Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Woodman
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Woodman
This page has been accessed 129 times.
DNA Chalkboard
- Genesis Triangulation of Selected Kits-- V0.3
- A660836 Michelle Bairfield Brooks (Base Kit and Relationship)
- A686341 Amanda Lowery Scarborough, 3C1R (still living, no public profile on Wikitree. Her father: James Lowery)
- MRCA: Ferdinand Pippin (her g-grandfather) ==> Mary Woodman, d/o Edward, Jr.
- H342289 Amanda Beauchamp 10C1R
- Amanda and James are 9C1R
- MRCA: Edward Woodman, Sr. by daughter Ruth Woodman.
- Chr20: 16.7cM (55,148,808-59,759,789)
- Two more kits match > 15.0cM in the same segment - unable to locate lineage on Wikitree.
- A037136 C Hoover
- A650935 W Beasley
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