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Location: Ashtead, Surrey, England
Surnames/tags: Pepys Richbell Ottway
Transcription of the admission of Edward Pepys to land in the Manor of Ashtead, Surrey following the death of his father, John Pepys.[1]
Names and Places
- Edward Peppys (Pepys) Esquire - only son and heir of John Pepys, admitted to land in the Manor of Ashtead
- John Peppys (Pepys) Esquire - father of Edward, deceased
- Michael Ritchbells - owner of property in Ashtead
- Jeffrey Ottwayes - owner of property in Ashtead
- John Browne - owner of property in Ashtead, land granted by Queen Elizabeth I
- Alice, wife of John Browne
Att this Court upon the second proclamation
came Edward Peppys Esquire only sonne &
heire of John Peppys Esquire deceased and did
desire to bee admitted to the messuage and
severall parcells of land hereunder menconed
which came into the Lords hands by the death
of John Peppys Esquire his father (that is
to say) ? all that messuage & tenement and
all Barnes Stables outhouses & buildings
wherein the said John Peppys lately dwelt
and all yards courts gardens and orchards
thereunto belonging and to two crofts of land
called Perry crofts and three closes of land
with the appurtenances lying together against
Griggs land on the South and EAst called
Rydons all with premisses conteynd together
by estimacon seaven and twenty acres or
thereabouts, and five acres and three rood
of lands with the appurtenances lying
dispersedly in the common feilds there
and holden of this Mannor by the yearly
rent of xiv? and yd for pannage
And also to eight acres of land late Michaell
Ritchbells lying dispersedly in thie common
feilds of Ashted held of this Mannor by
the yearly rent of iii? by appurtenances
And also to eight acres of land lying
dispersedly in Marling pitts in the comon
[2nd page]
fields called Southfeild late Jeffrey Ottwayes
held of this Mannor by the yearely rent of
ii? ? is so apporconed
And also to one peece of land lying in the east end of
Ashted adioyning to the ma?cold house aforesaid
leading to the close and barne called Blakes barne
Blakes close towards the west which said peece of
land Elizabeth late queene of England att a dour?
holden for the Mannor aforesaid the thirteenth
day of September in the three & thirtieth yeare
of her reigne did grant to John Browne
her servant and Alice her wife and the heires
of the said John. To hold by the rent of iiii?
by the yeare to bee paid att the feast of St
Michael the Archangele And thereeupon
the Lords by the Steward aforesaid did in do?
grant to the said Edward Peppys the
aforesaid messuages barnes stables gardens
orchards and severall parcells of land & premises
with their appurtenances To have & to hold
the said messuages barnes stables gardens
orchards severall parcells of land & premises
with their and every of their appurtenances
unto the said Edward Peppys his heires and
assignes for ever by coppy of court roll att the
will of the Lords according to the custome of the
Mannor aforesaid by the severalll yearely rents
aforesaid and other securites? therefore due and
of right accustomed And the said Edward Pepys
was admitted tenant in forme aforesaid And
had seisin by the rods And ? fealty And the
said Edward fine for such admission of the
said Edward Peppys was imposed and sett by the
Steward aforesaid at xxx ? to bee paid at ?
- ↑ Admission: "Court Rolls, 1573-1586, 1653-1672" Manor of Ashtead. Court (Surrey)
Court Rolls, 1599-1684
Film 1042973 Items 1-2, image 34 (accessed 28 April 2023)
Admission of Edward Pepys to land in the Manor of Ashtead, Surrey.
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