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Early Holmes records in Scotland

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Date: About 1314 [unknown]
Location: Scotlandmap
Surname/tag: Holmes, Holme,Holm,Holms,Home,Homes
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This profile is part of the Holmes Name Study.

The Holmes surname appears to date from as early as 1314 - "On that ever- memorable summer day in 1314 many a Lang, Laird, Scott, and Holm, then, as now, the chief names in Kilmacolm , fought nobly for their country." - Kilmacolm: A Parish History p.23

Proclamation from the King in 1460 read in the presence of the noble and distinguished men including “domino Johanne Holmys; capellano cum multis aliis” [Rev John Holmys; chaplain with many others] Charters of Ayr, p.35

Instrument of sasine following on precept from chancery, 2 November a.r. 30 [1542], in favour of William, earl of Glencairn, as heir of deceased Cuthbert, earl of Glencairn, his father, in lands of Finlaistoun Cunynghame with tower and fortalice, lands of Gardnerstoun, Hietre, Bogsyd, the 2 Knokmontanis, Bardrany, Blaikstane, Nather Auchinlek, Leiparistoun, Auchinbothre, Rowantriehill, Wester Lammystoun, Wester and Myddill Dennistoun, in barony of Finlaistoun, bailiery of Renfrew. Also recited: royal letters of attorney, 2 November a.r. 30, appointing Robert Halcanrige, Peter Gardnar, or either of them, as attornies for said earl. Notary: Robert Symple, clerk Glasgow diocese. Sheriff depute of Renfrew: William Flemyng of Barruchane. Attorney: Robert Halcanrige. Witnesses: John, lord Lile, Patrick Flemyng, William Aitken, Robert Holme, John Schaw, John McHuchoun, and sir John Couper, chaplain. GD112/68/3

16 Jan 1546 Alexander Hamilton, tutor of Silvertonhill granted land of Langkipe in the Barony of Avondale occupied by Edward Brocat, William Stewart, Robert Stevin, William Stevin and Joh. Holmes Register of Great Seal #3194

1547 John Holmes’ ship, who is a captain come in with two English prizes History of Paisley p.132

10 Feb 1549: Resignation by Robert Cunninghame of Montgrenand, in favour of Alexander, Earl of Glencairn, of all right to lands of Skelmorlie Cunynghame, occupied by George Kelso, George Holme, John Broun, Alexander Small, John Cochrane, Gavin Clerk and William Gottery, in bailiary of Cunningham and sheriffdom of Ayr. National Records of Scotland GD39/5/45

Dates 29 Nov 1551 Certified Copy of Letters of Reversion by John Cunynghame of Capringtoun and Annabel Campbell, his spouse, whereby, notwithstanding that Alexander, Earl of Glencarne, had sold to them and the longer liver of them in conjunct infeftment, and to the heirs lawfully gotten or to be gotten betwixt them, whom failing to the nearest lawful heirs and assignees of the said John, that part of the Manys of Fynlaistoun (occupied by Alexander Huntar, Marioun Broun, Johnne Moreis, Johnne Galloway, Alexander Fynny, Luck Kneland and Johnne Foster) extending to a 36 shilling and eight penny land of old extent, the £3 land of Nethir Knokmontane (occupied by Robert Holme, Thomas Birskat, Alexander Gardnare, William Mairsone, Katherin Quhitefurd, Johnne Lyone and Johnne Moreis), the 50 shilling land of Hichttre (occupied by Johnne Galichtlie, David Hychttre, Hector David, William Donald, Alexander Gardnare, Thomas Birskat and Johnne Flemyng), the 35 shilling land of Leparistoun (occupied by Robert Holme, William Aitkin, Andro Wilsone, and Richart Wilsone), and the corn-miln called the Over-Miln of Finlayistoun with the mill-lands thereof and the thirle multures and sucken of the lands and barony of Finlaistoun used and wont, occupied by Johnne Haltanerig, lying in the said barony of Finlaistoun and sheriffdom of Rainfrew, they bound themselves, on receiving payment of the sum of one thousand merks Scots upon the high altar of the parish kirk of Terboltoun to resign said lands, together with the surplus and remnant ferms of Sir Johnne Cowpar's mailing of the Manys of Finlayistoun "mair nor five bollismele zeirlie", into the hands of the Earl. At Air 29th November 1551. Witnesses, William Cunynghame of Laglane, Thomas Fairley, Patrik Mowet, George Kessane and Henry Prestoun, notary public GD86/160

1559-60 Cunninghame Teind List [1]
John Holmes - Stane (barony), Irvine Parish
Robert Holmes,elder - Stane (barony), Irvine Parish
Robert Holmes, younger - Stane (barony), Irvine Parish
Ninian Holmes - Stane (barony), Irvine Parish
Edward Holmes - Mains of Gougar & Blackwood, Kilmarnock Parish
Marion Holmes and Robert Thomson - Doura (East), Kilwinning Parish
William Holmes - Doura (East), Kilwinning Parish
Hugh Home - Newtoun, West Kilbride Parish

3 Jan 1574 Instrument of Sasine in favour of William Porterfield as nearest and lawful heir of deceased Gabriel Porterfield, his brother, of £5 lands of Overdennistoun, in parish of Kilmacolm and sheriffdom of Renfrew; on precept of clare constat, dated 6 January 1574 by William, Master of Glencairn. Witnesses to the Precept: Humphrey Cunninghame, James Lindsay, and John Maxwell; Witnesses to the Sasine: William Lindsay, Malcolm Cunninghame and John Holm.GD39/5/63

1579 Complaint of George Gray in Galtounsyde, and Johnne Thomsoun, Tenants of James Boustoun, and George Holme;, “puir tennentis and fermoraris " Galtonside against Walter there… Register of the Privy Council, p.101

31 Oct 1582 Instrument of Sasine under the hand of John Masoun, clerk of the diocese of Glasgow, notary public, narrating that James Bannatyne, one of the bailies of the burgh of Air, passed to the lands aftermentioned, and there gave sasine to James Campbell, as lawful and nearest heir of Donald Campbell, burgess of Air, his father, of (1) a tenement of land, back and fore, with yard and pertinents, formerly the property of Hugh Campbell of Lowdoun, lying in the said burgh, between the tenement of Matthew Holmis and of the said Donald Campbell, now of Thomas Padene, on the west... GD86/259

9 Nov 1582. Charter confirming a charter by William Cunnyngham of Caprintoun to Thomas Holme in Carleyth of the 13 s . 4 d . lands of Carleyth which the said Thomas now occupies, in said lordship, paying yearly 4 s . 9 d. , and 5 d. of augmentation, with duplication at the entry of heirs, service at courts, etc. Dated at Mauchlein , 23rd May 1569 ; witnesses, Hugh Cambell of Kylloch, William Cunnyngham , son and heir of the granter, John Mur of Perk. The charter of confirmation is dated Edinburgh, 15th April 1581 ; witnesses, Archibald Dundas, James Prymrois and Edward Mekiljhon. Melrose Regality Records, p.298

9 Nov 1582. Renunciation by Margaret Sanour, oy and heir portioner of umquhile William Sanour in Logane, with consent of Thomas Speir, her spouse, and John Campbell in Mylnsyd (her curator) discharging in favour of Thomas Holme of Carleith all right to a 3 shilling and 2 penny land of his merkland of old extent in Carleith, lying in the lordship of Kylesmure and sheriffdom of Ayr. And that for 100 merks Scots paid by him in terms of the reversion granted to him thereupon. At Carleith, 9th November 1582 Witnesses Hew Campbell of Killoch, Hew Wilsoun in Penney-yard, John Walkar younger in Cogoif, Thomas Gammyll in Carleith. Signed by three granters with hands at the pen. Attested by Erasmus Baillie and John Lokhart, notaries public. Signed also by the first witness. RH6/2644

Archibald Bordland in Fleminghill, Johnne Connill in Maynis, James Bordland in Fleminghill, and Johnne Wicht in Bankhous, principals, and others. Charlis Ros in Bankhous, Johnne Allane there, Johnne Duncane in Nether Miltoun, Johnne Millar in Tenipiltounburne, James Holmes; in Blakwode, Thomas Broun there, and James Broun there, sureties, 300 merks each, and said Charlis and the foresaid sureties, principals, and said Archibald and other principals foresaid, sureties, on being freed furth of Edinburgh tolbooth to re-enter there upon 23rd instant, and remain in ward till his Majesty declares his will towards them “for thair remaning fra the raid and armey convenit aganis the surprisaris of the castell and burgh of Striviling" in April 1584 Register of the Privy Council, p.722

Abiding from the Raid of Stirling. 16 Dec 1584 Johne Holmes in Auldwallis, Thomas Patoun in Winterberriehill, and twenty two others. Dilaitit for remaining and abyding at hame fra our fouerane lordis oift, raid and armie, ordanit to haif conuenit at Halirudhous, in the moneth of Apryle laſtbypaſt, and thairfra to haif paſt towardis the bur' of Striueling, ffor repreſſing of the treſſonabill attemttis of certane tratours and rebellis, quhilkis had tane the bur' and Caftell of Striueling, and repreſfiing of thair infolence Ancient Criminal Trials in Scotland, p.138

Charter dated 1592. Thomas Holmes is mentioned as occupant of land belonging to George Ros of Hanyng [Haining] heir of John Ros. Reg. Great Seal, #2341

1592. Registration, by Mr Umphra Blenscheill, advocate, as procurator for the parties, of band of caution by James Elphingstoun of Glak, in 300 merks, for Johnne Hill in Newrane, not to harm Johnne Gordoun of Newtoun, Williame Andersoun in Thriefeild of Bonytoun, Robert Ander- soun there, Patrik Mayne there, Alexander Andersoun there, or Williame Andersoun in Murihillok, and especially not to trouble them in the lands of Cokmure. Subscribed at Glak, 15th September, before Robert Elphingstoun, James Myln, Arthour Hoyme;, in Glak, James Law there, Johnne Kempt there, and Johnne Williamsoun there, -Walter Thomesoun, notary public, subscribing for the said Johnne Hill. Register of the Privy Seal, p.571

23 January 1593: Wil. Holme, Tho. Broun et Jo. Kelso are occupants of the 22 shilling land of Sanct-Phillanes-well mentioned in a Charter by which Mariote Cunningham, relict of Ninian Cunningham of Quhythrist, confirms that she has sold certain lands to Robert Montgomery, son of John Montgomery of Flatt. The sale was made with the consent of her husband, James Lockhart of Lee, and her son Robert Cunningham. Confirmation under the Great Seal of Scotland was obtained granted on 4 May 1597. Register of Great Seal #558

1595 Deed of new fiefdom was released to James Holme, the legitimate and lawful heir of Martin Holme and Katherine Hodge, the legitimate and lawful daughter of James Hodge regarding the lands of Weltoun in Mauchlin per deed dated 6 Mar 1654 to said James Hodge. Register of the Great Seal v6, p.116, #345

Contract between James Cuninghame of Glengarnok and Kathrene Cuninghame his Spouse on the one part and John Home, Maltman Burgess of Perth and Janet Smith his Spouse on the other part whereby on the narrative of the payment by the latter of 1000 merks the former become bound to infeft him and his assignees in the sunny half Town and Lands of the Mains of Mauchany. Dated at Ballindallocht the 3rd and at Perth the 8th June 1598 GD305/1/106/303
...1607. Complaint by Johnne Home, maltman, burgess of Perth, that Mr Robert Ros of Cragy, as principal, and Mr James Ros, minister at Forteviot, Johnne Browne in Cragy, and Patrik Kynnaird there, as sureties for him, remain unrelaxed from a horning of 3 March last Register of the Privy Council, p.363

1599. Andro Arnote of Lochrig for Williame Blair in Dalmastrawk, Eduard Holmes in Auldwallis, and James Barclay in Fynnik, 500 merks each, not to harm Johnne Cunynghame in the Rawis of Grugar. Register of the Privy Council, p.617

1608 Complaint by Johno Grahame, servitor to Robert Grahame of Gruger, that, upon 26th October last, while he was in the town of Kilmernok, Alexander Cunynghame, sometime in Rawis, at the hounding out of Edward Holmes;, his brother-in-law … Register of Privy Council, p.57

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