Location: [unknown]
In the name of God Amen
I Randle Egerton of Betley in the County of Stafford Esqr being in good and perfect health and memory blessed bee God yet Considering the incerternety of this life Doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following
First I Commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God hopeing through the meritts of Christ to receive pardon and remission of all my Sinns And my body I committ to the earth to bee buried in the Abbey of Westminster where my monument is now erected is such manner as my Executors hereafter named shall thinke fitt
And for that personall estate which it hath pleased God to blesse mee withall I give and dispose the same as followeth
Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my deare beloved wife Elizabeth Egerton All my plate and Jewells and all my furniture and householestuffe and Implements of household of what nature or kind soever they bee which are now or shall bee at the tyme of my death in my house where I now dwell scituate in greate South hampton streete in the parish of St Giles in the Feilds in the County of Middx Together with my Coach and horses
And whereas by Indenture Tripartite bearing date the First day of May In the Five and Twentieth yeare of his now Majesties reigne and made betweene the late right Honorable Ann Viscountesse Bayneing deceased by the name of Anne Murray of St Paul Covent Garden in the County of Middx Widdow of the first part my selfe and Elizabeth my now wife of the second part Robert Peirpoint of the Towne of Nottingham Esqr and William Chetwin of Ridgley in the said County of Stafford Esqr of the Third part The said Robert Peirpoint and William Chetwin Stand intrusted for Sale of certeine Lands therein mentioned after the death of the now Earle of Oxford for the raiseing of Two Thousand pounds to bee paid unto mee within one yeare after the death of the said Earle or to such person or persons asa I should by any writing or by my last Will and Testament in writing nominate and appoint And I doe hereby give and bequeath the said Two Thousand pounds when it shall bee raised and all right and Interest therein unto my said beloved wife
Item I give and bequeath unto all my Children which shall bee liveing at the tyme of my death Tenne pounds a peece to buy them mourning
Item I give and bequeath unto my Nephew William Egerton Tenne pounds to buy him mourning
And I doe hereby Recommend and desire the care and education of my Children which I have by my now deare wife may be left to her and that shee may have a fitting allowance out of my estate and the provisions I have made for them to defray the charge thereof
I likewise desire and enjoyne my deare wife to bee aideing and assisting in her care and advice unto my daughter Diana my youngest daughter by my first Wife
Item all the rest and residue of my personall estate after my debts paid if I shall owe any and this my Will in all things performed I give and bequeath unto my sonne James Egerton but if hee shall happen to dye before mee Then I give such rest and residue of my said personall estate unto my daughter Ann and Jane and such other children as I shall have by my said wife and leave at the tyme of my death to bee equally divided amongst them
And of this my said Will I doe hereby make my Uncle Sir Henry Puckering alias Newton and my good friend John Thornicroft Esqr my Executors whom I doubt not will to the uttmost of their powers see my Will in all things performed to whom I give them Tenne pounds a peece to but them mourning
In witness whereof I have to this my last Will sett my hand and seale and published this to bee my last Will the Three and Twentieth day of June In the Three and Thirtieth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King Charles the second over England etc. Annoque Dmi One Thousand six hundred eighty one
Ran: Egerton
Signed sealed and published in the presence of John Thornicroft Edw Thornicroft Robert Ellis
Sexto die Mensis Martij Anno Dmi (Stylo Angliae) Millesimo Sexcentesimo Octogesimo primo Emanavit Commissio Elizabethae Egerton Viduae Relictae et Legatar in Testamento noiat Randle Egerton Armigeri defuncti etc. ......
Dno Henrico Puckering alias Newton Baronetto et Johanne Thornicroft Armigero Executoribus prius Renuntiantibus
Transcribed by Stephen Heathcote from probate records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury viewed on Ancestry.co.uk: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 369
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #732165 (accessed 19 April 2024)
Will of Randle Egerton, granted probate on 6 Mar 1681. Died about 1681 in Betley, Staffordshire, England.
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