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Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County, New Jersey

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Monmouth County, New Jerseymap
Surnames/tags: new_jersey new_netherland
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Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County, New Jersey

  • By George C. Beekman
  • Freehold, New Jersey: Moreau Brothers, 1901 (1st edition), 1915 (2nd edition)
  • Pagination differs slightly between the 1901 and 1915 editions. (There may be other differences, too.)
  • Reprinted (apparently not revised) in 1974.
  • Source citations to copy into a profile (choose the date of the edition that you accessed):
Beekman, George Crawford. ''[[Space:Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County, New Jersey|Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County, New Jersey]]''. Freehold, New Jersey: Moreau Brothers, 1901.
Beekman, George Crawford. ''[[Space:Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County, New Jersey|Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County, New Jersey]]''. Freehold, New Jersey: Moreau Brothers. 2nd edition, 1915.

Available online at the following locations:

1901 edition - Has annotations (corrections) by an unidentified person that do not appear in the 1915 edition
1915 edition
http://www.usgwarchives.net/nj/monmouth/beekman-hist.html (electronic text)

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Citation Formats should be included on this page...

<span id='EDSofMC'></span>Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County|Vital Records of Andover, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (Topsfield Historical Society, Topsfield, Mass., 1912) Vol. , [ Page ]. (Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County, New Jersey)

This format for citation with a preferred id (EDSofMC) is just a suggestion. This type of standardization can be very useful.

posted by Richard Schamp
Hi. Richard. Span tags like <span id='EDSofMC'></span> have been used in Wikitree for a very long time because they are effective in connecting footnotes to Source lists in Gedcom imports, but they are not recommended for use. Many members find them confusing and difficult to use. The source citation formats shown on this page will generate an effective source citation.
posted by Ellen Smith
Thank you for creating this page. Very useful.