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Edward Fulham DD will transcript

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Surrey, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Fulham_Bickley_Waith Will transcript
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Will of Edward Fulham DD

In the name of God Amen. I Edward Fulham, Doctor in Divinity and Canon of Windsor being, God be thanked, in health of body and in perfect memory and understanding, but mindful of the frail and uncertain condition of this mortall life do make this my last Will and Testament as followeth. First and above all with the greatest humility and reverence I yield up into the hands of Almighty God which he hath created that which he hath redeemed that which he hath regenerated my Soul and Body humbly beseeching him to make me (a vile wretched sinner) partaker of the merits of the father and through the merits of the son of the forgiveness of my sins and of all the comforts of the Holy Ghost appertaining to his covenant made with mankind in the death of his Sonn. Whomesoever I have offended any way I doe upon my knees begg their pardon and all who have in any way offended me I forgive and fully from my heart forgive them as I desire that my sins which are many and grevious may be forgiven at Gods hands, As to my faith I doe fully resolve by Gods grace to dye as I have been bred and lived in from my youth in the profession of the Catholique faith of Christ foreshewed by the Prophetts and preached to the world by Christ himself and his holy Apostles and their surre____ and a true member of the Catholique Church of England as it stands established by Law my body I leave to the Earth where it was taken in full assurance of its resurrection at the last day which resurrection I constantly believe that my dear Saviour who dyed for me will make happy to me in whose all sufficient merritts and in the superabundant mercies of my good God I put all my trust and confidence. I desirre that my buryall may be decent but not expensive and at Compton in Surrey near to the graves of my sonns Samuel and William as for my temporall Estate, I will that my debts be presently paid (which I thank God are not great) the residue of the portion of goods and good blessings of God pertaining to this life wherewith God of his mercy has blessed me I doe dispose of as followeth viz Imprimus I doe devise ratifye and confirme to my dear and most deserving wife Akll that my capitall messuage mannor lands tenements and hereditaments with the appurtenances situate lying and being in the Parish of Compton in the County of Surry commonly called or knowne by the name of Eastborough to hold during the terme of her naturall life for and in lieu of all jointures and powers and from and after her decease I devise the said Mannor and Premises to my sonn George Fulham for and during the term of his naturall life without impeachment of _ast and from and after his decease to the first second third and fourth and all and every sonn or sonns of the body of the said George Fulham lawfully issuing and the heires male of the body of such sonns lawfully issueing to hold to the said sonns of the said George Fulham and the heires male of their bodyes in seniority of age and priority of birth the elder of such sonn or sonns and the heires male of his body begotten being always preferred before the younger of such sonn or sonns and the heirs of his body begotten and for want of such issue to my son John Fulham for and during the terme of his naturall life without impeachment of wast and from and after his decease to his first second or son in such manner as is above devised to the sonns of the said George Fulham and for want of such to the right heires of me the said Edward Fulham forever. Item, I devise unto my said sonn George Fulham all that my perpetual Advowson or right of Patronage of the Parish Church of Compton aforesaid for and during the terme of his naturall life and from and after his decease to his first second or son in such manner as is above limited and expressed concerning the Mannor of Eastborough and for want of such issue to my son John Fulham for and during the terme of his naturall life and from and after his eecease to his first second or son as is above limited to my sonn George Fulham’s sonns and for want of such issue to the right heires of me the said Edward Fulham forever it being my will and desire that it may be inseperably appendant to the Mannor of Eastborough as aforesaid. Item whereas I have by diverse deeds and settlements given all my Esatate in the County of Bucks to my sonn John Fulham and the heires of his body I doe hereby approve ratifye and confirme the same. Item I doe devise my lease of a barne and diverse lands and woods lying in the Parish of Chiddingfold in the said County of Surry held from the Deane and Canons of Windsor in the name of my sonn George Fulham in trust for me to my said dear wife for and during so long of the said terme as she shall happen to live paying the yearly rent and performing the Covenants of the Tennants part and from and after her decease to my said sonn George Fulham his Executors Administrators and Assigns. Item whereas I have formerly given to my daughter Margarett wife of Henry Bickley Esq a sufficient marriage portion to the said henry Bickley I doe further give to my said wife and my said two sonns george and John Fulham the sume of one hundred pounds served upon a copyhold Estate in Compton in the occupation of Richard Edwards to the use of my grand-daughter Margarett Bickley to be disposed of for her use and benefit as they shall think most convenient. Item I give to my said wife and two sonns the sume of three hundred pounds for the use of my six grandchildren Edward Katherine Dorothy Mary Peter and George Bickley to be disposed of for their own use and benefit at the discretion of the said Trustees and if any of the said children shall happen to dye before their share is paid or expended for their use my will is that his or her share so dying shall be equally divided amongst the survivors of them share and share alike. Item I give one half of my plate (except the great Cup herein after otherwise disposed of) to my said dear wife and the other half to be equally divided amongst my grandchildren being the children of my sonn John Fulham and of my daughter Margarett Bickley. Item I devise to my said dear wife the use of my said great Silver Cupp presented by the Earl of Clarendon and alsoe the use of all my household goods cattle stock implements of husbandry for her life and my will is that the same may be imployed and re____ed by her for her better maintenance during her life and that the property of the said great Cupp goods and Chattells shall be vested in my sonn george Fulham during his life and after his decease in such of my posterity that shall be intitled by this my will to the inheritance of my said Mannor of Eastborough. Item I give to Mr Wootton late Canon of Windsor the summe of tenn pounds if I don’t give him the same in my lifetime. Item I give to my sonn George Fulham all my books. Item I give to my servant Joan Fulvin five pounds and to Katherine Mills four pounds and to Karroll (Karnoll?) Snelling three pounds if they continue my servants till my death. Item I give to the poore of Compton the summe of twenty pounds to be distributed at the discretion of my Executrix and Overseers within two yeares after my decease. Item I give to my sonn and daughter Bickley and my sonn Jones and my daughter Fulham the summe of twenty shillings each of them for a ring to weare in remembrance of me. And of this last Will and Testament make my said deare wife sole Executrix and my said two sonns George and John Fulham Overseers. Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and confirmed it with my seale the twenty sixth day of Aprill Anno D__ one thousand six hundred and ninety four and in the sixth yeare of the Reigne of King William and Queen Mary. Edward Fulham. Memorand the said Dr Edward Fulham did signe seale publish and declare this Will to be his last Will and Testament the day and yeare above written in the presence of us who subscribe our names as witnesses thereunto in the presence of him the said Edward Fulham. George Meggott, Hugh Evans, John Wakeford, John Lambert.

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