Location: Monmouth County, New Jersey
Surnames/tags: new_jersey new_netherland
Location: Monmouth County, New Jersey

Surnames/tags: new_jersey new_netherland
This page has been accessed 400 times.
Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County, New Jersey
- By George C. Beekman
- Freehold, New Jersey: Moreau Brothers, 1901 (1st edition), 1915 (2nd edition)
- Pagination differs slightly between the 1901 and 1915 editions. (There may be other differences, too.)
- Reprinted (apparently not revised) in 1974.
- Source citations to copy into a profile (choose the date of the edition that you accessed):
- Beekman, George Crawford. ''[[Space:Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County, New Jersey|Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County, New Jersey]]''. Freehold, New Jersey: Moreau Brothers, 1901.
- Beekman, George Crawford. ''[[Space:Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County, New Jersey|Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County, New Jersey]]''. Freehold, New Jersey: Moreau Brothers. 2nd edition, 1915.
Available online at the following locations:
- 1901 edition - Has annotations (corrections) by an unidentified person that do not appear in the 1915 edition
- 1915 edition
- ($subscription) - This is the 1915 edition, although Ancestry shows the date as 1901.
- (electronic text)
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<span id='EDSofMC'></span>Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County|Vital Records of Andover, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (Topsfield Historical Society, Topsfield, Mass., 1912) Vol. , [ Page ]. (Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County, New Jersey)
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