Location: Colorado, Ontario ++
Surnames/tags: Rubidge Taber
Edith's Birthday Book
The Bryant Birthday Book
A gift To Edith S. Rubidge Oct 2 - 1891 From Miss Donovan on Edith's 11th birthday.
The book is laid out like an engagement book. Each day of the year is given with a short poem and a place to make entries. (No year or day of the week is printed.) Edith had many people sign on their birthdays, and also made entries herself. Many entries are family in either Colorado or Canada. The year(s) given can be the birth year, and/or the signature year. I've put a (S) after the entry if it appears to be a signature.
The earliest birthdate given is her grandfather in 1802, and the lastest, her daughter in 1908.
Photo clips of the text entries are given in the 23 images by month and day. An index by name follows the text. Entries include: Rubidge - 19, Taber - 10, Soule - 7, Hooper - 7, Johnson - 5.
Joan Gardner Moore. Edith's granddaughter
Text by date
January 3 Mary J Taber 1837-1885 Died Apr. 26 - 1885 (J-Jane in index)
January 4 Fanny Hall Johnson 1893-1877 (S)
January 6 Joseph G?. Painter /93 1862 (S)
January 8 Pauline Dunlop. (S)
Stephen Taber 1831 (S)
January 11 Helen M Wallace. (S)
Sarah Hooper (S)
January 17 Ethel Hamill Morrison. '94 (S)
January 22 Lucile Stuart Demer? 1881 1893 (S)
January 23 Edgar Painter 1865 1898 (S)
January 30 John Francis Rubidge 1895 Died Jan. 30 - 1895
February 2 Helene Crocker. 1879. 1894. (S)
February 4 Kate G Chaffee. 1894 - (S) married (in Edith's hand along side)
February 12 Helene C Byington Jan. 16th /92 (S)
Edgar Francis Cohoe 1885 (S)
February 13 Harold S Rubidge 1882- -1894 (S)
February 15 1854 Mattie Lockwood 1892 (S)
February 17 Eleanor Rubidge Cohoe Born 1908
February 21 Irene Miller Oct. 12. 91. (S)
February 22 1875 Wallace Patten Cohoe (S)
February 25 Alfred Richard Rubidge 1811 - Died Nov. 10, 1876 "Grandfather"
February 28 Ruby J. Rothwell 1879-1894 (S)
March 3 Helen "U" (S)
March 6 William David Rubidge 1875-93 (S)
March 9 Mabel Steele 1880-1898 R. Clark Steele Sr. 1844-1898 (S)
March 10 Frederick Preston Rubidge 1806- "Great Uncle"
March 25 Good Friday Mar 25 186? (S)
March 27 Ethel
March 28 May Webster October 12/91(S)
(M. Ethel Thomson 1881-1898 was crossed out)
April 4 Mary Elizabeth Osborne Seager Klopfer (McCorel was crossed out) (S?)1873- 1895
Binnington (written above in Eleanor Cohoe's handwriting?)
April 5 Grace Aubrey Dunloss (S)
April 8 Sarah Pherrill Taber 1811 "Grandmother" Died Nov. 27, 1880
April 10 Huldah Ann Spalding 1820 - Died June 3, 1890
May 3 Elizabeth Gilmore (S)
May 4 Lalla S Rubidge '86 - '93 (S)
May 13 1891 Maud M. Craig Oct 19 '91 (S)
May 15 Adele E De Loffre June 4, 1894 (S)
May 17 Monnie M Bainter 1880 1894 (S)
May 25 Charles Justice Taber - 1865 - 1897 son of Wm Taber (Uncle)
May 26 Edith Casaday - 1881 - 94 (S)
May 28 (Sarah Bertha Seager - crossed out) 1870
May 29 Alhi E Hume(?) Canada Nt 19 th(?) /91 (S)
May 31 Mary E. Puckett 1876 1893 (S)
June 1 Thomas Frederick Hooper 1892 1896
June 4 Ellen Semanthe Spalding Rubidge 1818 Died Sept 4 1869 "Grandmother"
1886 Grace E Hemson, 30/9/06 (S)
(Then in unknown hand) Obiit 1975 A.D.
June 9 Mary B Johnson. December 15, 1983 (S)
Frank Hooper (S)
June 10 Alice E Smith (S)
June 12 Walter D Steele - 1876 1898 per E.S.R.
June 13 Blanche Cliffe (S)
June 18 John Russell Taber 1829
June 19 1877 Edna Wheeler Oct 12 "91" (S)
1877 Amelia B Cook Dec 5, 1892 (S)
June 20 M Lyle Burns. 85 - 94 (S)
June 24 1875 Harold Rickard. 1893. (S)
June 25 Oct 12 "1891-1877" Emma M Brown "1877" (S)
June 26 1873 A. Jo. Rubidge (S)
D. Oct 16 1916
June 27 Chas. W. Brown 1876 1894 (S)
June 29 1877 Fred T Rubidge 1/19/92 (S)
July 1 Dr Bonesteel - May - 1897
Martha Becker (S) 1879- 1894.
married (in Edith's hand along side)
July 6 Lallie Taber Rubidge Oct 22 (S) 1847- 1891
Arthur J Hocuson 1878 1903 (S)
July 12 1879 Anna Alfreda Soule (S)
July 13 Arthur C Johnson 1874- 1893 (S)
July 22 Ninette Rickard 1879- 1893 (S)
July 25 J. William Rubidge 1842 - born July 22 not 25th
Died Sept.28 1843 - Thursday
August 1 Mary Rubidge April 14, 94. 1848 1890
August 2 Ernest Rubidge 1860 (S)
August 12 Bessie De Les Dernier West Rutland Vermont Oct 28, 1891 (S)
August 16 Eva C Hammond. -94- (S)
August 18 Mr Henry McCelland
Julia M Day Oct 22.91 (S) married (in Edith's hand along side)
August 24 William John Hooper (S) 1887- 1896
August 28 Madge J Taylor (S)
September 3 Mary Semanthe Soule 1876. -1893.
September 4 Harriet A Cleary. 1877 94. (S)
September 9 1893 Fred P. Johnson 1862 (S)
September 10 68-94 Gracie Victoria Rubidge (S) 1868-1909
September 11 Clara C(?) Harrison October 12th (S) 1880 1891
September 15 Marnie Stephen (S)
David Harold Soule 1888
September 16 Sadie E Pendleton 1878 1894
September 17 Frank Hooper (S) 1888 1896
September 18 Ellen Trail Rubidge Knapp 1843 Died Oct. 14, 1893
September 19 E.H.B. (written very small)
Anna G. Noland 1876 1894
September 24 1879 Florence Mabel Bradshaw 1896
September 25 J Russell Taber 1840 Died Feb. 5, 1884 (J-Jacob in index)
September 30 Mary Victoria Rubidge 1897
October 2 (All done by Edith)
Edith S Rubidge 80/93
Edith Spalding Rubidge Cohoe 1880 - 1902
Edith Rubidge Cohoe 1926
Grandfather & Grandmother -(Mr and Mrs John Justice Taber) married Oct 2 - 1828 - Their daughter Elizabeth Anne Taber (Mrs. Seager) was born on their 14th Anniversary. My mother and father (David Rubidge and Lallie Taber) were married Oct 2 - 1872 and I was born on their 8th wedding anniversary Oct 2nd 1880 - Edith R. Cohoe
October 11 Alice Armitage (S)
October 12 Carrie Kramer October 12/91 78/91 (S)
October 14 1846 David Rubidge 1898- (S)
(Daddie) May 18th 1912 left for Denver (plus another word I cannot read)
October 22 1832 William Taber - Oct 22nd "91" (S)
October 24 John Henry Russell Taber 1883 (1st Cousin, his father- Jacob Russell Taber)
October 27 Mary A Lockhart, 1894 (S)
October 28 Miss Josephine Oppenheimer. Dec. 2nd /92
1876-1892 Denver, Colo. (S)
October 29 Norman Soule 1883 (S)
November 6 J Fred Arundell (S)
November 7 Kathleen Dillingham -1879. -1893- (S)
November 8 Muriel Stark (S)
November 19 William Edmund Rubidge 1862 Diec Oct 9 1863
Mary Symons Hooper 1863 1896 (S)
November 22 Lottie Ramns 1878 - 1892 (S)
J. W. Ward 62/93 (S)
November 23 (in small print) Bartoyz B Baumstead -April 7th 97 married (then)
Eva R. Whitters 1876. -92. (S)
November 24 Anna Rubidge Soule 1849 (S?)
November 27 Geo. E. Bryant Jan. 20, -92 70/92 (S)
1880 Ethel Soule (S)
November (day not given) Robert Douglas Hamilton Taber (Uncle) 1834 -
December 3 Mary F Couroy 4/12/91. (S)
M. Josephine Nachtrieb '94 (S)
December 10 John Justice Taber 1802 "Grandfather" Died Oct 29 - 1884
December 12 Gilbert Rubidge Soule 1877
December 19 Florence M Painter 1893 (S)
December 25 Robert Henry Rubidge 1856 (S)
December 28 W. A. McPherson 10-10-91 (S)
1838 Marion V. Johnson 1892 (S)
Laura Edith Hooper 1890 1896
Index by name
b. - born, d. - died, s. - signed, m. - married
Armitage, Alice b. October 11, s.
Arundell, J Fred b. November 6, s.
Bainter, Monnie M b. May 17, 1880 s. 1894
Becker, Martha b. July 1, 1879, s. 1894, m. Dr Bonesteel in 1897
Binnington, Mary Elizabeth Osborne Seager Klopfer (McCorel was crossed out)
Binnington (written above in another handwriting) b. April 4 1873. s. 1895
Bradshaw, Florence Mabel b. September 24, 1879 s. 1896
Brown, Chas. W. b. June 27, 1876 s. 1894
Brown, Emma M b. June 25, 1877, s. Oct 12 1891
Bryant, Geo. E. b. November 27, 1870, s. Jan. 20, 1892
Burns. M Lyle, b. June 20, 1885. s. 1894
Byington, Helene C b. February 12, s. Jan. 16th 1892
Casaday, Edith b. May 26, 1881, s. 1894
Chaffee, Kate G b. February 4 s. 1894 (married(in Edith's hand along side)
Cleary, Harriet A, b. September 4, 1877, s.1894
Cliffe, Blanche b. June 13 s.
Cohoe, Edgar Francis b.February 12, 1885
Cohoe, Edith Spalding Rubidge, b. October 2, 1880, s. 1902, 1926
Cohoe,Eleanor Rubidge b. February 17, 1908
Cohoe, Wallace Patten b. February 22 1875, s.
Cook, Amelia B b. June 19, 1877 s. Dec 5, 1892
Couroy, Mary F b. December 3, s. 4/12/1891
Craig, Maud M. b. May 13, s. Oct 19 '91
Crocker, Helene b.February 2 . 1879, s. 1894
Day, Julia M, b. August 18 , s. Oct 22.91, m. Mr Henry McClelland
De Les Dernier, Bessie, b. August 12 , s. West Rutland Vermont Oct 28, 1891
De Loffre, Adele E b. May 15, s. June 4, 1894
Demer?, Lucile Stuart b. January 22, 1881 s. 1893
Dillingham, Kathleen b. November 7,1879, s. 1893
Dunlop, Pauline, b. January 8, s.
Dunloss, Grace b. April 5, s.
Gilmore, Elizabeth b. May 3, s.
Hammond, Eva C. b. August 16, s. 1694
Harrison, Clara C(?) b. September 11, 1880, s. October 12th 1891
Hemson, Grace E b. June 4, 1885, s. 30/9/06
Hocuson, Arthur J . b. July 6, 1878 s. 1903
Hooper, Frank b, June 9, s.
Hooper, Frank, b. September 17, 1888, s. 1896
Hooper, Laura Edith b. December 28, 1890
Hooper, Mary Symons b. November 19, 1863, s. 1896
Hooper, Sarah, b. January 11, s.
Hooper, Thomas Frederick b. June 1, 1892 (entered) 1896
Hooper, William John b. August 24, 1887, s. 1896
Hume, Alhi E b. May 29 s. Canada W 19 th? /91
Johnson, Arthur C b. July 13, 1874, s. 1893
Johnson, Fanny Hall b. January 4, 1877, s. 1893
Johnson, Fred P. b. September 9, 1862, s. 1893
Johnson, Marion V . b. December 28, 1838, s. 1892
Johnson, Mary B. b. June 9, s, December 15, 1893
Knapp, Ellen Trail Rubidge, b. September 18, 1843, d. Oct. 14, 1893
Kramer, Carrie b. October 12, 1878 s. October 12/91
Lockhart, Mary A, b. October 27, s.1894
Lockwood, Mattie b. February 15, 1854, s 1892
Miller, Irene, b. February 21, s. Oct. 12., 1891
Morrison, Ethel Hamill, b. January 17, s. 1894
Noland, Anna G. b. September 19, 1876, s. 1894, also E.H.B. (written very small)
Oppenheimer, Miss Josephine. b. October 28, 1876, s. Dec. 2nd /92 Denver, Colo.
Painter, Edgar b. January 23, 1865, s. 1894
Painter, Florence M b. December 19, s. 1893
Painter, Joseph G?. b. January 6, 1862, s. 1893
Pendleton, Sadie E b. September 16, 1878, s. 1894
Puckett,Mary E. b. May 31, 1876, s. 1893
Ramns, Lottie b. November 22 1878, s. 1892
Rickard, Harold, b. June 24, 1875, s. 1893
Rickard, Ninette b. July 22, 1879, s.
Rothwell, Ruby J. b. February 28 1879, s. 1894
Rubidge, A. Jo. b. June 26 1873, s. d. Oct 16 1916
Rubidge, Alfred Richard, b. February 25 1811 d. Nov. 10, 1876 "Grandfather"
Rubidge, David b.October 14, 1846 , s.1898 (Daddie) May 18th 1912 left for Denver
Rubidge, David and Lallie (Taber), m. October 2, 1872
Rubidge, Edith S, b. October 2, 1880, s. 1893
Rubidge, Ellen Semanthe Spalding b. June 4 1818, d. Sept 4 1869 "Grandmother"
Rubidge, Ernest b. August 2 1860, s.
Rubidge, Frederick Preston b.March 10 1806 "Great Uncle"
Rubidge, Fred T b. June 29 1877, s. 1/19/92
Rubidge, Gracie Victoria b. September 10, 1868, s.-94, (d.) 1909
Rubidge, Harold S, b. February 13 1882, s. 1894
Rubidge, J. William b. July 22, 1842 (entered as July 25 - born not 25th) d. Sept.28 1843 - Thursday
Rubidge, John Francis d. January 30, 1895
Rubidge, Lalla S b. May 4 1986, s. 1893)
Rubidge, Lallie Taber b. July 6 1847, s. Oct 22 1891
Rubidge, Mary b. August 1, 1848, s. April 14, 1894
Rubidge, Mary Victoria b. September 30, 1897
Rubidge, William David, b. March 6, 1875 s. 1893
Rubidge, William Edmund b. November 19, 1862, d. Oct 9 1863
Seager, Elizabeth Anne Taber, b. October 2, 1842
Seager,Sarah Bertha b. May 28, 1870 (crossed out ?)
Smith, Alice E b. June 10, s.
Spalding, Huldah Ann b. April 10, 1820, d. June 3, 1890
Stephen, Marnie b. September 15, s.
Soule, Anna Alfreda, b. July 12,1879, s.
Soule, Anna Rubidge, November 24 1849
Soule, David Harold, b. September 15, 1888
Soule, Ethel b. November 27, 1880. s.
Soule, Gilbert Rubidge b. December 12, 1877
Soule, Mary Semanthe b. September 3 ,1876. s. 1893. (Archives of Ontario has Aug 3, 1876)
Soule, Normanb. October 29, 1883
Stark, Muriel b. November 8, s.
Steele, Mabel b. March 9 1880, s. 1898
Steele, R. Clark Sr. b. March 9 1844, s. 1898
Steele, Walter D b. June 12, 1876. 1898 per E.S.R.
Stephen, Marnie b. September 15, s.
Taber, Charles Justice b. May 25, 1865 s. 1897, son of Wm Taber (Uncle)
Taber, J Russell, b. September 25 1840, d. Feb. 5, 1884 (J-Jacob in index)
Taber, John Henry Russel b. lOctober 24 1883 (1st Cousin, his father- Jacob Russell Taber)
Taber, John Justice b. December 10, 1802, d. Oct 29 - 1884 "Grandfather"
Taber, Mr and Mrs John Justice, m. October 2, 1828
Taber, John Russell, b. June 18 1829
Taber, Mary Jane b. January 3, 1837, d. Apr. 26 - 1885
Taber, Robert Douglas Hamilton (Uncle) b.November (day not given) 1834
Taber, Sarah Pherrill b. April 8, 1811, d. Nov. 27, 1880 "Grandmother"
Taber, Stephen, b. January 8, 1831, s.
Taber, William b. October 22, 1832 s. Oct 22nd "91"
Taylor, Madge J, b. August 28, s.
Thomson, M. Ethel, b. March 27 188, s. 1898 (under March 28th by mistake)
"U", Helen b. March 3, s.
Wallace, Helen M. b. January 11, s.
Ward, J. W. b. November 22, 1862, s. 1893
Webster, May, b. March 28, s, October 12/91
Wheeler, Edna b, June 19, 1877, s. Oct 12 "91"
Whitters, Eva R. b. November 23, 1876, s. 1892, m. Barton B Baumstead -April 7th 97
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