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Elgey Family Bible

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 11 Oct 1804 [unknown]
Location: Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Elgey Elliott
Profile manager: Janet Wild private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 61 times.

This is a large family bible with hand-written notes in the front about births, weddings, and deaths.

This bible was entrusted to Janet Wild by Mary (Elgey) Langridge. The data that is in the bible is being included in these Web pages. The bible itself is currently stored at my home in England, it is a precious family heirloom, it is kept with another family bible for the future generations of our family.

The first entry in the Elgey bible is for Robert Elgey B 11th of October 1804 and his bride Mary Smith B 26th June 1805. They married on the 11th of September 1836. They had four children.

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