Surnames/tags: Canada Smit Abrahamse
Dit is een verhaal (het is nog niets, ik ben er mee bezig) over het gezin Abrahamse - Smit.Apolonia Abrahamse, Willem Smit en hun drie zoons gingen in 1952 aan boord van SS - Waterman.
Het schip was een tot passagiersschip verbouwd troepentransportschip van het Victory-type, van stapel gelopen en gebruikt in WOII.
PROVENANCE Donated to Pier 21, July 5 2004, by Ed Smith. Ed Smith was born Adriaan Smit in 's-Heer Arendskerke, Netherlands on August 4, 1945. After the Second World War, he immigrated to Canada with his parents, Willem and Apolonia, and his brothers, Nicolaas and Marrinus. They travelled on board SS Waterman, sailing from Rotterdam on June 24, 1952 and arriving in Halifax on July 2, 1952. The family made their way west, initially bound for Winnipeg, Manitoba but eventually settling in the Regina area in Saskatchewan. The family changed their surname from Smit to Smith.
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