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England County Stats Processing

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England Project Page | England Counties Team | England Regional and County Statistics

This page outlines how to gather and publish the weekly regional and county stats for England.

NOTE: As at March 2023, the stats publishing process is being revised and automated. This page will be updated once this is complete.



Before you begin

1) Ensure you have a copy of the Wikitree Report Extract Numbers Tool (WRENT) software (Windows-only executable, available from Nic Donnelly). The software is not essential, all it does is automatically access every required webpage and copy the relevant number to a text file. This can be done manually, and this is how it was done until April 2021. For the England stats, 360 numbers are copied from 220 webpages, so it's a big timesaver!

2) Make sure the Google Sheets worksheet is set up to efficiently receive the output of WRENT and automatically generate the code for the stats tables. For the England Project, this involves creating a new sheet each week, by duplicating the "Template" worksheet and naming the new copy with the applicable date for that week in the form YYYYMMDD (eg 20230101 for the stats for the database extract on Sunday 1 January 2023).


1. Check that all required reports have been completed for the week, by checking one of each type from the county stats page. They are usually available on Wednesday or Thursday each week.

2. Make sure that the folder in which you wish to process the stats contains the latest version of the executable wrent.exe and at least one of the two associated configuration files cfg_loc_codes.txt and cfg_wt_plus_urls.txt, and that these configuration files contain the desired locations/links.

3. Run wrent.exe (Wikitree Report Extract Numbers Tool) by double-clicking it. This will open a command window to display messages as the processing progresses. The process takes about 25 minutes for England. An output csv file (prefixed “out_”) is produced for the number of profiles, suggestions, new suggestions, unconnected, new unconnected, unsourced and new unsourced (if cfg_loc_codes.txt is present) and a wikitree-plus output file (if cfg_wt_plus_urls.txt is present). Note that any existing output files will be overwritten. The sequence of numbers in the output file corresponds to the sequence of locations or URLs in the relevant configuration file.

4. Open the county stats spreadsheet.

5. Select-all (Ctrl + A), copy (Ctrl + C) and paste-special (Ctrl + Shift + V) the contents of each csv file into the appropriate column in the spreadsheet. The active cell for the paste-special command for each column is coloured light blue (cells C4, F4, I4, L4, O4, R4, T4, W4). This automatically populates the cells needed for the tables.

6. Copy and paste-special (Ctrl + Shift + V) everything in cells A57:F63 (light grey) to cells H57:M63 (light red). The active cell for the paste-special command should be H57.

7. Open Regional and County Stats page in edit mode

8. In “Explain your changes” enter “Updated stats for database extract of YYYY-MM-DD”

9. Highlight the contents of the all-England stats cell (H57, light red), copy the contents (Ctrl+C), and paste into the appropriate space in the free-space-profile (do not just click on the cell and copy and paste it, the formatting will not fully carry over, you need to highlight the actual text within the cell, copy it, then past to the free-space-profile)

10. Similarly, copy over the contents of the England Unknown County cell (H58, light red) to the appropriate space free-space-profile

11. Similarly, copy over the contents of the "total" and "new" stats cells for each region to the appropriate place on the free-space-profile. For example, for Northern England, copy the "total" stats from cell H60 and paste into the "Northern England" table. Then copy the "new" stats from cell H63 into the "Northern England: Profiles Improved in Week Prior to Date of Update" table.

12. Save the free-space-profile


  • The "Suggestions" number is taken from the "Suggestions" table, rather than the Suggestions report as a whole (which contains 5 separate tables). It is this table which contains the errors and suggestions that are the primary focus for the England County teams.



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