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Edisto Island, South Carolina One Place Study

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Edisto Island, Charleston, South Carolina, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: One_Place_Studies South_Carolina United_States
This page has been accessed 732 times.


Edisto Island, South Carolina One Place Study

This profile is part of the Edisto Island, South Carolina One Place Study.
{{One Place Study|place=Edisto Island, South Carolina|category=Edisto Island, South Carolina One Place Study}}


Edisto Island was called Lock Island in 1674. At that time Anthony, Earl of Shaftsbury, was to take up some land on Ashely River but it was not to his liking so he took land on "Locke Island", writing about it in a letter to the Lord Proprietors.[1] The island, the town, and the Edisto River are named after the historic Edistow people, a Native American sub-tribe of the Cusabo Indians, who inhabited the island as well as nearby mainland areas.[2]

Just before the Civil War it was facetiously called "The Independent Republic of Edisto" because she threatened to secede from South Carolina, unless the state seceded from the Union.[1]

Boundries and Counties

The following list of changing boundries and counties and their specific time periods:[3]

  • 1682 - Colleton County
  • 1706 - St Paul's Parish (records in Charleston County South Carolina)
  • 1734 - St John's Colleton (records in Charleston County South Carolina)
  • 1769 - Charleston County


Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State/Province: South Carolina
County: Charleston
GPS Coordinates: 32.5503° N, 80.2971° W
Elevation: 9.843 feet

Edisto Island is bounded on the north by the north Edisto River, on the south by the South Edisto River, on the west by the Dawhoo River which connects these large rivers, and on the east by the Atlantic Ocean.[1]


Timeline of Edisto Island

  1. Pre-European [4]
  2. Planters
  3. Civil War[5]
  4. Reconstruction[6]

Slave Laws

Some laws about the enslaved passed, some did not.

  • 1820 - The petitioners put forth some "immediate measures" for consideration and adoption. They propose that "all Negroes, bond or free" be banished "from the limits of this State" [7]

Planters and Plantations

  • Economics

The main industry of the Island was "Sea Island Cotton". The island was ill-adapted for rice and the islanders began to look at indigo. However that ceased to be financially rewarding and in 1796 experiments were made with the cotton plant.[1]

  • The Slave Trade

South Carolina became a slave society and slavery was central to its economy with the establishment of rice and indigo as commodity export crops. By 1708 the enslaved composed a majority of the population in the colony. When the importation of enslaved persons became illegal in 1808, South Carolina was the only state still allowed importation.[8]

The Planters

This link will take you to the Planters and Slave Holders of Edisto Island (Contains list of slaveowners in the 1860 US Census on Edisto Island)

This link will take you to Plantations of Edisto Island by Owner Family.

The Plantations

This link will take you to the Plantations of Edisto Island[9]

1865 Abandoned Plantations of Edisto Island

The Enslaved

The Federal Writer's Project collected a number of narratives between 1936-1938 from formerly enslaved persons:[10]

For more information on the enslaved of Edisto Island see the Slave Schedules below, and the Plantation pages of Edisto Island

The earliest African American famiies on Edisto included: "The Gadsdens, Williams, Browns, Knights, Curnells, Watsons, Meggetts, Wrights, Holmes, Washingtons, Campbells, Baileys, Scrivens, Nelson, McKelvery, Seabrooks, Fludds, Bennetts, Jenkins, Jones, Parkers, Sweetwinse, Norths, Mitchells, Smalls, Whaleys, and the Hutchinsons." [13]


Census Data

  • In 1721 Edisto Island was part of St. Pauls Parish in Colleton County. A census taken that year listed 1245 enslaved persons in that county. It is unknown how many were living on Edisto Island.[14]
  • 1790 Census - Schedule of the whold number of persons in the Parish of St. Johns, Colleton County, containing St. Johns Island, Wadmalo and Edisto Islands.[15]
  • 1800 Census - St Johns Colleton Edisto Island, Schedule of the whole number of persons within the division allotted to Richard Muncrieff(?)[16]
  • 1810 Census - The Parish of St Johns Colleton[17]
  • 1820 - The Parish of St Johns Colleton[18]
  • 1830 - St Johns Colleton, Charleston County, South Carolina[19]
  • 1840 - St Johns Parish, Colleton County, South Carolina[20]
  • 1850 - Parish St Johns Colleton, Charleston County, South Carolina[21]
  • 1850 - Slave Schedule St Johns Parish, Charleston County, South Carolina[22]
  • 1860 - Edisto Island, Colleton County, South Carolina[23]
  • 1860 - Slave Schedule Edisto Island, St Johns Colleton, South Carolina[24]
  • 1870 - Edisto Island, Charleston County, South Carolina[25]

Slave Schedules

The enslaved were not named in any of the census data. They were listed under the name of the slave owner and their only identification was their age and their sex. After 1850 the enslaved were listed on a separate census schedule under the name of the slave owner.

  • 1850 Slave Schedule, the Parish of St. Johns Colleton[22]
  • 1860 Slave Schedule Charleston and Colleton[24]

Tax Data

1824 - St Johns Colleton,

  • E. Adams - Lydia Clark[26]
  • L. M. Clark - Joseph Delkson[27]
  • Joseph Dill - Richard Freeman[28]
  • Charles Fripp - Thomas Hyndman[29]
  • Benj Jr Jenkins - Richard Jenkins[30]
  • Robert Jenkins - F. S. Lightburg[31]
  • Norman McLead - W. C. Miggitt[32]
  • Robert Mescoat - Thomas Mix[33]
  • Joseph Murray - Sarah Reynold[34]
  • William Reynold - James Seabrook[35]
  • J. B. Seabrook - T. B. Seabrook[36]
  • J. B. Segare - Richard Sleigh[37]
  • Ann Stanyary - Archy Whaley[38]
  • Benjamin Whaley - Hugh Wilson[39]
  • Hugh Wilson - William E. Wood[40]




  • Allen AME Church Cemetery, WikiTree Category
  • Beckett Plantation Cemetery (it is uncertain if any enslaved people were buried in this cemetery which is a duplicate of the Beckett Family Cemetery at the same location. All current FindAG memorials are for the Beckett family)
  • Bethlehem RMUE Church Cemetery, WikiTree Category
  • Botany Bay Plantation Grounds
  • Calvary AME Church Cemetery, WikiTree Category
  • Clark Burial Ground, Cypress Trees Plantation
  • Cypress Trees Plantation, Edisto Island, Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
  • Edisto Presbyterian Church Cemetery
  • Greater Bethel AME Church Cemetery - Also known as: "Bethel AME Church Cemetery"
  • Gun Bluff Plantation Cemetery - Also known as: "Whitemarsh Seabrook Plantation Cemetery"
  • Jenkins Burial Ground
  • Lawton-Seabrook Cemetery
  • Meggett Point Plantation
  • Mount Olive Baptist Church Cemetery
  • Murray's Cemetery
  • New First Baptist Church Cemetery
  • New First Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery
  • New First Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery
  • Old First Baptist Church
  • Category:Peter's_Point_Cemetery,_Charleston_County,_South_Carolina
  • Presbyterian Church on Edisto Island Cemetery - also known as "Edisto Island Presbyterian Churchyard Cemetery"
  • Trinity Cemetery
  • Trinity Episcopal Church Cemetery
  • Whaley-Seabrook Cemetery - Also known as: "Seabrook Plantation Cemetery"
  • Zion Reformed Episcopal Church

Book Resources


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Historic Houses of South Carolina https://www.google.com/books/edition/Historic_Houses_of_South_Carolina/VLpLAAAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=edisto+island&pg=PA224&printsec=frontcover *p.213-214
  2. Edisto Island https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edisto_Island#:~:text=The%20island%2C%20the%20town%2C%20and,well%20as%20nearby%20mainland%20areas.
  3. https://www.mapofus.org/southcarolina/
  4. Timeline of Edisto Island https://www.edistoscenicbyway.org/history.cfm
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edisto_Island_during_the_American_Civil_War
  6. https://edisto.org/history/
  7. Race and Slavery Pettions Project http://library.uncg.edu/slavery/petitions/details.aspx?pid=1333
    • Petition 11382008
  8. History of South Carolina https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_South_Carolina#Slaves
  9. https://schistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Vertical-File-Guide.pdf
    • South Carolina plantations start on p.42
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slave_Narrative_Collection
  11. https://gutenberg.org/files/21508/21508-h/21508-h.htm
  12. https://gutenberg.org/files/28170/28170-h/28170-h.htm
  13. Edisto Island: The African-American Journey by Greg Estevez
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_South_Carolina#/media/File:Houghton_NS_Am_1455_(17)_-_SC_census,_1721.jpg
    • 1721 census in South Carolina
  15. United States Census, 1790: "United States Census, 1790"
    Image path: United States Census, 1790 > South Carolina > Charleston > St Johns > image 1 of 20; citing NARA microfilm publication M637, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: 33S7-9YBZ-CDS (accessed 13 September 2022)
    • 1790 census Edisto Island, St. Johns, Colleton, South Carolina
  16. United States Census, 1800: "United States Census, 1800"
    Image path: United States Census, 1800 > South Carolina > Charleston > image 1 of 2; citing NARA microfilm publication M32, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: 33SQ-GR86-6Q6 (accessed 13 September 2022)
    • 1800 Census of St. Johns Colleton & Edisto, Charleston County, South Carolina
  17. United States Census, 1810: "United States Census, 1810"
    Image path: United States Census, 1810 > South Carolina > Charleston > St Johns Colleton > image 1 of 6; citing NARA microfilm publication M252, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: 33SQ-GYBD-9DG6 (accessed 13 September 2022)
    • 1810 Parish of St Johns Colleton, Charleston County, South Carolina
  18. United States Census, 1820: "United States Census, 1820"
    Image path: United States Census, 1820 > South Carolina > Charleston > Not Stated > image 2 of 136; citing NARA microfilm publication M33, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: 33SQ-GYBW-6F2 (accessed 13 September 2022)
    • 1820 Census, St Johns Colleton, Charleston County, South Carolina
  19. United States Census, 1830: "United States Census, 1830"
    Image path: United States Census, 1830 > South Carolina > Charleston > St Johns Colleton > image 1 of 14; citing NARA microfilm publication M19, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: 33SQ-GYT5-X54 (accessed 13 September 2022)
    • 1830 Census St Johns Colleton, Charleston County, South Carolina
  20. United States Census, 1840: "United States Census, 1840"
    Image path: United States Census, 1840 > South Carolina > Colleton > St. Johns Parish > image 1 of 17; citing NARA microfilm publication M704, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: 33S7-9YB7-LQF (accessed 13 September 2022)
    • 1840 Census - Parish St Johns Colleton County, South Carolina
  21. United States Census, 1850: "United States Census, 1850"
    Image path: United States Census, 1850 > South Carolina > Charleston > St. Johns > image 1 of 38; citing NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: S3HY-D1QQ-V1Z (accessed 13 September 2022)
    • 1850 Parish St Johns Colleton, Charleston County, South Carolina
  22. 22.0 22.1 United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1850 : "United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1850"
    Image path: United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1850 > South Carolina > Charleston > Charleston county > image 447 of 668; citing NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: S3HT-XXNP-29 (accessed 26 September 2022)
    • 1850 Slave Schedule St Johns Parish, Charleston County, South Carolina
  23. United States Census, 1860: "United States Census, 1860"
    Image path: United States Census, 1860 > South Carolina > Colleton > Edisto Island > image 1 of 11; citing NARA microfilm publication M653 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: 33S7-9BSC-9888 (accessed 13 September 2022)
    • 1860 Edisto Island, Colleton County, South Carolina
  24. 24.0 24.1 United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1860: "United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1860"
    Image path: United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1860 > South Carolina > Charleston and Coleton > Edisto Island of St. John's Collection > image 266 of 504; citing NARA microfilm publication M653 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: 33S7-9BS8-98R4 (accessed 26 September 2022)
    • 1860 Slave Schedule Edisto Island, St Johns Colleton, South Carolina
  25. United States Census, 1870: "United States Census, 1870"
    Image path: United States Census, 1870 > South Carolina > Charleston > Edisto Island > image 1 of 70; citing NARA microfilm publication M593 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: S3HT-6SKW-987 (accessed 13 September 2022)
    • 1870 Edisto Island, Charleston County, South Carolina
  26. Tax record: "Individual tax returns (South Carolina)"
    Catalog: Individual tax returns (South Carolina) Tax returns no. 2309-3376
    Film number: 008702690 > image 257 of 3135
    FamilySearch Image: 3QHV-J38J-RL2S (accessed 13 September 2022)
    • 1824 taxes
  27. Tax record: "Individual tax returns (South Carolina)"
    Catalog: Individual tax returns (South Carolina) Tax returns no. 2309-3376
    Film number: 008702690 > image 278 of 3135
    FamilySearch Image: 3QHV-V38J-RRHS (accessed 13 September 2022)
  28. Tax record: "Individual tax returns (South Carolina)"
    Catalog: Individual tax returns (South Carolina) Tax returns no. 2309-3376
    Film number: 008702690 > image 299 of 3135
    FamilySearch Image: 3QHV-J38J-RLST (accessed 13 September 2022)
  29. Tax record: "Individual tax returns (South Carolina)"
    Catalog: Individual tax returns (South Carolina) Tax returns no. 2309-3376
    Film number: 008702690 > image 320 of 3135
    FamilySearch Image: 3QHV-V38J-R2ZB (accessed 13 September 2022)
  30. Tax record: "Individual tax returns (South Carolina)"
    Catalog: Individual tax returns (South Carolina) Tax returns no. 2309-3376
    Film number: 008702690 > image 345 of 3135
    FamilySearch Image: 3QHV-J38J-RT4Z (accessed 13 September 2022)
  31. Tax record: "Individual tax returns (South Carolina)"
    Catalog: Individual tax returns (South Carolina) Tax returns no. 2309-3376
    Film number: 008702690 > image 364 of 3135
    FamilySearch Image: 3QHV-J38J-RKP2 (accessed 13 September 2022)
  32. Tax record: "Individual tax returns (South Carolina)"
    Catalog: Individual tax returns (South Carolina) Tax returns no. 2309-3376
    Film number: 008702690 > image 385 of 3135
    FamilySearch Image: 3QHV-J38J-R5NH (accessed 13 September 2022)
  33. Tax record: "Individual tax returns (South Carolina)"
    Catalog: Individual tax returns (South Carolina) Tax returns no. 2309-3376
    Film number: 008702690 > image 406 of 3135
    FamilySearch Image: 3QHV-V38J-R19D (accessed 13 September 2022)
  34. Tax record: "Individual tax returns (South Carolina)"
    Catalog: Individual tax returns (South Carolina) Tax returns no. 2309-3376
    Film number: 008702690 > image 427 of 3135
    FamilySearch Image: 3QHV-V38J-RLXJ (accessed 13 September 2022)
  35. Tax record: "Individual tax returns (South Carolina)"
    Catalog: Individual tax returns (South Carolina) Tax returns no. 2309-3376
    Film number: 008702690 > image 448 of 3135
    FamilySearch Image: 3QHV-V38J-RGRS (accessed 13 September 2022)
  36. Tax record: "Individual tax returns (South Carolina)"
    Catalog: Individual tax returns (South Carolina) Tax returns no. 2309-3376
    Film number: 008702690 > image 470 of 3135
    FamilySearch Image: 3QHV-J38J-R5GL (accessed 13 September 2022)
  37. Tax record: "Individual tax returns (South Carolina)"
    Catalog: Individual tax returns (South Carolina) Tax returns no. 2309-3376
    Film number: 008702690 > image 491 of 3135
    FamilySearch Image: 3QHV-J38J-RBQM (accessed 13 September 2022)
  38. Tax record: "Individual tax returns (South Carolina)"
    Catalog: Individual tax returns (South Carolina) Tax returns no. 2309-3376
    Film number: 008702690 > image 510 of 3135
    FamilySearch Image: 3QHV-V38J-RPN8 (accessed 13 September 2022)
  39. Tax record: "Individual tax returns (South Carolina)"
    Catalog: Individual tax returns (South Carolina) Tax returns no. 2309-3376
    Film number: 008702690 > image 531 of 3135
    FamilySearch Image: 3QHV-V38J-R5RR (accessed 13 September 2022)
  40. Tax record: "Individual tax returns (South Carolina)"
    Catalog: Individual tax returns (South Carolina) Tax returns no. 2309-3376
    Film number: 008702690 > image 555 of 3135
    FamilySearch Image: 3QHV-V38J-R2WG (accessed 13 September 2022)



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