Location: Union, Georgia, United States [uncertain]
Surnames/tags: Martin Christopher Jones
- In January 2021, Ancestry User dboeh1 (David Boehmer, of Cleveland, TN), shared photocopies of these two pages on Ancestry, and messaged me about them. The images are poor, and the originals had obviously been badly torn and folded. The pre-printed header at the top of each page is FAMILY RECORD. There is a stamp, which looks like a US postmark, repeated three times. The stamp reads: US Pension Office JAN 18 1893, on one page, and US Pension Office Jan 21 1893 on the other page.
- It appears that the original paper document had been physically pasted back together improperly before it was photocopied. There appeared to be six fragments, which together made two (almost) complete pages. Recombining these in the computer gave a document that made more sense.
- This document is said to have come from the pension application of Burk Leander Jones’ widow, Elizabeth (Martin) Jones, for his service in the Indian wars. The original was said to be from the War Records of the National Archives, c. 2003.
- The dates of events recorded in the document range from 1803 to 1853. No locations are given in the document. Elizabeth Martin lived in Union County, Georgia. Her parents were born in North and South Carolina.
- The document was transcribed with more or less the original spelling. The writing was very unclear. The transcription likely has errors.
- Most of these Bible Records may have been written by Margaret (Headrick) Martin (abt.1805-aft.1880). This free space profile is named after her daughter, Elizabeth, who owned the Bible and submitted it to the Pension office in 1893.
- -Jamie Cox Jan 18, 2021, and 19 Jun 2021.
Transcription of Elizabeth Martin Family Bible Record
Family Record Births (Page A)
John Martin & Margrit Martin) was jind to gether in Holy Bond of Matrimony in Sept the 22 1821. — …and Nancy Rich was jind together in the Holy Bond of matramony March the 23, 1834.
B. L. Jones & Elizabeth Martin was joind together in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony the 31st day of March AD 1844.
John A Christopher & Sarah Martin was joined together in the holy bond of Matrimony the 9th April 1848.
John E Martin & Elisabeth Penl… (Penland?)… — (something missing ) …the 22nd 1851.
Georgiann Elisabeth Christopher was born Sept 25 AD 1851. Lonzo Fanando Christopher was born Aug 25th 1853.
Family Record Births (Page B)
…Names and birth days of John Martin…Margit.
John Martin was born March the 8th AD 1805
Margit Martin was bornd April the 30 AD 1803.
Absalom Martin was bornd July the 25th AD 1826.
John E Martin was bornd August the 18 AD 1829
Sary Martin was bornd May the 26th AD 1831.
J A Christopher was bornd Aug 18th 1824.
L T Christopher was Bornd April 20th (1847) (Year very questionable)
AdGod Teague was bornd Jun 29th 1847.
Elizon AdGod Teague was bornd December 29 1847.
Georgia ann Christopher was born 26 of Sept 1851. … Sary L. Jones was bornd Dec 18 1849.
Hirum W. Rich was borned Aprill the 9th 1851. —
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