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Ellen Davis To-Do List

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown]
Location: Indianamap
Surname/tag: Mahoney Lost and Found
Profile manager: Ellen Davis private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 50 times.

Here are the profiles Ellen Davis is currently working on. Can you help? My mother Martha Mahoney and my grandfather Chester Irvin Mahoney both from Indiana. My mother was born Sept. 22, 1925.

For tips see To-Do Lists. You might want to add a link on your profile like this: Ellen's current to-do list. I am currently planning a road trip in Sept and may go to Indiana. Any info I can gather between now and then would be greatly beneficial and appreciated. I have recently found where my grandparents are buried and would like to finally go pay my respects....

Name Birth Notes
Mahoney, Chester Irvin 1903-00-00 to-do
Yelton, Martha (Mahoney) to-do

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