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Edgar M Gregory 1870s newspaper articles

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These are newspaper articles from the 1870's mentioning Edgar M Gregory.


'Well named'

Philadelphia Inquirer 31 January 1870 page 2

WELL NAMED.--At Houston, Texas, a fine building has been recently completed. It is to be used for educational purposees, and designed principally for colored persons. It has been named "The Gregory Institute," in honor of General Gregory, the United States Marshal of Eastern Pennsylvania.

'The temperance cause'

Philadelphia Inquirer 8 February 1870 page 3

THE TEMPERANCE CAUSE.--CELEBRATION ON THE 22D OF FEBRUARY.The Committee of Sixteen appointed to make arrangements for a grand temperance celebration in this city on Washington's Birthday, held an adjourned meeting at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association yesterday afternoon, Peter B. Simons Esq., in the chair.
There were present delegates from various temperance organizations.
Mr. Charles Heritage, President of the Temperance Blessing, stated that he had printed the following circular for distribution by order ofthe Committee--
[...] General E. M. Gregory, [...]

'City intelligence

Philadelphia Inquirer 10 March 1870 page 3

SOCIETY OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC.--Yesterday afternoon a meeting was held at the Continental hotel of the Executive Committee of the Society of the Army of the Potomac, appointed for the purpose of completing the arrangements for the annual reunion, to be held at the Academy of Music on the 9th of April. General R. Ingalis presided, and General George H. Sharpe officiated as Secretary of the Committee, which met in Parlor C. There were also present Generals J. C. Robinson, G. Mott, W. H. H. Davis, R. B. Potter, J. Van Vliet and Colonel S. B. Wylie Mitchell. In addition the following gentlemen are also members of the Committee--Brevet Brigadier-General C. S. Wainwright, Rhinebeck, N.Y.; Brevet Major-General Alexander S. Webb, Tarrytown, N.Y.; Brigadier-General Edgar M. Gregeory, Philadelphia, Pa.; Major-General Alexander Shaler, N.Y.; Major-General John W. Geary, Harrisburg, Pa.; Major-General Henry W. Siccum, Brookly, N.Y.
Arrangements have been made with the various railroad companies whose headquarters are in this city to transport, free of charge, to their homoes, all representatives at this gathering who have paid fare to Philadelphia.
Upon the occasion of the reunion the music will be furnished by the celebrated band from Governor's Island, and Rev. W. R. Greir, of Allentown, Pa., has been chosed as Chaplain. Sub-committees were appointed with reference to arranging all proper minutiae connected with the occasion, who will give immediate attention to their duties, and in a short time have all their arrangements completed.

'The next census'

Philadelphia Inquirer 21 March 1870 page 2

THE NEXT CENSUS.--General Gregory, Marshal for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, is making preparations for the taking of the census in his jurisdiction, which comprises the following counties in Eastern Pennsylvania:--Adams, Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton, Philadelphia, Perry, Pike, Schuylkill, Wayne and York.


Philadelphia Inquirer 31 March 1870 page 2

How the Government was Administered by General E. M. Gregory.
J. E. Hilary Skinner, a London barrister, visited our country in the years 1865-'66, and on his return home published an account of his travels. His book is an interesting one, accurate in the narration of facts, so far as we have observed, and written in a liberal and discriminating spirit. One passage, as it relates to the United States Marshal for this District, and thus possesses a local interest, we venture to quote. The action of General Gregory, in the circumstances described, is what we should have looked for from our knowledge of his character.
Humane, just and straight-forward, he would naturally assert the rights of the feeble against the oppression of the strong. The incident related by Mr. Skinner illustrates his character, and is worthy of repetition. We may add, what Mr. Skinner omits, that Judge Caldwell issued a write of habeas corpus in the case. The General, however, refused to release his prisoner; and in the final hearing the Judge sustained his action, holding that, in the abnormal state of things in Texas, the military authority was supreme.
"Texas, for instance, had not felt the presence of Federal troops, and whole battalions of Confederates had gone home with arms in their hands when Kirby Smith surrendered.
"The Texans were unwhipped, and could scarcely realize what a change had come over their country.
"They were fierce, rough men, little accustomed to obey any laws, and the new doctrine that negroes had personal rights seemed preposterous to them. Here, then, was a field for the energetic Assisstant Commissioner in Texas, General Gregory.
"He set about his work in such a manner as speedily convinced whites and blacks alike that the Bureau must be respected. Throughout November and December of 1865 the stout-hearted old soldier rode hither and thither, with a small escort, addressing mass meetings of colored people and urging them to make contracts for labor.
"While I was in New Orleans there arrived an officer from Texas who told me how glad the planters in that section were to have General Gregory among their freedmen. 'We can do nothing with our niggers, but they'll mind what he tells them,' was the common exclamation, and, as Texas admires nothing so much as courage, they held the General in high esteem, because he spoke and acted fearlessly. His conduct in a certain bloodhound case produced the best possible effect upon those who persisted in carrying out forbidden measures of severity against the blacks. There was a large meeting, and General Gregory uttered his usual plain, straightforward advice to those who had been slaves, cautioning at the same time those who had been slave-owners as to how they might treat their workmen in future. A negro stepped forward and said, 'Is it right, General, that we should be hunted with bloodhounds?' 'No!' thundered old Gregory, looking sternly around; 'who has dared to do so?' 'That man,' replied the negro, pointing to Judge ---, a wealthy citizen, standing at Gregory's side: 'he hunted me last week.'
"'Did you? sir,' asked the General, turning upon his neighbor.
"'I did, sir,' answered the Judge, with unfeigned surprise at such a small matter being taken up seriously.
"'Then, sir, [sic] cried the General, 'it is my duty to have you arrested, and Judge -- was arrested accordingly; nor would Gregory hear of any compromise, but vowed that the prisoner should be brought to justice."

'Society of the Army of the Potomac'

Philadelphia Inquirer 8 April 1870, page 5

Saturday, April 9, 1870.
Doors open at 12 o'clock M.
The proceedings will be opened at 1 o'clock P.M., by Lieutenant-General PHILIP H. SHERIDAN, U.S.Army, President of the Society.
An oration will be delivered by Major-General JOHN H. MARTINDALE, of Rochester, New York; and a POEM by GEORGE H. BOKER, Esq., of Philadelphia.
The public are invited.
The Parquette Circle and Balcony will be reserved for ladies.
Cards of admission can be obtained (Gratis) at the Headquarters of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, No. 1103 WALNUT Street; the Union League House; Bailey & Co., Twelfth and Chestnut streets; James E. Caldwell & Co., No. 905 Chestnut street; Lee and Walker, No. 722 Chestnut street; Covert's News Stand, Continental Hotel, and at this office.
Committee of Arrangements.

'The grand re-union of our soldiers'

Philadelphia Inquirer 9 April 1870 page 3

THE GRAND RE-UNION OF OUR SOLDIERS.--To-day will witness a scene that must make every patriotic heart throb with enthusiasm. At the Academy of Music hundreds of our old tried and faithful soldiers, who fought so bravely in the Army of the Potomac during the war, will hold their second annual re-union. Gallant Phil Sheridan, of cavalry fame, will preside.
General R. P. Potter, General E. M. Gregory and Colonel S. B. W. Mitchell are the Committee of Arrangements.
The Committee have, by the apopintment of other Committees, made arrangements for the proper reception of distinguished persons and other guests, many of whom are expected to be present. The music on the occasion will be furnished by the celebrated band from Governor's Island, and Rev. W. R. Grier, of Allentown, Pa., has been chosen as Chaplain. Sub-Committees were appointed with reference to arranging all proper munutiae connected with the occasion, who have given great attention to their duties, and now have all their arrangements nearly completed.
The annual banquet of the Society will be held this evening, at eight o'clock, in the Continental Hotel.

'The Philadelphia Fourth Presbyters'

Philadelphia Inquirer 14 April 1870 page 2

THE PHILADELPHIA FOURTH PRESBYTERY.--The Philadelphia Fourth Presbytery reassembled yesterday morning at nine o'clock in Rev. Dr. Shepherd's Church, Buttonwood street,above Sixth.
The Moderator announced the Committees. Among them are:--
On Narrative--Herrick Johnson, D.D.; Elder Gen. E. M. Gregory.
Rev. Mr. Robbins reported that his church was doing well, having entered their new edifice at Broad and Oxford streets. This congregation was organized about three years since.
The Sunday school is in good condition, numbering 620 scholars, and continual accessions are taking place.
General Gregory, elder of Mr. Robbins' Church, made substantially the same report as Mr. Robbins.
Gen. Gregory presented a series of resolutions to the effect that the pastors and the people second the temperance cause, and introduce temperance books and papers in the schools. It was moved that these resolutions be made the order of the day for to-morrow at ten o'clock. Agreed to.

'The Philadelphia Fourth Presbytery'

Philadelphia Inquirer 15 April 1870 page 2

The Presbytery reassembled yesterday morning at nine o'clock, Rev. Samuel W. Duffield, Moderator, in the chair. [...]
The order of the day with reference to General Gregory's motion on temperance was then called for.
Rev. Dr. Johnson moved to amend the expression "adult and juvenile societies of the church and congregations," to whom the work was referred to read, "to those acting under their present organized agencies or by such other as might best promote the object."
A long debate ensued on this matter, during which Rev. Mr. Helfenstein read a very simple and truthful pledge, saying that he had fought in the temperance cause for the last forty years, and had found it to work excellently among Sunday School children.
At length it was agreed to refer the matter to a Committee consisting of General Gregory, Dr. Allen, Mr. Schenck and Mr. Ford. The gentlemen named then retired.
The committee on General Gregory's motion returned and recommended to the churches most efficient action upon the subject.
An amendment was offered that the Church take immediate action to purify themselves from the evil. The amendment was adopted.
Dr. Johnson moved to amend the amendment by adopting the words that "the churches, through their present organized church agencies, or by such others under the control of the churches as may best promote the object," and that the report be sent to every session. Carried.
The vote on the resolutions as amended by the suggestions of the Committee was then made unanimous.

Meeting of the census committee of City Councils'

Philadelphia Inquirer 16 April 1870, page 2

MEETING OF THE CENSUS COMMITTEE OF CITY COUNCILS.--A meeting of the Census Committee of City Councils was held at noon yesterday, in the Mayor's private office. There were present a Committee from the Commercial Exchange, a Committee from the Franklin Institute, United States Marshal General Gregory, and his Honor, Mayor Fox. Mr. George Hall presided. The Chairman stated the object of the meeting. He said City Councils desired an accurate census of the city this year. They wanted the industrial interests and resources of Philadelphia shown to the world at large, and in order to do that they concluded to consult with General Gregory, and render him any service they could in accomplishing the object so desired not only by Councils but by the mercantile community.
General Gregory answered that he had not yet districted the city, nor had he appointed his assistants. He had made up his mind to obtain the census accurately, and he would employ none but intelligent and good men to perform the work. Intelligent men were required for the purpose. He was limited to the first of November to make a return. The blanks are now being prepared in Washington.
The Marshal then went a full explanation (sic) of the requirements of the law on the subject.
Mr. Hall said that he had corresponded with parties in England in reference to the manner in which they took the census there. He then described the system adopted in England, where the blanks were delivered two weeks before, and the census taken in one night.
General Gregory said that there were some peculiarities in our law which were not adapted to our method of taking the census.
After an interchange of views as to the best plan of obtaining an accurate enumeration of the people of this city, and more especially the industrial interests and resources, Mr. Willis moved for the appointment of a sub-committee, consisting of three members of Councils, three members of the Commercial Exchange, three members of the Franklin Institute and three members of the Board of Health, to confer with General Gregory in reference to the census. The motion was agreed to.
On motion of Mr. Willis, Mr. Hall was named the Chairman of the Committee. The selection of the members of that Committee was left with the organizations represented.
Mayor Fox said that he would do all in his power to aid the Marshal. The Police Department would be at his service to protect the assistants in their work. He did not think full justice had been done Philadelphia, and he was anxious to see an accurate census.
Mr. Gregory said he intended to do all in his power to accomplish the object. He would be happy to receive suggestions from the Committee and act upon them.
After further remarks the meeting adjourned.

'United States Marshal's Sale

Philadelphia Inquirer 27 April 1870 page 7

UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE.--BY virtue of a Writ of Sale, No. 69, of 1869, to me directed by the Hon. JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the District Court in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, will be sold at public sale on THURSDAY, May 5, 1870, at 12 M., on the premises, all the right, title and interest of PHILIP BROGAN in the distillery, distilling apparatus, and all that certain lot or piece of ground with the three-story brick messnage [?] or tenemant with a frame shed attached and thereon erected, situate in Philadelphia, on the northwest side of Salmon street, at the distance of two hundred and twenty-six feet southwest of Lehigh avenue, containing in front said Salmon street, eighteen feet, and extending in depth, northwesterly, one hundred and two and a half feet to Tilton street.
E. M. GREGORY, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pa.

'Another successful raid upon the illicit distilleries'

Philadelphia Inquirer 28 April 1870 page 2

ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL RAID UPON THE ILLICIT DISTILLERIES.--Early yesterday morning another successful raid was made upon the Richmond distilleries. General E. M. Gregory, Detectives Brooks, Clark, Griffith, Hawes, Johnson and Eldridge, and Deputy Marshals Murray, Ridgway, Beale [?] and Barnard proceeded cautiously to perform the work, and in a novel way. They managed to pass the pickets of the distillers by concealing themselves under the contents of a wagon-load of hay.
Thus they entirely disarmed all suspicion as to the purpose of their visit. Alighting in Monmouth Street, above Richmond, they scented the poisonous breath of a bubbling still within a few yards of the spot upon which they had alighted. The owner found safety in flight. His employees followed his example. The authorities found in operation an excellent copper still, with fire blazing roaringly beneath it, and a stench of rotting rye running riot in the surrounding air. The authorities very soon nosed out a number of hogsheads of "mash." With their axes they smashed the vessels containing the mash. Before the officers left the premises they spilled upon the ground no less than sixty hogsheads filled with this miserable mixture. The "raiders" then visited the surrounding places, and as a result captured four stills and three worms, all new, after which the officers returned with their booty to the city.

'Grand rally of the friends of temperance'

Philadelphia Inquirer 28 April 1870 page 5

GRAND RALLY OF THE FRIENDS OF Temperance, General E. M. Gregory, Rev. A. A. Willits, D.D., and Thomas M. Coleman, Esq., will make addresses at the Grand Temperance meeting, to be held at the Green Hill Presbyterian Church, GIRARD Avenue, above Sixteenth street, on Friday evening, April 29, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the Young People's Association. All are welcome.

'Temperance meeting'

Philadelphia Inquirer 30 April 1870 page 2

'TEMPERANCE' MEETING.--A temperance meeting, under the auspices of the Young People's Association of Green Hill Presbyterian Church, was held last evening at that church, on Girard avenue, above Sixteenth street. This was one of a series of meetings held to further the interest of temperance through the Christian influence of the church.
General E. M. Gregory, Mr. William R. Moran and Rev. A. A. Willitts spoke eloquently upon the evils of intemperance and the importance of working earnestly for total abstinence. The speakers were frequently applauded by the audience.

'Union League'

Philadelphia Inquirer 12 May 1870 page 8

On the 11th of May, 1870, the Union League formally took possession of the handsome building on the west side of Broad street, below Chestnut, in which the festivities took place last evening. At that time it was the intention to take possession of the edifice with great and imposing ceremonies, but this object was frustrated, owing to the assassination of President Lincoln. Five years have passed away since that time, and last evening, the fifth anniversary of the first occupation of the building, the event was celebrated by a social reunion and reception, which had been gotten up in the most elaborate manner.
It was, however, soon manifested that not only was the company one most remarkable for ornate beauty and prepossessing attributes, but that it was to a great extent patronized by a class of prominent personages not often to be found in such entertainments.
Among others of such were His Excellency John W. Geary, Governor of Pennsylvania; Major-General George O. Meade, U.S.A.; General Stewart Van Vllet (sic), U.S.A.; General Charles F. Ruff, U.S.A.; General George H. Crosman, U.S.A.; Colonel C. H. Hodges, U.S.A.; Major George White, U.S.A.; Commodore Marchant, U.S.N.; Commodore Fraley, U.S.N.; General Robert Patterson; General Thomas Cadwalader; General Charles M. Prevost; General E. M. Gregory, United States Marshal; [...]

'Local summary'

Philadelphia Inquirer 14 May 1870 page 2

Marshal Gregory is run down with applications for the positions of census-takers.

'Census takers'

Philadelphia Inquirer 31 May 1870 page 3

CENSUS TAKERS.--APPOINTMENTS BY MARSHAL GREGORY.--The following is a list of appointments of Assistant Marshals for taking the census of this city. They will report immediately to General E. M. Gregory, United States Marshal, receive their commissions and be sworn, in order to commence June 1, 1870:--
Twentieth Ward, seven District.--[...] 6th, J. A. Gregory (soldier); [...].

'The census'

Philadelphia Inquirer 1 June 1870 page 4

The announcement by Marshal E. M. GREGORY of the names of the Assistants whom he has appointed to take the United States census acquaints the public with the fact that to-day the operations of the census gatherers commence. [...]

'United States Marshal's sale'

Philadelphia Inquirer 18 June 1870 page 7

UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE.--BY order of the United States District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, Wednesday, July 6, 1870, at 10 o'clock A.M., on the premises, corner TWENTY-THIRD and MASTER Streets, the Distilling Apparatus, &c., of THOMAS BROPHY.
E. M. GREGORY, United States Marshal, Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

'Local summary'

Philadelphia Inquirer 21 January 1871 page 3

..The rumor circulated yesterday to the effect that George Mountjoy, convicted of whisky frauds upon the internal revenue, had been pardoned by President Grant, is without foundation. United States Marshal Gregory, to whom the pardon would be directed if such was the case, had not, up to a late hour last night, received any such paper.

[census takers]

Flake's Bulletin, 18 June 1870, page 4

Marshal Gregory, of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, has insulted the good sense of the people of Philadelphia, by appointing negroes to take the census in that city. How will the wives of the Union Leaugers (sic) like to have negroes forcing themselves into their houses and asking them their ages, and the number of their children. All right, gentlemen, pile on the agony.--[Doylestown (Pa.) Democrat.
This is the same gentleman who was for a year or so known in this city as General Gregory, in charge of the Freedmen's Bureau.


Philadelphia Inquirer 31 March 1871 page 3

Ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment
Military and Civic Procession
The colored people of this city yesterday celebrated the second anniversary of the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment to the Consitution of the United States. The affair was to have been a remarkable fine one in many particulars, but unfortunately the day proved unpropitious, and was rather a dampener upon the feelings of those who desired to participate. A dreary, disagreeable rain continued all day. A lengthy programme had been arranged, which was carried out very creditably, as follows:--
Addresses were also made by Major-General E. M. Gregory, United States Marshal of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, ....

'United States Marshal's Office'

Philadelphia Inquirer 14 July 1871 page 7

UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S OFFICE, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, June 27, 1871.
This is to give notice, that on the 26th day of June, A. D., 1871, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of WILLIAM S. CHERRY, formerly of the firm of JANNEY, REAKIRT & CO., and late copartner with TRYON REAKIRT as TRYON REAKIRT & CO., manufacturers, at Wilmington, Del., of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adujdged (sic) a Bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 131 S. FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, before JOSEPH MASON, Esq., Register, on the 13th day of July, A. D. 1871, at 2 o'clock P.M.
E. M. GREGORY, United States Marshal.

'City intelligence'

Philadelphia Inquirer 26 August 1871 page 2

Grace Mission, in the tent at Twenty-second and Federal streets, is meeting with much encouragement and success. [...]
Gentlemen well known in our city have already spoken there, and among those who have promised shortly to speak are Governor Pollock, General Gregory, Judge Strong and Judge Peirce. [...]

'Obituary: death of United States Marshal Edgar M Gregory'

'Obituary: death of United States Marshal Edgar M Gregory'. Philadelphia Inquirer 8 November 1871, page 2. [Newspapers.com]

'General Edgar M. Gregory, United States Marshal for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, died at his late residence, No. 1723 Master street, yesterday morning, at four o'clock. The general for the past six weeks has been lying very ill of inflammation of the kidneys, and this finally resulted in death.
'Up to the time of his death he continued to discharge his duties to the satisfaction of all. The task of taking the census of such a city as Philadelphia fell upon him last year, and much fault was found with its alleged incompleteness, the re-enumeration of the inhabitants showing that the complaints made were not without foundation. But to the general inefficiency of our census system the fault was mainly to be charged. Still more difficult was the position in which he was placed at the Congressional election of 1870, when he was required by recent legislation to appoint a number of deputies to assist in maintaining order and the rights of voters at the polls. Marshal Gregory, it will be remembered, eventually called a force of marines to his assistance on election day, a bitter controversy with Mayor Fox resulting from his course.
'Deceased was born at Sand Lake, Rensselaer county, New York, January 1, 1804. At the age of 18, he went to Deposit, Delaware county, New York, where he was engaged in business for his brother many years, and afterwards for himself, as a lumber merchant. While at this place he associated himself with the Presbyterian Church, and at the age of 30 he became an elder, which position he held, at the time of his death, in the Oxford Presbyterian Church of this city, of which Rev. Frank Robbins is pastor. In church matters he was always an earnest and active worker, and took part as a delegate in the General Assembly held in this city in 1870, at which the Old and New School branches of the Presbyterian Church were brought together. During his long residence in Cincinnati he was prominent in every good work, as he was in this city in later times, and for sixteen years was president of the Young Men's Bible Society.
'In 1840 he closed his business in Deposit, and removed to Cincinnati, where he engaged in business as a lumber merchant, and also as a banker, remaining there until his final removal to this city, which took place early in 1860.
'Mr. Gregory had always been a determined and outspoken anti-slavery man. He was likewise somewhat familiar with military affairs, having acted as colonel of a militia regiment during his residence in Deposit, N.Y. The outbreak of the Rebellion therefore found him not only in full sympathy with the cause of the Union, but also an intelligent adviser of the people in the great national crisis. For a few months his exertions were devoted to the encouragement of enlistement; but in July, 1861, at which time he held the post of captain in the Home Guards, he was authorized to recruit a regiment for his own command in the field. By the close of the year its ranks were full, and its discipline and general outfit highly proficient.
'On January 21, 1862, Colonel Gregory left Philadelphia at the head of his regiment, which was known as the Ninety-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, and created such a fine impression on arriving at Washington, that it was detained there to act as provost guard of the capital, the fourth Regular Infantry being relieved by it from this responsible duty. Soon after, Colonel Gregory was ordered to Alexandria as military governor, a position requiring great delicacy as well as unswerving patriotism and great firmness of character.
'Colonel Gregory continued in command of Alexandria for some months, when he was ordered to active duty in the field. He was an active participant in the battle of Fredericksburg, December 1862, where his gallantry secured from his regiment the present of a fine horse and a costly sword, while President Linoln rewarded him with the commission of brigadier-general.
'At Fredericksburg, General Gregory witnessed his first engagement, and at Chancellorsville his twenty-second. He fought through the Wilderness campaign, and, in fact, participated as brigade commander in all the engagements involving the Fifth Corps, except the battle of Gettysburg, at which time he was at home, under medical treatment for wounds received in battle. Just before the close of the war he was breveted major-general for his gallantry at Five Forks.
'After the termination of the struggle he was sent to Texas as Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau for that State, a position in which he did good service and gained the respect of the white population, as well as the devotion of the freedmen. From Texas he was ordered to Maryland and Delaware as Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau, his services in connection with the Rebellion terminating with this duty.
'Having returned to this city, General Gregory was, in May 1869, appointed United States Marshal for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on the death of General John Ely.
'The principal deputy in the office of the marshal was his son-in-law, Captain Wright. By the provisions of the law he will act as marshal until the vacancy is filled by the President.

9 November 1871

Philadelphia Inquirer 9 November 1871 page 1

Anxious Applicants.
There are already several applicants for the place of United States Marshal Gregory, deceased. No nomination will be made till after the funeral, when the indications are that General Baxter will be appointed.

9 November 1871

Philadelphia Inquirer, 9 November 1871 page 4

It is probable that General D. W. C. Baxter will succeed the late General Gregory as United States Marshal.

10 November 1871

Philadelphia Inquirer 10 November 1871 page 4 (reprinted at Philadelphia Inquirer 11 November 1871 page 4)

GREGORY.--On Tuesday, November 7, at 4 o'clock A.M., General EDGAR M. GREGORY, in the 68th year of his age.
The relatives and friends of the family are invited to the funeral, from his late residence, No. 1723 [?] Master street, on Monday morning, November 13, at 10 o'clock. Services at Oxford Presbyterian Church, corner of Broad and Oxford streets, at 11 o'clock. Funeral to proceed to South Laurel Hill Cemetery.

10 November 1871

Philadelphia Inquirer 10 November 1871 page 1

Despatches (sic) to Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.--There is an exciting contest for the vacant offices in Philaelphia, caused by the death of Marshal Gregory, the transfer of collector Sickles, of the Fourth District, to be pension agent, in place of Forbes, and the resignation of Mayor-elect Stokley, of the assessorship of the Second District. Senators Scott and Cameron, and Messrs. McEuen, Loughridge, Smith, Leeds and other Philadelphia politicians are here to urge the claims of their respective favorites, but as yet the President has taken no action in the matter.

10 November 1871

Philadelphia Inquirer 10 November 1871 page 4

Several candidates are already in the field for the United States marshalship, vacant through the death of General Gregory, and great pressure is being brought upon the president to induce him to appoint a new officer.

A successor to Marshal Gregory

Philadelphia Inquirer 10 November 1871 page 2

A Successor to Marshal Gregory.
The friends of General Hector Tyndale, desiring to see the duties of the office of Marshal of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania properly discharged, and a fit successor to General Gregory chosen, are urging his appointment upon the President. General Tyndale is too modest a gentleman to solicit office, but his eminently honourable record as a merchant, citizen and soldier, should entite any request his friends may make in his behalf to the most favorable consideration of the President.

'General Gregory: action in reference to his death'

Philadelphia Inquirer 11 November 1871 page 2, GenealogyBank

A meeting of the surviving members of the Ninety-first Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, was held last evening, in District Court room No. 2, to take action on the death of their old commander, General Edgar M. Gregory.
Colonel Joseph H. Sinex was called to the chair, and Mr. W. W. Widdifield was chosen secretary.
On motion, a committee consisting of Captain Hall, Colonel Sellers, Captain Brass, Lieutenant Baker and Major Casner was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting.
The committee retired, and soon after reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:--
Whereas, In the death of our late commander, General Edgar M. Gregory, we have lost one whose sterling worth as an officer and a man was appreciated by all who knew him, and the death of such reminds us that the good and true are not exempt from the hands of the great destroyer; therefore,
Resolved, That the surviving members of the Ninety-first Regiment desire to express, in fitting terms, their admiration of the many noble qualities of mind and heart which so distinguished our late much-esteemed and beloved commander. The deceased in the hour of his country's peril promptly responded to the call of the government for assistance, and, at the head of our regiment, took the field battling for the honor and integrity of the Union.
Resolved, That in the death of General Gregory we have lost one whose memory will remain dear to the members of the Ninety-first Regiment, and whose genial countenance will be missed at each recurring anniversary, and as the tear of sorrow is shed when we meet we will look forward with hopeful eyes to that reunion in the land where the clang of swords and the trumpet notes of battles are heard no more.
Resolved, That the surviving members of the Ninety-first Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers tender to the sorrow-stricken members of the family their sympathy for the severe loss that they have sustained, but feel assured that our loss is his eternal gain.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family of the deceased, and the regiment attend the funeral in a body.
On motion, a committee of five was appointed to make all necessary arrangements for the funeral of the deceased.

'By telegraph'

Georgia Weekly Telegraph 14 November 1871 page 5

PHILADELPHIA, November 7.--General E. M. Gregory, United States Marshal, is dead.

== 'Interment' Philadelphia Inquirer 14 November 1871 page 2

The funeral services of Colonel Edgar M. Gregory, late United States marshal, took place yesterday morning, from his late residence, No. 1723 Master street.
The relatives and friends of the family assembled at the house at ten o'clock. In the parlor the body was exposed to view. It was inclosed in a burial casket which was handsomely mounted with silver, covered with black cloth. on the lid was a massive silver plate, bearing the name, age and date of death of the deceased. The body was dressed in a plain black suit, and in appearance different in no particular from what the colonel was remember to have been when alive. The friends and relatives passed through the room viewing the remains, for about an hour, when the services at the house took place. These over, the coffin was borne by pall-bearers from the house past the military, which was drawn up, at present a arms (sic), on the opposite side of the street, and deposited in the hearse. The funeral procession, including the carriages, the surviving members of Colonel Gregory's regiment in citizens' dress, and the guard of honor and firing party; the State Fencibles, under the command of Captain J. W. Ryan, with their band, proceeded to the Oxford Presbyterian Church, corner of Broad and Oxford, of which the deceased was a prominent member, where the public services were held. The church building was filled in every part with a large audience of personal friends of the deceased. Within the church the pulpit surroundings had been draped in black, and directly in front of the pulpit the catafalque and trimmings had been erected which had been used at the funeral of President Lincoln in Independence Hall. This was surmounted by a highly ornamental floral design.
When the procession reached the church a funeral march was performed by the band. Those taking part filed into the main audience room in the following order:--
The judges of the United States and other Courts.
The officers of the courts.
The heads of departments.
The employees and deputy marshals of the marshal's office.
The clergy.
The coffin borne by the pall-bearers.
The Immediate (sic) family of the deceased.
The friends and relatives.
The delegation of the surviving members of the Ninety-first Regiment P.V., lately commanded by Colonel Gregory.
Representatives of military and other organizations.
The pall bearers were the following gentlemen:--
George Simmons,
J. C. Arilson [?],
R. S. Walton,
Peter Watson,
Hon. Leonard Myers,
Colonel Roberts,
James H. Hawley,
Alexander Whildin.
Among the clergy were Rev. Mr. Rabbings [?], pastor of the Oxford Street Church; Rev. Joseph Welsh, late chaplain of Colonel Gregory's regiment; Rev. R. Graham, chaplain United States army; Rev. T. J. Shepherd, Rev. James Neill, Rev. Dr. Dickson, Rev. Dr. Withrow, and Rev. Dr. Randall, president of Lincoln University.
Among the civil officials present were Judge Cadwalader, Aubrey H. Smith, United States District Attorney, and many other noted individuals connected with the various departments.
The pall-bearers having deposited the coffin in front of the pulpit, the services were opened by an anthem from the choir, under the direction of Mr. T. Rawlings, Jr., Miss H. M. Alexander and Mrs. Craven rendering the solos. The following order of services was then followed out:--
Reading of the Scriptures by Rev. T. J. Shepherd, who also presided.
Prayer by Chaplain Joseph Welsh.
Address by Rev. James Neill.
Address by Rev. Dr. Dicksoin.
Address by Rev. Dr. Withrow.
Prayer by Rev. Dr. Randall, oif the Lincoln University.
After the services the funeral procession proceeded to South Laurel Hill Cemetery, where the service over the grave was read by Rev. T. J. Shepherd, after which the regular military salute was fired by Captain Ryan's company.

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