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Diary of Anna (Edwards) Crisp

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Date: 1777 to 1790
Location: [unknown]
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Extracts from the Diaries of Anna Edwards, afterwards wife of Thomas Crisp of Rendlesham, Suffolk. Collections relating to the family of Crispe by Crisp, Frederick Arthur, 1851-1922 Page 32

oFebruary 28 1777, Aunt Green died, aged 52.
o April 4th made a visit to Cousin Greens.
o Anna Crisp went to School with Miss Death at Framlingham April, Monday the 30th 1792.
o Samuel Crisp Died January 27th 1784, Aged 77 in ye March. (Possible birth)[1]
oSamuel Crisp, Juner, Died Feb. 16, 1786. Aged 60.
o Sarah Crisp Died April 17th. Aged 82. 1795.
o March 13, 1776. Dined at Aunt Aldrich.
o Anna Edwards died November, Sunday 3rd 1782. Aged 64.
o Anna Grinling Born Augst 22nd 1718.
o John Edwards died November, Thursday 11, 1790, Aged 75. Buryed Nov 18 at Dennington. John Edwards Born December 19th 1714.
o November 17, 1782. Text, 103 Psalm, 14 and 15 verse, the Sunday senight after my mother was buried. At Dennington Church Nov. 28, 1790, ye same Text as above.
o March 18, 1776, Monday, Fran. Williams marri'd.
o I was married January 27th 1779
o Edwards Crisp was Born Friday, February 9, 1781. Cristn'd June 29th ‘81. Married Monday December 2nd 1805.
o Thomas Crisp Born Wednesday (6 o'clock in the afternoon) July 31,1782, at Melton.
o Anna Crisp Born Thursday April 8, 1784. Anna Crisp Married Tuesday Sept. 25th 1801 .
o John Edwards Married Monday Nov 10th 1783.
o July 28, 1776, Sunday. Went to Laxfield Church in the morning & dined at Uncle Grinlings.
o August 4th, 1776, Sunday. Robert Mayhew drown'd.
o Sunday May 5, 1776. Mrs Keer died.
o August 18th 1776, Sunday. Rev Wynn's Text, Psalm 103, Verse15, 16, a solem discourse being ye first time of Mr M. & family comeing to Church after ye mealancholy accident.
o James Edwards had possession at Wandsen October 10tg 1792. Married June 18th 1793-
o Mar. 30th 1794, Willm born.
o Came to Rendlesham October 10th 1782, ye workmen finished inside worke Saturday, January 26, 1783.
o Edwards & Thomas to Mr Fyn's Schoole at Woodbrige Novem. 24th1790.
o October 20, Sunday, 1776. Stephen Aldise dyed.

The Diaries of my great grandmother, from which the above extracts are taken, are in my possession. — F. A. C. (Frederick Arthur Crisp)


  1. "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:V5GB-T88 : 19 March 2020), Samuel Crisp, 1707.

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