, built for Duncan Dunbar by James Laing (his first ship)
1845 - Sea Park (1845) | history.sa.gov | tynebuiltships
The next was the ship Phoebe Dunbar launched the year after the Phoebe
Phoebe Dunbar (1850)
The next of the family names was the ill-fated ship, Dunbar
The year Dunbar was lost he built the ship Duncan Dunbar
1864 ? - The last of seven 'Dunbar names' was the ship Dunbar Castle
by James Laing (the last ship for the Dunbar Company)
1851 - Minden - | Fremantle - Plymouth | Minden profiles | more 115 free | 301 convicts
1854 - Ramillies - | Convict Descriptions | Ramillies profiles
1854 - Sea Park - | Physical Descriptions | [[Sea Park profiles]]
1855, - LaHogue, launched by James Laing on 16 July 1855, for Duncan Dunbar.
1856 - The next of the Dunbar names was the ship Cospatrick
1874 - Burning of the Emigrant-Ship Cospatrick at Sea - photo

1868 - Hougoumont, | Fremantle - London | Profiles |more 108 free - 279 convicts
1862 - Death of Son (Ships Sold)

West Aust Convicts - Ship Tree - West Aust Free 1851-1860 - Ship Tree
Duncan Dunbar (1803–1862) - Ship Owner


  1. On Duncan Dunbar I and II - By David Dunbar-Nasmith (UK)

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