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Elizabeth L. Martin Dower Allotment Transcription

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 20 Feb 1836 to 18 Jul 1836
Location: Union, Kentucky, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Davis
This page has been accessed 35 times.

By virtue of an order of the County Court of Union County made at the November Term 1835 appointing us Commissioners to assign the Dower right of Elizabeth L. Martin widow and relict of Hudson Martin Dec’d in and to the real personal and mixed Estate of which he s’d Martin died seized and possessed. We the undersigned, three of the Commissioners named in said order, being first duly sworn have this day proceeded to assign the dower right of the said Elizabeth L. Martin, widow as aforesaid in and to the slaves only of which said Hudson Martin deceased died seized and possessed touching as this time no other part of the property or Effects, either Real personal a mixed and make the following assignment of the slaves To wit. We assign to the said Elizabeth L. Martin widow of the said Hudson Martin Dec’d Negro man Bob, Negro man Thomas, Negro woman Sophy, Negro Girl Hariett, and Negro child Julianne, she said Elizabeth L. Martin to pay to the children or slaves of s’d Hudson Martin Dec’d the sum of Twenty five Dollars her allotment or said negroes being valued to the sum over and above the one third, all of which proceedings we submit to the Honorable court & c. Given under our hands this 20th day of Feb’y 1836.
John L. Waggoner
C. B. Ross
E. R. Ashby

A Schedule of the Negroes of which the late Martin dec’d died seized and possessed as exhibited to us on the day aforesaid with their respective valuations from which we have made the foregoing allotment To wit.
Robert valued at $800.00
Washington valued at $800.00
Thomas valued at $400.00
Harrison valued at $750.00
Wiatt valued at $650.00
Jack valued at $100
Tabby valued at $550.00
Sophy valued at $200.00
Hamill valued at $550.00
Hannah valued at $500.00
Julian valued at $200.00
Samuel valued at $725.00
Total number slaves 12. Total amt. $6225.00
Given under our hands the day and date above
John L. Waggoner
C. B. Ross
E. R. Ashby

The Commonwealth of Kentucy, Union County Sct. This day John L. Waggoner & Enoch R. Ashby two of the Commissioners within named personally appeared before the undersigned a justice of the peace for the County aforesaid and took the oath prescribed by law as such. Given under my hand this 20th day of Feb’y 1836
C. B. Ross, J.P of U. Court

The Commonwealth of Kentucy, Union County Sct. This day Chas. B. Ross one of the Commissioners within named personally appeared before the undersigned a Justice of the peace in and for the County aforesaid and took the oath prescribed by law as such. Given under my hand this 20th day of Feb’y 1836.
E. R. Ashby J.P.U.C.

At a county court holden for Union County at the courthouse in Morganfield on the 18th day of July 1836. This Allottment of Dower to Elizabeth L. Martin, widow and relict of Hudson Martin Dec’d was returned into Court by the Commissioners and was by the court ordered to be recorded.
Attest James R. Hughes Clk U.C.C.

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